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Jury Trial !!! NO PLANES *ever* hitting *any* WTC & directed energy weapons used in WTC distruction.

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posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 01:49 PM
ONLY a directed energy weapon could account for the effects we see on the Towers. Nothing else can account for it. All of the ' anomalies ' that scream ouit " I am EVIDENCE " such as molten steel in the basement levels, the TOTAL dustification of all the concrete and other water bearing elements , ( paper survived ), the SPIRE turing to dust right in front of us in real time; massive 36" X 16 " steel structures tapering upward but still robust enough at it's thinnest point to sustain the fires seen simply TURING TO DUST !! That alone is a sure sign of a force so directed and energetic that no other explanation can come close.

Space based is the most likley; Mr. Lear, what is your take on the possibility of the USAF having craft that can cloak in daylight and deliver the same weapons from a Stealth type craft? Would an aircraft have the energy needed not only for cloaking but to deliver the effects seen? I admit it seems a streatch and makes the space based more likley still.

We have all seen the video of the UFO being ' shot at ' out in space and turning a 180 and splitting just a second before an obvious beam from earth flashes upward right where the UFO was; if they had the ability back then to deliver an effective beam aganist a space based target like a UFO, then certainly in this dau and age they could reverse it and do the same from space. After all, what is the point of Star Wars if youi are not able to direct energy offensively?

Interesting subject and I believe Mr. Lear is pretty much on track; at least no better alternatives have been shown to have more value than his judgements.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 02:24 PM
Originally posted by Copernicus

One thing that have always bothered me about the beam weapon theory is that they did actually find molten steel in the wreckage after the north building. From what Ive read about the beam weapons, they pulverize steel. It doesnt seem they make it melt. But I could of course be wrong about that.

Directed energy melts steel and pulverizes concrete. Steel is not pulverized.

Then its the issue of explosives in the buildings. Those would on the other hand explain the molten steel, but why would they have explosives in the building if they were going to use a beam weapon?

Although the Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) High Energy Lasers could weaken and in some cases melt the steel, the steel had to be cut in 30 foot lengths for shipping. So the controlled demolition had to insure that all the steel girders were cut by thermite or other means into manageable lengths that could easily be loaded on trucks and shipped out of the country before somebody got wise and wanted to inspect each cut on the steel beams and how they all happened to be in cut in perfect 30 foot lengths.

The Directed Beam Weapon (DEW) High Energy Lasers was to pulverize the concrete and everything else within the World Trade Center includuing the 3000 Americans.

Clear it up for someone who is confused. Help your fellow man.

One thing those who perpetrated 911 (for whatever unknown reasons) didn't figure on was that anybody would ever figure out how they did it.

They thought that their secret space station with the Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) High Energy Laser aboard was an iron clad secret. They went to enormous and unbelievable lengths to keep it secret.

They counted on the ignorance and stupidity of the average American.

And in that they made their fatal mistake. So begins the exposure of the biggest act of teason in the history of the United States of America. And that is an opinion. That is my opinion.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by Copernicus

If you are going to use energy directed weapons, what better way to distract the sheep then to create conflicting testimonies even those of explosions. The way I see it, the orchestrator of 9/11 knew that people would question things so for fail safe, create the notion of explosions in the building, distracting you from the more important anomalies.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

They counted on the ignorance and stupidity of the average American.

And in that they made their fatal mistake. So begins the exposure of the biggest act of teason in the history of the United States of America. And that is an opinion. That is my opinion.

Im not in favor of the death penalty, but if anyone really deserves it, its the people behind this.

Thanks for clearing up beam weapon effects vs steel and concrete.

Originally posted by souls

If you are going to use energy directed weapons, what better way to distract the sheep then to create conflicting testimonies even those of explosions. The way I see it, the orchestrator of 9/11 knew that people would question things so for fail safe, create the notion of explosions in the building, distracting you from the more important anomalies.

Well yeah, before I knew about the beam weapons, I had my mind set on explosives as well. There are even scientific reports saying that nothing besides "explosives and cutter charges" could take these buildings down.

Guess they didnt take into account beam weapons. And it also explains how the building could go down at free fall speed.

[edit on 14-9-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 02:54 PM
well not only in freefall speed, but from top to bottom.
if the 100.000 tons of debris of the twin towers would had fallen on the´bathtub´underneath, this would have gotten much more damage as it actually got . didn´t . and that means, that the destroyers of the towes did know that, because then, the Hudson River would have flodded whole Mahattan.
and that would have been a little bit´ too much´.
it didn´t. it was pulverized.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 03:09 PM

Although this is a very controlled setting, the technology amazes me.


[edit on 033030p://1415 by souls]

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 08:22 PM

.. DUSTIFICATION ... high energy source ... Judy Woods pics ....
( )

You have a good understanding of the demolition part.

