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NEW Code found on Dollar Bill

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posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 12:29 AM
Hmmm, that could be it, but if I was the ONLY one who saw the findings then that argument would be more credible. The fact that others besides me can see the SAME thing simply means that it must be there.

Maybe I should have said it like this. You aren't in denial, you are just being selective about the reality you accept....

And I guess everybody who sees what I see in the bill has an ego too...

[edit on 9-9-2007 by sir_chan]

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by DeltaNine

There is nothing wrong with what sir_chan said ... those owls/spiders ARE THERE ... somenone not seeing it, well, that is denial in some form ... or the lack of ability to see it. That shouldn't offend anyone.

I am in denial about a close friend's 11 year old brother's death in a fire. Most of the time I think he is still around. That is my denial kicking in. We all experience it at some time in our life.

For people to come and claim shenanigans just because they can't or don't have the ability to see something that is clearly there (without respect to any conspiracy ... the little owls or spiders are real) ... what is that saying? deny ignorance? That 3D image posters I mentioned earlier, I could not see them most of the time ... I didn't claim tomfoolery on all those around me ... I am sure it was there, I could even see the picture of what it should look like and it wouldn't help. Just because I couldn't relax my eyes enough, doesn't mean it isn't there. Just like these images. Fold the freakin bill ... you will see the 4-point star at least. Whether that was intended, is wholly up to you. I guess ego does follow you up a tree, eh? No quarrels with that. Some people need ego, some people don't.

whatever though ... not too important really.

I would like to say, that picture of the people worshipping the large statue is freaky ... I do see an owl more than a bull like the pictures below it ... what really gets me about that picture, it reminds me of the daedra (demon) worshippers in the game The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion ... I would flip my lid if I ran across a meeting like that.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 02:03 AM
A few thousand years ago the Phoenicians ruled the seas. They had outposts all over the world. They made great profit by selling exotic merchandise from foreign lands. The Phoenicians brought about a world economy through an international trade venture.

This is where I think the importance of the "OE" comes in. The founding fathers of the US owe their ancient mystisism from the "People of the Phoenix", which would have been the Phoenicians.

Their legends inspired so many civilizations. The legends of Heracles (Hercules), Medusa and Athena are just some. It is highly possible that one outpost of the Phoenicians sank near central america and it turned into the Atlantis legend.

That is why the US is now the New Atlantis. They rule the trade routes as did the Phoenicians in the ancient world. If YOU don't obey they send their armies to stamp out any rebellion.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 02:06 AM
Im really not kidding there is a smiley face under the bottem set of 1's on the front .Its perfect to look at it.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 03:27 AM
So what's the "new code"? That owl has always been on the dollar bill, I remember first learning about it in school about 20 years ago. And I have no idea why people are suddenly seeing a spider there, it's clearly an owl and looks nothing like a spider at all.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 03:36 AM
These are not owls or spiders. They are the pattern on the paper. The weave of lines comes to a point. There is no owl.

You will see a total of 5 of these so called owls on the front of a one dollar bill.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by Indellkoffer
Are you under the impression that the dollar bill ALWAYS looked like that? It didn't. And if you study the whole series, you'll see that there's really no "hidden owls" or "spiders" there. If a symbol was deliberate, it would be in the whole series -- like the eagle as a symbol:
[edit on 8-9-2007 by Indellkoffer]

that's the point in many cases. The NEW design for the dollar bill (with the owls, and references to 13, 32 and 33) was put in place to signify the accomplishment of a conspiracy. Hence, the old designs lack these symbols.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by sir_chan

We have found that Washington's eyes are exactly on the same linear level. If one folds the bill so that the left side of the left eye at the pupil touches the right side of the right eye at the pupil, then it is NOT Washington on the dollar bill, but instead, it's Mr. Potatohead!

My son discovered the same about the five dollar note. Using the same method, turns out it's not Lincoln, but Linco, The World's Greatest Cyclops!

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 09:35 AM
so what exaclty is the point of the mysterious symbols ? An inside joke ?

