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Where the heck did all the people go, then?

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posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Leyla

I saw the Challenger explode on tv. So far as I know that teacher could be still alive since she wasn't reported to th SS office.

So the planes didn't crash nor did the Challenger explode- just another brain washing trick by the US government.

BWAHAHAHAHAHH...there you have it folks !

This is what most skeptics like to point out... CT'ers ask questions.... you give them answers....then they either move the goal posts or cry BRAIN WASHED! SHILL! SHEEPLE!

So now the government made the Space Shuttle blow up on live television...with BRAIN WASHING.. WOW they ARE good!

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Wizard_In_The_Woods
A year ago, most of the passenger names didn’t show up in the social security death index records. The records may have been more ‘updated’ by now. But see for yourself. Here’s an example of a search engine.

I wouldn't put too much faith in the social security death index. When I was 16 and filed for my first tax returns, I didn't get them for months. After calling social security a few times, and sorting out the problem, it turned out that I had the social security number of a man who was long essentially, he never showed up as "deceased" in their system, and they were working on sending my social security check to a long dead least 16 years deceased. So yeah...keep that in mind if you want to put stock in the social security system for your argument.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 03:39 PM
I must say I'm not sold on the no-planes theory regarding the two towers. I am sold on the theory that they were planned demolitions in conjunction with the plane crashes. I don't believe the passengers on the planes ( if there were any ) had to know anything. They would have been among the dead at the end of the day. Eye witness accounts ( so i've heard and read from several sources, sorry if I can't produce them right now, I'm sure this site can help with that ) claim to have heard several explosions in the towers, consistent with a planned demo. Also, like "Loose Change" pointed out, there have been several incidents of planes crashing into skyscrapers and burning for much longer than what happened on 9/11 and yet those skyscrapers still stand.
Ultimately, I believe our gov't was instrumental in setting this tragedy up to give themselves the green light to invade anyone they considered connected to terrorists. It's all part of the NWO plan - force all the nations to go along with us politically and economically, much like the Soviet Union was attempting during the Cold War. Makes me sick.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 03:50 PM
Did it ever occur to anyone that the "other explosions" were planted by Al Queda as well? Why does this have to be a U.S. cover up? Al Queda had already tried taking the towers down from below years earlier. Does it not make sense that they figured they needed a little extra impact (the planes) to take them down?

Not to mention that the towers buckled from the top, and collapsed down. Had the explosions at the bottom have been responsible for the collapse, the building would have collapsed from the bottom, and most likely tipped to one side or another...kinda like the leaning tower of Piza.

[edit on 10-9-2007 by Jaruseleh]

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 03:59 PM
I personally believe there was a planned terror attack for 9/11 by terrorists. The catch is the CIA knew about it and it went all the way to the white house. The reason they let it happen was because the war on terror needed the whole world to be involved which would include all financial institutions and other law enforcement activities. The only way to fight global terror is on a global scale. The problem at the time was getting everyone to work together against a rising threat. 3,000 would need to die in order to save many more.

The really sad part of this all is they let it happen and those in the know made put options on the stock market that it would fall. They got rich off the blood of thousands of Americans and the continued war that followed. They are still getting rich through contracts.

I would not rule out the government planting explosives around the area before the even. Some for insurance money and others for a massive shock and Awe with the fall of those buildings. The Terror came from two sources. 1.The terrorists themselves 2. The government. We as Americans are getting screwed from both ends.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
BWAHAHAHAHAHH...there you have it folks !

This is what most skeptics like to point out... CT'ers ask questions.... you give them answers....then they either move the goal posts or cry BRAIN WASHED! SHILL! SHEEPLE!

So now the government made the Space Shuttle blow up on live television...with BRAIN WASHING.. WOW they ARE good!

Oh my bad... I was wrong to think our government would never do anything to deceive us. Not even on 9-11.

Our government can do anything it wishes to if the people allows them to. Why do you think they have so many secrets.

Maybe one in a thousand someone will slip through the cracks. But I will keep looking. I just find it hard to believe that so many slipped through.

Think I know the deal- I did a check of a name at the WTC and got a hit. When a person is confirmed dead then the death is reported.

Knowing good and well that the people on the flights clearly didn't survive.. Why didn't they get reported?

Like I said there is more then meets the eye here.

[edit on 9/10/2007 by Leyla]

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 06:10 PM
So if planes didn't crash into the wtcs then what were those big plane looking things that we can clearly see crashing into them?

