Hi all, first time poster here.
Another joining the rash of Australians that seems to be spreading across the site, this one from the tropical north (Darwin)
I've been cruising around the site for while now but just so much stuff to look at.
What drew me here was a youtube vid of John Lear on coast to coast where he mentioned the site so I thought I'd have a look. What kept me here was I
found the site covers a whole lot more topics of interest to me.
A little about me:
I've long been interested in the unexplained or even explainable things that leave you feeling 'something is not quite right.' Everything from
Egyptology to UFO's and whatever raises questions in between. Obviously, my screws are loose enough to rattle in harmony with much on this site but
having said that, some of the stuff here is just a little too 'out there' for me to consider seriously. Still, that's what the site is for.
My own personal experience with much of the stuff here virtually amounts to nil but I will recount the experience here. It may trigger something in
someone else. It happened a few years back while driving from Darwin to Adelaide (for those unfamiliar with Australia's geography, it's around 3000
km, north to south, straight through the middle). I had left Tennant Creek just on dusk and I remember we (my Dad was travelling with me) were still a
few km's north of Wycliffe Well (google it), I was driving and a bright light appeared in the sky to the east of the highway. It was pretty low in
the sky already because neither of us saw it until it got below the roofline of the car from inside looking out. It was in front and to the left of
our heading. We watched as it continued a slow, vertical descent never blinking or changing brightness. As it got lower, we could see some low hills
off the highway on that side appear as a silhouette in the glare. Then when it got to the top of the hills, the whole ground below it appeared to
light up. You know when you're driving at night and you're coming up to a town/city and can see the glow of the lights in the distance. That's
exactly what this looked like, an orange/yellow glow that showed quite a bit of the range of hills in silhouette. After no more than a few seconds,
the glow died down and we didn't see anything else unusual. We decided that we didn't have a clue what it was, that the ground flare we saw might
have been a crash site, and if it was, authorities would already know about it. I remember thinking at the time that it should be very easy to find
such a large site from the air. So we continued without giving it much thought. We camped under the stars at the Devils Marble's that night and made
it home the following evening.
Upon arrival, Mum's first question was to enquire where we camped overnight. When we told her, she replied with something like "Oh, I guess you were
too far north to see the UFO then." Dad and I looked at each other and without wanting to own up and appear foolish, we asked what she meant exactly.
She threw the paper (The Advertiser - Sth Australia's statewide paper) at us, headlines read UFO spotted at Marla. This article stated that several
UFO's appeared and were spotted by residents at Marla and it gave a time. There were some differences in that the Marla people saw multiple UFO's
and we saw one, they saw 'erratic movement' where we saw what appeared to be a controlled descent, they were about 1000 km south of us yet there was
only about 10 mins between their sighting and ours.
Anyway, thats it. Off to wade through some more...