posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 09:17 AM
I could'nt agree more. Sure we have had terror in the 70s and 80s. I grew up in the cold war. However i do feel things are getting dangerously out of
control. I mean my God, Osama with the Bomb? That is frigtening indeed. I promise you if Osama/Al Quidea harms my family i will personally see to it
they will regret that. Its not a threat but a promise. These people do not give a dime about relgion but using that as an excuse to spread their
terrorist beleifs.
Getting back on topic, i have to agree that the petty wars and violence has to stop. Enough is enough. And if that means an ailen landing then i
say bring it on. I know that there is an arguement that they would not interfere in our development etc. Fair enough but just to give humanity a
public wave and say yoo hoo we are here should be sufficent to make us all reassess ourselves. It is time Humanity grew up.
Only today i was in the bath and i thought to myself if i could be UN Chief for the week or something like that i would call in all the world
leaders to my office and say something like "Listen pal (think of a rude word of your choosing !) i am sick and tired of your squabbling. You are
here to work out a viable settlement or else you will not leave this room for another week. Navie? I dont think so. Why do i say that? Cause noone has
had the guts to try that!
PEACE NOW PLEASE! Or else we will find Planet Earth a pile of Cosmic rubble akin to the asteriod belt.