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by cloakndagger

That is the most logical post I have read yet in this thread, personally i have been see-sawing between the conspiracy theories and the official story ever since I joined ATS and began researching 9/11, right now I find myself going along mostly with cloakndagger's outlook however I still believe there was high llevel complicity from the goverment and military in these attacks and many many questions still need to be answered.
Back on topic from the O.P's original question, having watched that documentary just last night which included the african american lady who spoke to I think Todd Beamer and other family members who received phonecalls from their loved ones before disaster occurred makes it hard for me to seriously doubt the possibility that there were no planes or passengers that day.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 06:41 PM
Oh, and lets not forget that most of the so called hi-jackers are still alive and wondering why the pictures of them hijacking exist?

There's too much going on here to get a grip on the whole situation, if you ask me.
You wonder why there are conspiracies? You wonder why most people smell a rat? You wonder why most people now beleive another boogey-man-day is right around the corner?

The planes that hit the towers did not have any windows like passenger jets. Where are the "real" jets loaded with people?
Not one of them would change their lives for the sake of a government lie, at least not many, that's for sure. If we knew the REAL deal here, and it turned out to be foul play like we beleive it is, there would most certainly have been a civil war and a few assasinations by now!

But since its just educated speculation, and i might add, very educated, well analyzed speculation, but we dont really KNOW the real truth, we go on talking and discovering more and more each day- and when the other shoe falls, by God, it will, we will have some knowledge of where, why and how it got here and why so many more thousands are dead- but, we will never know the real truth.
I feel about the 9/11 conspiracy like i do about God. I know he exists, i just dont know how or why or what it all means- but i know he exists.
I also know 9/11 happened and an evil power caused it, i just dont have anything tangible i can point at and say "I know who did it and i can prove it"

So we move on speculating......

And hoping for a better tomorrow that isnt looking so good....

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Oh, and lets not forget that most of the so called hi-jackers are still alive and wondering why the pictures of them hijacking exist?

There's too much going on here to get a grip on the whole situation, if you ask me.
You wonder why there are conspiracies? You wonder why most people smell a rat? You wonder why most people now beleive another boogey-man-day is right around the corner?

The planes that hit the towers did not have any windows like passenger jets. Where are the "real" jets loaded with people?

That hardly seems fair does it? They killed the passengers on the planes but the Terrorists get to live?

Life isn't fair sometimes.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 07:05 PM
Yes the shuttle Challenger did blow up, I saw it live here in Florida as many others did.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Oh, and lets not forget that most of the so called hi-jackers are still alive and wondering why the pictures of them hijacking exist?

There's too much going on here to get a grip on the whole situation, if you ask me.
You wonder why there are conspiracies? You wonder why most people smell a rat? You wonder why most people now beleive another boogey-man-day is right around the corner?

The planes that hit the towers did not have any windows like passenger jets. Where are the "real" jets loaded with people?
Not one of them would change their lives for the sake of a government lie, at least not many, that's for sure.

I certanly wouldn't. Those people never knew or never had the chance...I think they are dead as Dgtempe states or they were wisked away somewhere. Who knows where maybe area 51 or Dulce base.

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Simulacra
I remember watching loose change and hearing the statement that the passengers on the two planes did indeed land in Cleveland and were taken to the NASA research center close by. I think that statement is probably the most prolific part about the documentary. What interest would NASA have with these people?

Doesnt anyone do any research?

This traces back to a lady named Liz Foreman, and this is what she has to say:

I thought it was time to set the record straight on a website error that's gotten out of hand. I've been getting calls and e-mails for several years, all from folks who have seen my byline on a story (Plane Lands In Cleveland; Bomb Feared Aboard) about Flight 93, the plane that crashed in a Pennsylvania field on September 11, 2001. The story in question, an Associated Press bulletin, was posted on during the morning of September 11, 2001. The story stated that Flight 93 landed in Cleveland. This was not true. Once the AP issued a retraction a few minutes later, we removed the link. There were two problems:

1)I only removed the link TO the story. We did not remove the story itself. This was my error probably due to the busy nature of the day - I was the only person updating the website until about noon that day, and things were crazier than they’d ever been

2) The byline was incorrect. In my haste, I pasted the “Reported by: 9News Staff” byline from a previous story, but this was actually an Associated Press story.

Sometime in 2003 I received an e-mail inquiring about the story. I quickly removed the story, and wrote back to the person, thanking them for the heads up about the incorrect story.

