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NORTHCOM Plans 5 Day Martial Law Exercise

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posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 12:33 PM

NORTHCOM Plans 5 Day Martial Law Exercise

The United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) has just announced plans for an anti-terrorism exercise called Vigilant Shield 08. The exercise which is slated to run from October 15th to October 20th is described as a way to prepare, prevent and respond to any number of national crises. The exercise is simply a test case scenario for the implementation of martial law. Although the description of the exercise is disturbing, USNORTHCOM also announced that they are more prepared for a natural disaster and a terrorist attack after they used their response to Hurricane Katrina as a test laboratory.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 12:33 PM
Here we go.... These exercises are getting more and more frequent.This one is scary though...Martial Law exercise!!!!! All of this is definatly leading to something big.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 12:37 PM
i'm going to intentionally remain ignorant and optimistic on the martial law issue. maybe the military will come in and just let everyone go about their business as normal? wishful thinking? =)

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 12:39 PM
Scary news for sure. Thanks for the find and the
link. I'll read the entire article when I get a free moment.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 12:42 PM
I will say this though The official press release does not say martial law so not sure what to make of that.

[edit on 6-9-2007 by CaptGizmo]

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 12:52 PM

USNORTHCOM’s primary exercise venues for VS-08 include locations in Oregon, Arizona and a cooperative venue with USPACOM in the Territory of Guam. NORAD’s aerospace detection and defense events will take place across all the exercise venues, to exercise the ability to mobilize resources for aerospace defense, aerospace control, maritime warning, and coordination of air operations in a disaster area.

Martial Law ?

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 12:53 PM
One line from the above listed site:

"VS-08 and National Level Exercise 1-08 will provide local, state, tribal, interagency, Department of Defense, and non-governmental organizations and agencies involved in homeland security and homeland defense the opportunity to participate in a full range of exercise scenarios that will better prepare participants to prevent and respond to national crises. The participating organizations will conduct a multi-layered, civilian-led response to a national crisis."

Civilian led? That sounds like the Sheriff and the other locals setting up roadblocks and harrassing citizens to me. Civilian led? I doubt it. They may be ' led ' but the Feds will be there pushing the buttons I am sure. I do not like it one bit and this is no doubt more acclimation for all of us to get ready for total control. Sickening.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 01:17 PM
"Although the description of the exercise is disturbing, USNORTHCOM also announced that they are more prepared for a natural disaster and a terrorist attack after they used their response to Hurricane Katrina as a test laboratory."

Test Laboratory? I knew we were all just rats in their little maze!

Seriously, Isn't there a premise out there that the Feds drilled for a mock hurricane in N.O. a few months prior to Katrina and also something similar with N.Y. and 9/11 - among other incidences - which people have alleged is some sort of pre-disaster conditioning and/or tactical and operational run-through?

It seems that all year long little details have been pointing toward martial law. If martial law is the scenario they want, the impetus would have to be something that would make people want to cooperate and not have some sort of insurgency or civil war.

What would that be? I think the scenario that horrifies people the most and would there for garner the least resistance is biological warfare. People would quickly go into lock-down mode and secure their communities and neighborhoods. They would be vigilant and ready to do whatever the PTB want. This also plays into the widespread theory of population reduction. But then there's always the aliens!

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack

Not to mention we are rounding the corner to cold and flu season. Face mask anyone?

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 01:54 PM
hmmm, whenever the govt does a false flag op they plan "drills" with military, etc. at the same time. I wonder if the govt is preparing a catastrophe for us during that same time.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 02:24 PM
I wonder if the information on Liveleak is part of the TOPOFF program? Info can be found here: October False Flag?

To sum up, there's a major exercise taking place Oct. 15-24th, 2007 in Oregon, Arizona and Guam. The exercise involves response to fake dirty bombs going off. Similar to, but significantly larger than the disaster drills that are run occasionally in US cities. If you don't know what a standard disaster drill is, I'll explain. A school or business volunteers to participate in the drill. FX teams give the volunteers cosmetic "injuries". And then the call goes out.
The purpose of those drills is to test the system; from first responders all the way through hospitals and clinics.

When you combine a dirty bomb exercise with a martial law exercise and throw in the current saber rattling going on... it looks pretty fishy.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 02:59 PM
Rather than everyone getting all excited over something that may not even be true, let's try getting an answer to the other two posters who asked a very valid question of which no one seems to want to respond to.

Where does it say Martial Law?

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by closettrekkie
Rather than everyone getting all excited over something that may not even be true, let's try getting an answer to the other two posters who asked a very valid question of which no one seems to want to respond to.

Where does it say Martial Law?

"The exercise is simply a test case scenario for the implementation of martial law. "


posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by 3_Libras

My bad, I didn't specify...I meant in the official press release, not the op/ed article. Anybody can say it's a test for martial law, but unless I missed something (which I wouldn't doubt since I'm tired) the actual press release didn't say that.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by closettrekkie
reply to post by 3_Libras

My bad, I didn't specify...I meant in the official press release, not the op/ed article. Anybody can say it's a test for martial law, but unless I missed something (which I wouldn't doubt since I'm tired) the actual press release didn't say that.

I would assume, like any smart organization running such a test, the words martial law wouldnt be put into its official press release. As it says in the article...The exercise which is slated to run from October 15th to October 20th is described as a way to prepare, prevent and respond to any number of national crises - thats a much nicer way of putting it.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 04:06 PM
looks like its coming our way pretty soon after the test.. quarantine
anybody running a fever ?

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by 3_Libras

So then the martial law thing is really just speculation, right? This is one of those articles that people need to really watch for. It's meant to get one riled up without really stating a fact. Kind of like those articles that say "could happen", "may be true", "might be", etc.

Media sources like to use these words because it stirs up emotions and pretty soon people accept it as fact.

So again, let's not get all excited before we know if this really means it's a martial law exercise or not.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 04:10 PM
As you may recall, we saw stuff like this in 2006 and we talked about it on ATS. That link is actually for a thread I started on U.S. troop maneuvers in American cities as they happened in '06.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 04:23 PM
Oh jeez!!! I'm going to be holding my breath on those days. Why are they running these drills? It's no drill people, it's a test run!

[edit on 6-9-2007 by Amelie]

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by CaptGizmo

I wonder how easy it would be to convert martial law exercises into a reality.

Since these exercises are already planned and mapped out ... how easily could they be employed in a "necessity" ... say for example on September 14th ... just to pick a date.

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