Holographics IMHo are not possible. I wonder whether they had a huge number of agents that controlled every VIDEO filmer, because THINK ABOUT IT, only video can prove noplane. You see, if you take a photo of the explosion, well, the "plane" is already "in" (click here (search for HANDSCHUH)

If you take a photo of the tower without explosion, well, the "plane" has no yet arrived. So photos are not a problem.

As you can see in September Clues, VIDEOS (Bri and ???) were taken, but the instant that should show a plane was CUT OUT (.. but sound, sirens continue).

The Hezarkhani video was apprehended, so were all others. I thing EVERYONE who took video footage had his tape confiscated "to help find the terrorists"!

Of course the videos were then selected for "plane insertion/subject clearance".

The authors were forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Hezarkhani is to afraid to talk about it, like most others.

The psychology is important to mention in this respect. Just say Guantanamo!

Like german CONCENTRATION CAMPS, i.e. everyone knows, everyone is afraid, people are easier to rule, evidence easier to suppress. Only today the threats are more multimedia.

Back on topic:

Very few photos show incriminating things. I was able to save the David Thom photo showing the energy-weapon in action before it was take off the net. Another of his photos shows a jet fly-by.

Also, I now realise that the fireball that Patricia Ondrovic talked about
"I saw two other planes. One came in one way, and the other came in the other way, and there was a plane in the middle that was way far off in the distance. Then the plane in the middle just disappeared into a little fire ball. It looked like the size of a golf ball from where I could see it."
... may have been the same event that David Thom caught.

I am ready to believe that there were no planes but not without a better grasp of holographics during daylight and the fact that the associated sounds of jets were heard and recorded at the time of the strikes. How could the sounds have been done?

Have you watched September Clues? It shows the soundtrack of one of the videos strangly matching a internet-video tunnel-crash.
HERE is a 300meg RAR file that burns directly to Video CD! Watch it on the sofa with your mates!

The fact remains that only people at the VERY highest levels of our political/military/industrial bureaucracies could have pulled this off;

Correct! Let's NAME NAMES, shall we? Henry Hugh Shelton.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 08:35 PM

... while Poppa and the old time shadow govt. boys made sure that profts would flow and war would never end and the much anticipated war against the Muslims could commence, thereby fulfiling the mandates for the beginings of the religious scenarios that the Neocon right wing rapture crazy millenialists crave so desperately.

well observed. However any mention of religion is ALREADY a bumsteer.

John Hagee and his Israel worshipping sheep are beside themselves promoting strikes against anyone who will insure that the great Armageddon comes as soon as possible. They actually believe that all this evil they do is a necessary part of the end time scenarios and that they are the herald of the new man; the fact that they will get most of us killed in the process is nothing but a minor matter to them;' collateral damage ' is the price that WE pay for sleeping while our nation was highjacked by the Neocon/Israel maniacs; as long as Monday Night Football keeps playing, the average American drooler will never hear the clarion calls until they are beating down their own doors.

Wow, I actually had to look that up... I have moved to a peaceful country at the end of the world and miss out on the 160 TV channels that carry Hagee. Although I am sure his mind-control has arrived on our shores, too.

Fire and brimstone, huh? Fear, huh? Anti-enlightenment .... that we increasingly have to tolerate, mainly because our COUNTRY has been robbed of the means to make FREE SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS, because the corporatist system needs to kill its anti-thesis, its competition, THE COMMON GOOD.

Just imagine if we had free japanese steam-baths and film-evenings in free super-modern public fun-palaces ... there would be no need to go to see hollywood crap or watch TV and we would be educated enough not to elect paid agents.

So please, even though it is counter-intuitive, please support politicians.
The right ones have to be brave, they risk getting murdered if they refuse to sell out. They need OUR support.

We need to organise our society. Some of you will have to learn the basics, still. HERE is the speed-lecture for you. Invest the hour!

TAKE COURAGE. 911-research is a positive and sexy subject, check out the babes:

[edit on 14-9-2007 by u2r2h]

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 10:55 PM
hello well after much extensive research i must say that john lear is right, they did use DEW (direct energy weapons) I have included proof below of govnt docs explaining this technology please click link and also since i cannot copy the chart into here please go see the chart at the bottom of page 9 in this pdf. There was also bombs in the building like he said were used to further make sure the buldings were fully taken down plus to cut the beams into managable moving pieces being how long and thick they were

thermite was 100% used in the wtc because thats the only explosive that will cut such thick beams and then leave molten steal at the bottom, just google search "thermite found in wtc" and you will see the professor that tested debris samples and found thermite in the dust, that justs case closed proof all in itself there. well here is the proof of the beams, and i have included the govnt document also below.