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by sir_chan
I have discovered new information regarding the dollar bill and would like to post it here. As most everyone is aware of the hidden symbology on the dollar bill throughout the design, the owl or spider on the front is a common debate. First off, it IS a spider that is being used to disinform us of the real owls on the front of the dollar bill. On the front of the dollar bill there are 2 owls. On the back 1 large owl, very cleverly hidden. I have inserted two images showing the 2 owls on the front and the owl on the back. The secret on the back is in the words "ANNUIT COEPTIS". The "o" and the "e" are aligned over one another, it is called ligature and was a common practice in latin and early english. The fact that a dead language was used on the dollar bill made me wonder why they would do this and if there could be more meaning than what the words mean "he agrees with the undertaking". They didn't "have" to use ligature as there was plenty of room on the dollar bill to print the letters with normal spacing. So I looked to se if there were any other "o" or "e" letters on the bill. YES, in big letters spelling "ONE". Take your bill and fold the e over the o and turn the bill 90 degrees counterclockwise and what do you see? Here are pictures to show what I mean.

[edit on 8-9-2007 by sir_chan]

Sorry, there are a few mistakes here. Firstly, Lilith was NOT the goddess of monsters, seductress of demons or abductress of children. I dont know where that information came from but it is steadfastly wrong. Lilith was a great mother goddess.
The "OE" combination is also called a diphthong - which I learned about in the 4th grade or so. This diphthong was used quite alot back in the '20's, 30's and before, it's out of use now, but was quite common. It has no occult meaning.
As for using Latin, a "dead language": the medical field and also lawyers use Latin, are they involved in a conspiracy? I don't think so. Plants also have Latin names, but they're not part of the NWO, either.
Now, there is a 30 foot or so tall owl statue in Bohemian Grove, but it does not signify Molech. Molech was represented by a bull, not an owl.
One could say that owls are "occult symbols", but then they'd have to include every other animal, because at some time, and in various cultures, they were considered to have "medicine"; in other words, they had wisdom that humans could learn from. Native Americans and Egyptians thought of animals in this way. There's nothing evil or occult about it, these cultures knew they could learn things from animals that they couldn't learn elsewhere.
My husbaand and I got out a big magnifying glass and studied two different one dollar bills. We found 2 or 3 owls on the front, that was all. Lilith was nowhere to be found, we saw no spiders, nor anything else like that. We watched both videos as well. The second vid contains wrong information - the owl does not represent Molech. The owl can represent Athena, goddess of wisdom - that's not a bad thing.
Sorry, I can't provide sources, as this information is what I've learned thru 40 years of studying mythology, magick, Native American and Egyptian cultures and mythology, and the Bohemian Grove.
Also, one person mentioned that the currency was "charged". How do you know that? There is no possible way one could know that. Do you know what being "charged" means?

Now I would like to point out one glaring omission: Does anyone notice the phrase "In God We Trust"? For any of you who are concerned about the "occult symbolism" - this should help you rest easy, as it would easily undo any evil magick, hidden or otherwise. Of course, that may be considered magick as well, by some.
BTW, just because it's "occult" doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Occult simply means "hidden". Humans have always used symbols, it's how the subconscious gets messages from the conscious, through the use of symbols. Even the Christian church has symbols, think of the cross.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 11:19 AM
Firstly I do agree with a lot Forestlady says. But still..

The statue at BG doesnt look anything like an owl, to me, if you all look at my photos, look at the steps, if it looks like anything it looks like depictions of Molech. Not that it is, Im just saying what it ReSeMbLeS.

As for 'in God we tust'... That Dollar should say 'this IS your God' instead. lol.. sorry but..

Which God are they talking about? Do Christians go running about doing pagan ceromonies worshipping giant owls? or should I just say giant tree stumps, or is it actually stone? I dont know.. but I can cut all the names altogether, for does it really matter? Its far from Christian.

As for the church cross... this also has changed to a circle with a cross in the center in most places, again, another symbol for the SUN. And may I add really ancient.

[edit on 9-9-2007 by Sekhemet]

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 11:57 AM
Sekhmet: This is not a very good picture of the owl at BG, is an owl. I've seen many other pictures that are clearly an owl. Also, my dad and a friend's dad used to attend BG meetings - trust me, it is an owl and is quite famous actually. I used to live 4 miles from the BG and there are owls all over the town that it's in - representing the Bohemian Grove owl statue. This is well-documented. I used to hear about the owl from guys who had worked there for a summer.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 12:16 PM
GOD stands for Gold, Oil, Drugs

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 12:27 PM
Ok thanks, but it would help if you or someone could find a decent picture of it looking like an owl instead of just declaring it IS.

I am aware there are owls all over BG.. the townsfolk know and all that.

The owl is a symbol for 'seeing in the dark' .. I.E. knowing things the majority of people do not know.