Things didn't stop there

No, they sure didnt stop there, a couple of college aged morons made a movie called "Loose Change......."

As for the NASA connection....

Vernon "Bill" Wessel is the director of safety and mission assurance at NASA Glenn. He was in his office the morning of 9/11 when an employee called him from home. "He says, "Bill, I don't know if this is a hoax or what, but I just saw a plane crash into the World Trade Center.'" Wessel says he hung up and raced downstairs to a conference room. Center Director Don Campbell joined him. A projector beamed the television's image onto a large screen just as United Airlines flight 175 crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center. An emergency meeting of directors was called, and an order to evacuate NASA was issued. When Wessel learned that Delta 1989 was stuck on the tarmac at Hopkins and that it might contain explosives, he decided it would be unwise to use the front gate, closest to the airport, to evacuate the 3,500 NASA Glenn employees under his watch. E-mails and phone calls were sent out to different departments at the research facility, informing everyone to leave via the back gate. "It took about an hour and a half to evacuate everybody," Wessel recalls.

Did a plane get parked at the NASA Facility that day? Yes....

A KC-135 had to come back to the hangar," says Wessel, as if realizing for the first time that this aircraft may have caused some undue confusion. A team of scientists from the Johnson Space Center in Houston had flown to Cleveland on this KC-135 to conduct micro-gravity experiments. (Also known as "the vomit comet," KC-135's are used to simulate weightlessness. The plane soars to high altitudes, then falls back toward the ground, giving passengers a few seconds of zero-G experience. Scenes for the Tom Hanks movie Apollo 13 were filmed in one. The visiting scientists could not return to Houston as scheduled on 9/11 once the FAA ordered all planes to land. "After the facility closed, we had to take those scientists to a hotel." The scientists, dressed as civilians, were boarded onto shuttle buses.

posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 05:41 AM
If the plane that hit the towers was a cargo plane...
The people who died/ were missing that they from the plane/s died of other causes or were possibly killed. Or possibly even already dead people or made up ones. That doesn't account for the families in mourning. Doesn't make much sense, guess that's why I've been skeptical.
Good posts.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 12:52 AM
the jist of the no planes "fact" is that there was no resistance from a solid steel building as the ALUMINUM plane flies through the building LIKE A GHOST!aluminum is much softer than solid steel and it would have crashed into the buildings with resistance,not like a ghost -disapearing without any trace of the plane.its common sense but dont fret,they had me fooled the video of the 2nd plane hitting the building over and over.thats what i did and it became quite just shows you how powerful brainwashing can be.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 02:28 AM
I am not sure whether the passengers were on board or not. What is obvious is that at least 2 planes hit the WTC. Were these planes full of people? Does it matter? If, as has been hypothesised before, these flights never existed and the evidence of that is the plane call signs are either still in existence or have since been taken out of service then there was no-one on board and they were remotely piloted. How do you then make up a flight full of passengers? Quite easily. If you know how you can get any sort of records through the internet and pretty much just make up an entire person. The government would have no worries inventing people.

If however the passengers were on board then it doesn't matter much anyway seeings as (if the government was to blame) they had no problem slamming them into buildings full of people. Whats another 150 people to them? It does seem as though the big questions arise from the other two flights. Both are said to have landed and passengers disembarked. What then of these people? And was there ever really planes that crashed? The theory goes that both the planes were landed and then "simulated" to have crashed, one missile into the Pentagon and a "crash scene" in Pennsylvania.

For what it is worth my theory is that the whole thing was orchestrated by some people in the government to aid in the security of the "war on terror" and the Flight 93 was put in there to give Americans a lead as to how they could fight back against the terrorists as well. The people behind it had billions of dollars at stake and a few thousand lives obviously was "collateral damage."


posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by rich1411

I will give you a example how..... A show called Weaponology, on either History channel or Discovery channel, showed a small weapon with approx 4 lbs of C4 , or a similar explosive cant remember. This small weapon had for its war head a small sheet of copper. This weapon was able to penetrate 1" of steel plate with out any difficulty. This weapon was designed to penetrate the most advanced armour. It can disable ships. Copper is softer than Aluminum and it was capable of penetrating steel. Now take a mass of aluminum and titainium and other assorted metals and materials weighing in the neighborhood of 300,000 lbs and crash it into a building at 500 + knots. I think you can achieve the damage you seek.

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