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that those objects are massive OVNIS (UFOs) photographed by Cassini near Saturn, and put under wraps by NASA. One of the objects is Earth sized and one over 50,000 Km in length (Four times Earth’s diameter!)
Science is more accurate than John Lear. Plus, for science to be noting but a cover up by some secret "cabal" or whatever you woos claim then there would have to a LOT of people in on it, lol.
Now, wheres that scientific, verifiable evidence that the moon does indeed have a rich atmosphere?!? Please, do tell. Thousands of astronomers are on the edge of their seat to find out how you figured out their little scheme, lol.
“It is significant that the nearside is primarily comprised of the so-called maria. The farside is determined to be mostly mountains, giving the moon extremes in elevation greater than earth’s. The same condition would occur on Earth if the ocean’s and sea lost their water. If that happened the atmosphere would seek the lowest level and fill up the oceans beds which reach depths of many miles. Since the earth’s oceans cover the majority of its surfaces, millions of square miles would become uninhabitable because the air would be on the ocean bed. It is conceivable that life and vegetation could exist in certain regions of the moon despite the long lunar days and nights. Sheltered canyons and valleys at the right elevations and latitudes would not experience extremes of temperatures found in the uninhabitable areas.
The previous references to drifting clouds and mists suggest surface water. George Adamski reports mountain lakes and rivers which emptied into a large body of water. He also saw snow on the peaks of peaks of higher mountains on the farside.
The view of the moon as we began our final descent was stunning. As we caught our first close-up look at the lunar mountains below us, Jim (Irwin) lightened the atmosphere of growing tension and excitement a little with his usual dry humor.
“Make a great ski area if they’d just put some snow on it,” he said.
“Looks like there is in parts,” I replied adding, as I took a closer look at the horizon beyond, “The sky is just as black as the ace of spades.”
“Don’t think there is any atmosphere,” said Jim because, of course, on the Moon there isn’t. “I’m going to write me a joke,” he went on, getting into his stride. “”Astronauts come back from moon; say it’s great, but has no atmosphere.”
“That’s a good,” I chuckled. “You ought to save that one for the surface some time.”
Photographic analysis (Fred Steckling) shows that condensation of clouds take place at very low altitudes between 2 and 6 thousand feet.
Steckling says that the densest part of the atmosphere on the moon is to be found in the valleys and craters close to the so-called lunar sea level. This law applies to earth so it should apply to the moon. The lunar clouds formed at these very low altitudes, seem to hug the mountain side, much like the monsoon clouds over tropical islands on earth. While heavy cloud formation are quite rare and appear to depend on the seasons, they do occur on occasion, mostly in the northern and southern hemisphere on the moon.
There are several natural lakes on the moon, close to the North Pole. These appear on photographs with a very black surface.
Color photos clearly show the color green in the shady areas of brown colored hills and craters, very much the appearance as the southwest desert areas in the Untied States. While some color photos appear brown, others definitely show a green color.
Howard Menger reported a dense, breathable atmosphere and when reaching a terrain on the moon which reminded him of Nevada, claimed to have breathed the lunar atmosphere. As expected, he held that the heat was extremely great, but that the air pressure was evidently adequate to sustain life/ He also observed wind, a yellow sky overhead, and a yellowish-orange sky near the horizon. The colors indicate that the atmosphere at that elevation might be deeper than the earths. As light passes through the atmosphere, it shifts to longer wavelengths. The yellow sky overhead indicates a longer wavelength than the blue in Earth skies. Similarly the orange hue above the mountains can be attributed to light which is shifted in wavelength sill more as a result of the increased thickness of the atmosphere when looking through it to the horizon. Menger’s description of the surface was similar to Adamski’s: a yellowish-white, powdery sand with stones and miniscule plant life.”
The photo below is the crater Copernicus with the saffron colored sky that Howard Menger described. I contacted Mr. Menger at his home in Florida (August 16, 2007) and asked him to select the exact color of saffron that I had provided by email to him the day before. Howard selected the color by placing a mark on one of the 16 different swatches we had provided. The color of the sky in the photograph below is the color that is the closest match to the color that Howard selected. Zorgon did the color matching and color sky on the photo below.
“Another indication of the moons gravity and dense lunar atmosphere was provided when Apollo spacecraft and lunar probes orbited the moon at an average distance of 60 to 70 miles above the lunar surface. No specific reasons were given by NASA for choosing this height. In fact, the best altitude for the Lunar Orbiter satellites would have been much lower. Lower altitudes would have produced more refined maps of the surface. Most Lunar Orbiter camera altitudes where in the 1000 to 5000 kilometer distance.”
One must consider the two hemispheres of the moon, of which one is visible and the other invisible to us, as essentially different with regard to altitude, to climate and to all which depends on them. As the altitude is determined primarily by the distance from the center of gravity, the hemisphere of the moon turned toward us is elevated above the average altitude and above the opposite hemisphere. Therefore the former present itself to us as a sterile land, deprived of an atmosphere and all life, but one can no longer conclude that the other hemisphere does not have an atmosphere, nor that it has no vegetation or living things. The sides of the moon would be at a mean altitude, and cannot say that any trace of atmosphere would appear there.
Thanks for the lengthy post John. Unfortunately you did little if anything to support your claim. You tell us that the moon has an atmosphere because one engineer and a handful of dead, dated astronomers hypothesized as such? Okay, so if that's your evidence for there being an atmosphere on the moon, I cite as evidence 99% of the modern academic physics and astronomy community, all of whom will tell you that there is NO significant atmosphere on the moon and that the moon's gravity is indeed roughly 1/6 that of earth's.
If the moon is in fact a spaceship....then WHY would we need to do any mining on it?
I think NASA might not be the only GAS giant in the solar system after all. postal76 If they offer you kool-aid, don't drink it dude!
Originally posted by johnlear
Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
If the moon is in fact a spaceship....then WHY would we need to do any mining on it?
There are allegedly minerals on the moon that we find useful on earth.
Consider the moon as a kind of a cosmic bird feeder.
So the moon is a spaceship made out of rocks and minerals that we find useful?
Now I'm sure in your infinite wisdom you know who created this unique spaceship for us to harvest these wonderful minerals, right John?
Originally posted by scooler1
So the moon is a spaceship made out of rocks and minerals that we find useful?
Now I'm sure in your infinite wisdom you know who created this unique spaceship for us to harvest these wonderful minerals, right John?
Another part of the moon taken by that same astronomer shows the crater Aristarchus to very likely some kind of nuclear reactor, the blue glow being the Cherbokov effect (the effect of radiation coming in contact with molecules of air).
Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
I figured he did not actually believe it himself. It's just too darn entertaining to be true, lol. And John has always been a good guy about anyone who doubt him. I just worry about the people who take him seriously.
Initial identification of the cadre began in mid-2001 with
the standup of the Naval Space Cadre Working Group and
culminated in a naval message (NAVADMIN 201/03 DTG
211435Z JUL 03) announcing the first 700 officer members of
the cadre. These officers were identified by the subspecialty
codes of 6206, Space Systems Operations, and 5500, Space
Systems Engineering or by the additional qualification designator
of VS1, VS2, VS3 or VS4. Identification of enlisted and
civilian cadre members is more challenging, as these groups
do not have specific space identifiers like the officers do.
Approximately 265 billets are currently identified as space
billets. These jobs are in Navy, joint and National Security
Space organizations. Space cadre members are currently
assigned throughout the National Security Space arena,
including the National Reconnaissance Office, National Security
Space Architect, National Security Space Integration,
MILSATCOM Joint Program Office, as well as in all Navy
organizations that deal with space.