posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS
Many things of extreme value may be rated Top Secret, and though you may have a Top Secret clearance, it doesn't mean you will have access.
Things of high technical and sensitive nature are compartmentalized. That could mean something as wild as we have a Mars operation, and our President
is not aware. Need To Know.
We do know that in 1945, Truman had no knowledge of the atom bombs until he became President, and was asked for permission to drop them. This is the
Vice President in time of war!
Compartmentalization is the most effective way to maintain secrets.
Then, within the intelligence agencies, the compartments there may even work to effect odd purposes, unaware of the other's interests. One hand
doesn't know what the other is doing, and ends up working against each other. Energy technologies will not necessarily be known by the Energy
secretary. And so on.
One book? Doubtful. But hundreds of little books, that if combined, would change the world overnight.