Typically, a military system classifies two types of attacks as possibilities. Firstly,
the so-called “soft kill” attack is considered to be the one that can blur satellite cameras,
destroy electronic systems or even degrade the solar arrays performance. With this type
of attack, a satellite continues to stay on orbit but is no longer able to provide any useful
information. In contrast, “hard kill” attack occurs when total destruction of the target is
expected. The type of attack selected each time depends upon the mission requirements.
In the absence of specific requirements, we can assume that the attack with the best
effectiveness on the target is the “hard kill” attack, as it gives us immediate feedback of
the damage of the targeted satellite.
In order to vaporize a material, a sufficient amount of heat has to be deposited on
it and for specific time duration. Figure 4 summarizes the general thermal properties of
the common metals that are used in the analysis and design of satellites. It may be
observed from the last column, that an amount of 10,000 joules of energy would be
adequate to vaporize most common materials. This is a good all purpose damage
criterion, useful as a measure of the amount of energy a ground-based laser (GBL)
weapon needs to deliver in order to damage a satellite.


[edit on 15-9-2007 by K-illuminati]

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 12:19 AM

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 04:19 AM
john lear
Directed energy melts steel and pulverizes concrete. Steel is not pulverized.

john, what do you think of the vanishing steel beam on Dr Judy Woods site?

..nice PDF, surely looks interesting cutting this huge beams just witch a torch..

the main argument for DEW for me is, what I posted above.
the pulverisation assured that Manhattan wouldn´t be flooded.

[edit on 15-9-2007 by anti72]

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 10:32 AM
Originally posted by anti72

john, what do you think of the vanishing steel beam on Dr Judy Woods site?

I think I have been asleep at the switch.

thanks for the heads up anti72.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 10:37 AM
If only James Bond has infiltrated the villian's lair earlier, he'd have prevented the whole thing!

I guess the advantage of having an imaginary weapon bring down the WTC is that you can make it do whatever you want, thereby explaining all the evidence?

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by Essan

You you think he could have brought his mirror to reflect the space beam BACK to the evil space station and therfore blow that up?

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
Originally posted by anti72

john, what do you think of the vanishing steel beam on Dr Judy Woods site?

I think I have been asleep at the switch.

thanks for the heads up anti72.

hi John,

I think its an interesting site, but in this video I didn´t get a very good impression of her..


[edit on 15-9-2007 by anti72]

[edit on 15-9-2007 by anti72]


posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 01:00 PM
Mr Lear,
On another thread you stated unequavically it was a directional nuclear weapon. Now it is a DEW? Why the change?

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by six
Mr Lear,
On another thread you stated unequavically it was a directional nuclear weapon. Now it is a DEW? Why the change?

Because John will say whatever the sheeple want him to say
That's the job of a disinformationist .....

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 04:11 PM
Originally posted by six

Mr Lear,
On another thread you stated unequavically it was a directional nuclear weapon. Now it is a DEW? Why the change?

I was wrong. Tom Bedlam was correct. It was not a nuclear weapon. Now I unequivically think it was a Directed Energy Weapon.

My thoughts and suspicions are good up to midnight Pacific time. If they are not changed or modified they are good for another day unless changed or modified herein.


posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 04:45 PM
Mr. Lear,

I've been thinking about your 'no-planes' and DEW theory. Do you believe the explosions were holographic, or were they for real?

If they were real, I thought of a useful tool that I haven't seen online or anywhere... If I had the editing know-how, I'd do it myself.

Here's the idea:

Take footage from a still camera on that day and, frame by frame, take the airplanes out of the footage. I imagine this can be done via layering and such. That way, we could study the explosions themselves without any distraction given by the planes. We could see the explosion and how it behaves without the context of an airplane hitting the building.

Anyone seen anything like this?

EDIT: A question just occurred to me of a different light... If you were going to hit the buildings with DEW, why bother with all the holographic planes and such and just crash airplanes into the building? Obviously they were not concerned for loss of life, so why not just actually hijack some planes and send them into the building, rather than trying to create a giant hologram?...a scenario that seems full of possible problems for the perpetrators, such as what if the hologram failed mid-way through the show?

[edit on 15-9-2007 by WeaponsOfMassDistraction]

[edit on 15-9-2007 by WeaponsOfMassDistraction]

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 06:59 PM
Originally posted by WeaponsOfMassDistraction

EDIT: A question just occurred to me of a different light... If you were going to hit the buildings with DEW, why bother with all the holographic planes and such and just crash airplanes into the building? Obviously they were not concerned for loss of life, so why not just actually hijack some planes and send them into the building,

Far too risky. Do you have any idea how difficult is is to hit a building at 500 mph. You might miss the first time and all these explosions would be going off while you are circling back for another try. And why waste a good airplane? Those things are expensive!!! They were only trying to subvert a nation. Sure the people in the WTC were expendable but lets not overdo it. For instance take a look at the passenger list of those airplanes. You don't think they are going to harm all those military and industrial complex guys do you? Heck no. But the civilians in the WTC, hey man...cannon fodder. This is war and war is hell!

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