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Government Stolen Children

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posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 05:51 PM
Government stolen Children.

This right-wing fascist government has not only made war on gay families, but has made war on any family that is not the traditional "Christian" family. I am glad they were not as strong when I was growing up. My mother raised me alone, and her mother raised her and her three siblings alone. Neither of them had a choice but I do. I choose to raise my daughter myself on my own income without shopping for "step-daddies" in which instances children (both genders) can be molested or worse. The Child Pilfering System has come against me and mothers like me because we Dare to believe we can be self-sufficient. We should get together as a class and sue and shut this farcical system down once and for all. Any brave legal organizations willing to take this up, I'm willing to lend my name likeness and whatever else necessary to represent these moms.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by DocMechanic

So, just to get this straight, you refuse to bring in a potentially loving father to your daughter's life because you're afraid of her getting molested?

Just asking

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 06:01 PM

It is blood sport for any do gooder social worker nowadays.

It is also the first resort of people with grudges to make wild false allegations. It is uniquely interesting that wherever there are allegations of child abuse the presumtion of innocence is reversed.

I am sorry but laws of natural justice don't work in reverse.

The Courts and law enforcement don't get it right. they don't investigate properly and bending the law to accommodate sloppy investigation is not an answer.

More kids are damaged by high handed interventions than are harmed by the original parents.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 06:14 PM

So, just to get this straight, you refuse to bring in a potentially loving father to your daughter's life because you're afraid of her getting molested?

Uh ... sorry Bigbert81. I didn't read the above post slowly enough took the wrong understanding and fired from the hip. OOPS

Uh, look DocMechanic, kids have two parents and you made that choice when you opened your legs. Live with it.

Kids love both parents and have a right to know both parents. You don't own your kid. One day your kid will understand the great evil you are doing by alienating the other parent. Your child will rebel against you and you will shrivel up and die all alone.

I have seen mothers like you who poison their child against the absent parent. Yours is the worst kind of evil. Psychological abuse.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by bigbert81
reply to post by DocMechanic

So, just to get this straight, you refuse to bring in a potentially loving father to your daughter's life because you're afraid of her getting molested?

Just asking

I was wondering this to. Seems like a line of relationship problems... maybe you wouldn't need to .. ahem .. "shop" for "step daddies" .. if you had your kid with a good guy to begin with? Ah. But all men are pigs..

And just so I understand this, like this person said, you refuse to let your kid have a father?

And .. to further understand.. you think Bush is ordering child molesters to date single mothers? ....... or that it is a right wing agenda? ...... that .. is what you said correct?

And whats this got to do with "stolen" children? I don't get it..

If anything, the government HELPS you. Last I check I don't get thousands in aid I don't deserve from hard working families in Tax Returns because I lacked the sensibility to at the very least use protection and NOT BREED.

But if you do go through unstable relationships and pop out a few kids and carry on the cultural norm of absolute family dysfunction we have to pay you. Your right. The government system DOES need to be fixed.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by sy.gunson

Well thank you. After studying Psychology in college, I do ever so strongly feel that a child's mental/emotional state will be better, long and short term if they have 2, count 'em 2 loving parents.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 06:29 PM
Bigbert81 I shot from the hip because I have my own hang ups and issues. I reacted out of my own prejudices to the system before I properly read and understood what the post was saying.

In terms of psychology using the child as a weapon to hurt an ex is the gravest form of child abuse. I and my child are a victim of it.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by sy.gunson

Shoot, I'm sorry to hear that. That is one of the coldest things I can think of someone doing to another, something I don't know I would/could handle. I hope you're able to work it out here in the near future.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 06:41 PM
Thanks Bigbert81. My son was beaten and assualted by his mother for three years. She had a history of marijuana abuse and taking large doses of steroids for her asthma. She has a suspected psychosis but the Courts will not look at the evidence. Child welfare refused for years to investigate and then were finally pushed to make belated enquiries.

Authorities reported to the courts that there was no evidence for my concerns. Now I have my son's file I can read that the New Zealand authorities actually had admissions from the mother but lied to the Courts to conceal the admission because the social workers were themselves ardent feminists.

To cap it all I have been falsely cast in the role of allegedly trying to use my son as a weapon. I get whiplash from the mind games involved.

Often in these cases you find that mental illness is at the core of this. I don't know Docmechanic, but it would not be too far off the truth to suggest her views are obviously unbalanced.

I don't think she is looking at the issues from the interests of her child but rather from her own.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by sy.gunson

Well once again due to your issues you're judging a single mother and accusing her of abuse. Yeah maybe she should have as you so nicely put it kept her legs closed but maybe men need to keep their pants zipped if they aren't willing to live up to their obligations. Have you maybe thought of that?

I hope for your son's sake that he is safely away from the danger his mother represents but you need to get some help for yourself. Got news for you not all single mothers keep their kids from the father. Sometimes the father refuses to stay in contact with their kids until its convenient for them. And here is another news flash for you most divorced parents manage to get along with one another for the sake of the kids.

I suspect that you need to get some counseling to get over your so obvious hate of women in general. That's no more healthy then a woman hating men because of one.

By the way Rockpuck not all single parents on welfare are women and by the way I'm a single parent and I've never been on welfare and my daughter is doing just fine in school and life in general.

Gentlemen I think you all need to remember when you point a finger at some one look down and see how many fingers are pointing right back at you.

Children have two parents but unfortunately not always are both parents willing to live up to their obligations. Children should be in the custody of the parent most able to be an effective parent but both parents where possible should be involved with the child. Obviously in Sy's case his ex should not be allowed to have contact with the child until and if her problems are resolved and then the contact should be limited and supervised. Of course, he should also be in counseling to resolve his issues before he's the one left alone and withered.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by DocMechanic

I'll say as quickly as the next person single mothers aren't the source of all evil but not all men who date single mothers are child molesters. Matter of fact most men like most women are pretty darn nice. You know I raised my daughter by myself and never had an issue with CPS most single parents in general don't. Get over thinking men and the government is out to get you. They aren't.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 10:33 AM
I raised BOTH of my Daughters.. BY MYSELF...

Tough on a Cops salary, but not impossible with sacrifices and LOTS of friends.


I'm a MAN......

They are both now in college and doing fine in case your wondering...

I dated as well, but I was always careful about who I allowed into their lives until I met the woman I am married to now.


posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by DocMechanic
This right-wing fascist government has not only made war on gay families, but has made war on any family that is not the traditional "Christian" family.

It might interest you to know that Child Protective Services is the child of and is administered by Social Workers who are left-wing facists and they hate Chirstian values as much as you do.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 01:59 PM

It isn't easy being a single parent no matter if you're male or female. I'm sure your daughter's are doing great. Kudos to you and like you I thank God for the friends and Seagull all of whom I couldn't have done without. Seagull was a huge part of my daughter's life and still is. He provided the male influence and love her father refused to provide. Now, however, I'm happy to say her father has come back into her life and it's my hope that they will develop a good loving relationship.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by GradyPhilpott

Not all social workers are left wing; my daughter works with CPS in conjunction with her job in Equine Assisted Therapy. Most social workers that I know are doing the best they can with the resources they have. I know from working as a volunteer cook that they would much prefer to keep families together but it's isn't always possible. No child should be left with parents who beat and molest them. My daughter has worked with troubled children and their parents since she was a senior in high school and there is always celebration when a family gets reunited and works. It's a tough job and I'll be honest I don't think I could do what my daughter does.

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