How do we know they didnt make this thing to 'not exactly look like Molech'..but got it just close enough so that it actually is good enough.. while at the same time declaring to people 'its just an owl'... if you get my drift?

I mean, these people know full well they will be all over the world one day, just like freemasons know they cant keep everything secret, so they put out false symbols and stuff to mislead people.

So its not likely that they would build an exact statue of Molech.. is it? that would look rather devilish indeed... (as if it doesnt already.. ) but a big old horned bull? hmmm.. and burning 'effigys' (cant spell it)

So yeah.. easier for them just to call it an owl, and let everyone miss the entire picture while we debate among ourselves.

Just a thought..

[edit on 9-9-2007 by Sekhemet]

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by Funkydung
GOD stands for Gold, Oil, Drugs

Oh thats a new one! like it

Also God comes from 3 German words that I cant spell, that actually stand for Beauty, Strength and Wisdom - all attributes of humans.. not just .ahem.. ''God''.

God is also DOG backwards. Now you tell me if the supreme creator of all the infinite multiverses.. deserves such a lame little TITLE as God that spells DOG backwards? ''Dog is mans best friend''

This DOG refers to the dog star sirius.. and the JACKEL headed depiction of one of egypts Deitys. The God of the DEAD I may add.

Not forgetting the greeks who came and turned their writing backwards etc etc.. so dog becomes god?

[edit on 9-9-2007 by Sekhemet]

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 12:42 PM

Occult and Masonic symbolism in corporate logos sheds some light on who's running things around here. A short movie on the symbolism used in corporate logos. Check it out
Part 1of 4

[edit on 9-9-2007 by Funkydung]

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by Funkydung
Lady on the Occult American Dollar Bill Talisman

you should tell that lady if you can that they will come for her for counterfeiting money, and yes that little copy of a dollar bill on white paper and on one side is still considered as a counterfeit bill.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
so what exaclty is the point of the mysterious symbols ? An inside joke ?

since forever, a nation's seals, currency, etc. have been heavily embedded with images. Look at every single coat of arms, or heraldry symbolism. Those who design these things take very great care of each and every detail, so when things appear as 'coincidences" it's even more likely, due to the nature of creating symbols.

Originally posted by Funkydung

Occult and Masonic symbolism in corporate logos sheds some light on who's running things around here. A short movie on the symbolism used in corporate logos. Check it out
Part 1of 4

cool vid, but for anyone interested there is a much more extensive and informative version of that by Michael Tsarion, called the Subliminal Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media. (He covers lots of corporate logos).

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Sekhemet
Ok thanks, but it would help if you or someone could find a decent picture of it looking like an owl instead of just declaring it IS.

I am aware there are owls all over BG.. the townsfolk know and all that.

The owl is a symbol for 'seeing in the dark' .. I.E. knowing things the majority of people do not know.

How do we know they didnt make this thing to 'not exactly look like Molech'..but got it just close enough so that it actually is good enough.. while at the same time declaring to people 'its just an owl'... if you get my drift?

I mean, these people know full well they will be all over the world one day, just like freemasons know they cant keep everything secret, so they put out false symbols and stuff to mislead people.

So its not likely that they would build an exact statue of Molech.. is it? that would look rather devilish indeed... (as if it doesnt already.. ) but a big old horned bull? hmmm.. and burning 'effigys' (cant spell it)

So yeah.. easier for them just to call it an owl, and let everyone miss the entire picture while we debate among ourselves.

Just a thought..

[edit on 9-9-2007 by Sekhemet]

Sekhmet, I appreciate all your hard work on this, but it is NOT Molech. My friend's dad led the opening procession in the BG that is done at the owl altar. He has told me it is not Molech. The image is most definitely an owl. That's all there is to it. If you look up other pictures online of the owl, you will see that it is an owl. No one is feeding children into the fire of the owl's mouth, either.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 01:31 PM

MOLECH!!! babylonian secret societies steering the course of human cultural evolution!!!

and, perhaps some REALLY bad stuff.

So then why put it on the dollar bill then? Are they exhibitionists?

I'm sorry but it makes no sense. You say it's part of a secret society. Notice the really important word here... SECRET?? If you're a secret society, you don't advertise on the most circulated paper currency in the US. That would be one stupid secret society.

Someone already asked this but so what if they are owls???? Even if there was an owl on the bill, it doesn't automatically mean EVIL SECRET SOCIETY. If it does then that means the Hooters Girls are helping to steer the course of human cultural evolution....

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