posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 08:01 AM
Ok guys and gals I was watching the TV show Mythbusters tonight and one of their projects took them to the NASA AMES centre at Moffett field in
California. They were using one of the giant old airship hangars from the 1930's to conduct an experiment. In the background partway down the huge
hangar, I briefly spotted a medium sized STOL type aircraft I didn't recognise. It appeared to be about the size of an An-72-74, and had a simmilar
layout. It had a high wing, upper wing mounted engines a la the aformentioned An-72 or the prototype Boeing YC-14 of the 1970's. I assume that like
these it was relying upon Upper Surface Blowing (USB) to gain its STOL capabillities, hence the upper wing engine layout. Now the tricky part here is
that the aircraft appeared to have TWO engines per wing, NOT one. As far as I remember the US has not produced a high wing, high engine USB style STOL
type transport with four engines.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what it might be? Sorry I dont have any pictures.