posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 09:47 PM
Howdy Mystery_Lady,
You ask a question that I am hearing more and more often. In the past, I always maintained that if you do not vote then you have no right to gripe
about what happens. I still believe this but since the (s)election of 2000 and the sorry spectacle of 2004 and the advent of computer voting machines
with no paper trail and hence, no way of confirming the votes, there does seem to be reason to doubt the effectiveness of our vote.
But, always remember this --- there are more good people in the USA than there are devious and corrupt people who want to control us. If we would
simply wise up and then rise up, we can make a difference, now and in the future. But this will entail reaching a large swath of the American public
who are now caught in the Matrix created by the electronic mass media. This media control is firmly in the hands of self-styled globalists whose
agenda is to destroy the United States as a sovereign, wealthy and independent nation.
With the 2008 election soon upon us, the picture looks grim. Both the leading Republican and Democratic candidates are carbon copies of each other and
none seem willing to even fully address the real issues facing America. Plus they are all part of the same system which got us into the mess we’re
in today. There is a reason for this. Globalist and former head of the Federal Reserve System (which is neither part of the Federal Government nor has
any money reserves) Paul Volcker once summed it up this way, “We control them both.”
Is the situation hopeless? No. One glimmer of hope is Republican candidate Ron Paul who not only addresses the real issues but speaks openly of a
return to constitutional government. Paul is one of the only members of Congress to turn down the perks, special privileges and expensive junkets
offered by lobbyists. As a medical doctor, he understands the plight of many Americans caught in a broken healthcare system and faced with outrageous
drug prices. He appears to truly care for the people of this country.
You may not agree with everything that Ron Paul says, but here is a chance to test, if not right, the system. If everyone would vote for Ron Paul and
he still loses, then everyone would know that our elections are rigged. If he is assassinated or dies under unusual circumstances, then we would know
this was a conspiracy and there would a massive cry for true justice. And, on the off chance that he is elected, we could see what happens under true
constitutional government. One thing is for certain --- Ron Paul could not possibly be worse than our last few presidents.
So vote and vote for Ron Paul. But, more importantly, get out and talk to your friends, family and neighbors. Make them see that this may be the last
chance they have to vote for the United States of America. For if any one of the leading globalist candidates gets in office, we will soon be citizens
of the North American Union.
Jim Marrs