Brinkmanship is the practice of pushing a dangerous situation to the verge of disaster in order to achieve the most advantageous outcome. It
occurs in international politics, foreign policy and (in contemporary settings) in military strategy involving the threatened use of nuclear
Let's summarize the month of September up to now shall we?
We have no shortage of sabre rattling:
Bush Warns US Will Confront 'Nuclear Iran'
'Three-day blitz' plan for Iran
Iran warns of 'problems' if US attacks
We have two bizarre nuclear stories days apart:
Missing American Plutonium. This one to raise fears of a dirty bomb?
Report: Air Force lost track of nuclear missiles. This story obviously leaked to the
media and allowed to be publicized by the mainstream media for
some reason. Is someone being put on notice? In their outrage and surprise,
people and the MSM are overlooking the obvious questions such as why were they being moved and why were they moved to a base that is
involved in Middle East Operations?
Then we have
Russian Leader Calls For Urgent Delivery Of Anti-aircraft Missile Systems To
Iran. A story showing up in the business press and not covered by mainstream media.
Then we have Syria claiming violation of it's airspace with some reports that "something" was dropped and Israel claiming it's planes were shot at
for no reason. See
Syria 'fires on Israel warplanes' and
Israel bombs Syrian targets (mixed reports)
Now this:
Iran offers to aid Syria following new tensions with Israel
We also have:
RAF Fighter Planes Intercept Russian Bombers where EIGHT bombers were
intercepted. I mean I could see a patrol of 1 or two bombers, but
a fleet of eight? That'll get somebody's attention!! The story also takes
care to point out that these can carry cruise missiles and nuclear weapons.
So on one side we have the US and Israel flexing their muscle probing the other sides defences and rattling their nuclear sabres and on the other we
have Syria, Iran and Russia flexing their muscle probing the other sides defences and rattling their nuclear sabres...
Am I the only one NOT amused by this little game of chicken?
There's also the very bizarre announcement that the US will
ground all of its
fighters and bombers in the US on September 14.
Is that to let the other side know that they will be vulnerable on that date or to let the other side think they are while launching an attack hoping
they won't be looking?
And let's not forget those huge
stock market put options all expiring before
September 21!!
All of this and the month is only six days old!!!
Something is definitely going on behind the scenes.
By the way, if you weren't on ATS do you think you would have all of this information in one place and be able to connect the dots like this? Think
about that for a bit.