posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 12:14 PM
Thanks for the information. While there is a lot of great information out there, there's a couple reasons why I am looking for books to read:
1. I like to read books.
2. I can't be in front of the computer all the time...would drive me crazy.
3. People who write books tend to have facts and information that have been researched which makes it more credible that an anonymous "hit and run"
4. After I read I then tend to go online to research more, but I like to have a hard base of information (book) before I bring in more "soft" (web
posts & websites) information.
I do agree there is a LOT of information out there on the web, but I'm looking for information not always tied to the web. Theories and information
I can digest while reading and relaxing...not surfing the net. Hey, any information is good information, I just am looking for some good reads.