Especially if one belives Osama has long been dead.
Osama bin Laden:
A dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government
It could explain the lack of capture after all this time. It could also explain why we get different looking Osama's over time. So why the black
beard now?
"The Family Guy" put grey in their sterotype of Osama.
Either Al Qaida is staging this fake tape, or 'we' are. AQ would use it to get the 'message' to their cells in a Videodrome** sort of way. Or
'we' would use it against the American Public to qwell their dissent about pullouts or an attack on Iran, possible also to trigger 'sleeper cells'
to go into action.
I personally think that the 911 attacks, and the subsequent attacks on the middle east, we to distract the public, seperate us from our money, all
while encouraging illegal mexican immigrants to keep coming so that the NAU could be formed. Bush/Cheney don't care because their benefactors and
beneficiaries have been making record profits because of the turmoil and terror created.
This tape is a fraud... Some how an obscure terror think tank, SITE Intelligence Group, got their hands on a Osama video before the AlQaida chat
forums or Muslim media? Strange....
SITE Intelligence Group said an Internet announcement of the plan included a photo of the al-Qaida leader from the upcoming video — his beard,
which in previous messages had been streaked with gray, was entirely dark.
Here is another gem from about a month ago:
Jihadist Advocates Chemical Weapon Attack on Washington Metro Subway System
Guess who had the intel.... the SITE Institute. I imagine they are the same organization, don't you think? Now who are the real Terrorists?
**: The referenece to
Videodrome is more towards the 'virtual' Professor Brian O'Blivion, and
not the "videodrome signal" aspects. If anyone is using the media in that way, it is probably our own masters, not some rogues.
I really recommend Videodrome if you have never seen it. A double feature of it and
They Live would
be a good way to spend a rainy afternoon.
"The Medium is the Message"
Marshall McLuhan