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Hitler a Zionist?

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posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 12:55 PM
What's your views on this, I've read some conspiracy theories, admittadly among some white nationalist circles that Hitler calabirated with Zionists during WWII to bring about the state of Israel. Hitler had a Jewish father if im not mistaken and he does look similar to the current PM of Israel Ehud Olmert if you check photo's.

For the record I am anti-Zionist not anti-semitic before I get a ton of accusations.

[edit on 5-9-2007 by somethingaintright]

[edit on 5-9-2007 by somethingaintright]

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 01:24 PM
And he killed 4 million jews, why???


p.s. sorry, oneliner. But it makes the point!

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by somethingaintright
and he does look similar to the current PM of Israel Ehud Olmert if you check photo's.

when I was 17 I travelled thru Japan and was stopped at least a 20 times, over the course of a month, by older Japanese women who always had the same comment. Paul McCartney-san. It seems the Japanese ladies think I looked like a young McCartney. (not even close, even the hair color was different, go figure). Does that mean he might be jewish or I might be catholic?

Hitler didn't set out to systematically exterminate several million jews to help them. I suggest you stop reading white supremacy/nazi literature as it tends to be a bit one sided and, at times, desperate, in its attempts to rationalize their hatred.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by somethingaintright

I've heard the theory before. Although in the version I heard, Hitler's biological father was a Rothschild (his mom was the house maid, according to the story) and the Rothschilds used Hitler as a pawn to (1) create WWII which made zillions for a lot of people and (2) resulted in the creation of Israel.

And no, I don't believe it. Sure, there was profiteering as there always is. War is lucrative. Who doesn't know that? But I don't believe Hitler calabriated with the Zionists. Or something.

As far as physical "similarities" between Hitler & Olmert, other than looking like a couple of humorless dweebs you wouldn't invite to your barbecue, I'm not seeing it. Olmert looks like my old grade school principal, too. I don't think he was a Zionist.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 02:21 PM
I don't know why...

Originally posted by somethingaintright
What's your views on this, I've read some conspiracy theories, admittadly among some white nationalist circles that Hitler calabirated with Zionists during WWII to bring about the state of Israel. Hitler had a Jewish father if im not mistaken and he does look similar to the current PM of Israel Ehud Olmert if you check photo's.

For the record I am anti-Zionist not anti-semitic before I get a ton of accusations.

But I was compelled to save this post as a quote... There's just "something" about it... A certain "charm" if you will...

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 03:35 PM
He is not a Zionist. He was a very angry man who had too much power, and used it to attack what he saw as his oppressers.

Doesn't matter if Hitler was a Jew. He was a bastard. That's enough in my view.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 11:01 PM
Though I don't personally believe Hitler was a zionist.....the argument COULD be made that many more Jews have benefited from the holocaust than were hurt by it.

Now, before you guys jump on the "Jasn is an anti-semite" bandwagon, I am only stating that the argument COULD logically be made.

Whether this argument has anything to do with Hitler, however, I have my doubts. But hey, anything is possible right?

Wouldn't be the first time a group has hurt a few* of their own to benefit the many.


* Naturally, millions of people is not a "few", however I used the term so as to keep the known adage.

Though, as a side note, I am not totally convinced of the true number of Jews killed during the holocaust. That's not to say I think it was a made up event, I do not. I fully believe the holocaust occurred, however, depending on who you ask, you get 6 million to 9 million, to 2 million to 3 million to 700 thousand. That sort of discrepancy leaves one to wonder what the true number was.

By the way, why don't the gypsies, blacks, handicapped and others that suffered similar losses as a result of the holocaust also get those monetary benefits?

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by SimiusDei
Wouldn't be the first time a group has hurt a few* of their own to benefit the many.

conspiring to kill off a large percentage of your own people so that the remaining few can have a homeland makes no sense. Think about it for a minute. Killing off the jews in Europe so that the jews in Asia and the Americas can have a homeland? The jews in Asia and the Americas weren't being chased away and would not have needed a new home. Only those being chased from their homes in Europe would need relocating and they weren't rounded up and shipped off to a new homeland, they were rounded up and slaughtered.

Originally posted by SimiusDei
Though, as a side note, I am not totally convinced of the true number of Jews killed during the holocaust. That's not to say I think it was a made up event, I do not. I fully believe the holocaust occurred, however, depending on who you ask, you get 6 million to 9 million, to 2 million to 3 million to 700 thousand. That sort of discrepancy leaves one to wonder what the true number was.

6 million is the most commonly accepted number. Does it really matter if it was 2 million, 3 million or 6 million? Does it make the crime any less horrific? The germans kept meticulous records so I'm guessing the 6 million number is pretty close to accurate.

Originally posted by SimiusDei
By the way, why don't the gypsies, blacks, handicapped and others that suffered similar losses as a result of the holocaust also get those monetary benefits?

Unfortunately, they don't get the same "recognition" as the jews, with regards to the holocaust. Could be any number of reasons. Percentage of the population killed, total numbers, lack of support from their own, global, community etc. It doesn't make it right but it might explain why the Roma weren't given reparations. For what it's worth, my brother in law's parents would have been the first to tell you that the pittance they received from the German gov't for being rounded up, sent to various camps over the course of the war, losing their entire families, losing their homes and, in the case of his mother, being shot several times by your neighbors for trying to reclaim your home really doesn't cover the loss, pain and suffering.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 05:56 AM

Though I don't personally believe Hitler was a zionist.....the argument COULD be made that many more Jews have benefited from the holocaust than were hurt by it.

How so? The Jews that were caught up in the war lost EVERYTHING! Israel is hardly suitable compensation for losing your family, your friends, and enduring the death camps is it? Are you talking about other Jews who benefited from the war? If so, give me a source. I look forward to reading it.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 07:24 AM
Following the same logic, there should be a country for gypsies, mentally retarded people, homosexuals, Jehovah Witness's, and criminals.

Hitler led a country down a path of destruction that resulted in it's own destruction. You can not change history by claiming this or that, or making excuses. He was not a Zionist, he was hardly a human, but he did like dogs.

You need to read and research real history books and leave the revisionist history crap alone. It was Hitler's grandfather that was rumored to be Jewish.
This was never proven, but no one really cares, except people trying to rationalize irrational acts caused by a madman.

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