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Making a hot dog dissapear using microwaves

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posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 05:11 AM
I was Performing an experiment at work last week. The premise: To make a chili dog dissapear in a microwave. What would happen if you left the hot dog inside the microwave ongoing forever? would the Dog Dissapear or would it just burn out? I am a believer in traveling thru time and space and my goal was to make the hot dog enter a dimension parallel to a phone line next to the microwave. The study had some problems, as how would the hot dog enter the phone line and re-apear outside the physical world.

I cooked the Hot Dog for 36 minutes. I observed a shift in the time relating to the object as it rotated. I could almost see the hot dog move and explode inside the microwave. So, I opened the door and the Hot Dog was still there. but once again I started the timer at 36 minutes. And so on.

Eventually. My observation was due. I can safely assure you all that the experiment was as success the hot dog had almost dissapeared, all I could see were left over stains and parts of the bread, assuming here that the bread evaporated or entered the parallel universes contained in the telephone next door. Prior to the experiment I had the receiver of the telephone off the base so there was a busy tone and sound could enter via the voice receptors.

Conclusion: The hot dog seemed to have dissapeared, of course that could have been the breakdown of the molecules based on heat and rotation. but overall, the mass of the hot dog had been minimized. Success there. Failure at the other end, as I never got to see the hot dog travel space and transport it's matter into the telephone. I know it was a silly experiment, but I thought I give it a try.

Any suggestions or comments?

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 07:40 AM
What made you think nuking a tube of animal by-products would send it through time?

I observed a shift in the time relating to the object as it rotated.

Thats vague, how did you see a shift in time? what do you mean?

I can safely assure you all that the experiment was as success the hot dog had almost dissapeared

It probably did almost dissappear, all over your microwave walls.

This just reminds me of that episode of South Park where the boys want to travel back in time to the thrid grade. They get some nerds to make a second time machine (after their first one took timmy back in time) out of a microwave and a brown duck (duct taped to the unit)

Was this a serious post or experiment? Or is this a joke?

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 07:46 AM
I took it very seriously, I documented the whole thing by taking photographs. perhaps I will post some this weekend. I expected it not to work, but I'd figure I give it a try anyway. I saw the hot dog misplace itself inside the microwave. As if moving between spaces, of course I saw this thru the small window and I couldn't really see very well inside. and it would have impossible to take a photograph of that. overall, I had fun and I would definitely do it again. Perhaps I will use a non animal product next time.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 07:59 AM
If you took it seriously, why did you believe that nuking a hotdog beside a telephone line would somehow rip a whole in the fabric of space and time?

What made you leap to such a conclusion?

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 08:06 AM
Sorry to be so negative here

creative cooking lessons aside :- what did you really want to achieve through this experiement!

why did you think that using a microwave in such a way would send a hot dog back through time or make it invisible etc .... ?

I've oftern wondered what would happen if you drilled a hole through the earth, stood on the north pole and jumped in !!! would you fall out of the other end ! would you get stuck in the middle ! or would you meet the yeti and EBE's that are supposed to live there ! But im not going to try and do it !!!!

sounds like you may have toooooo much time on your hands.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 08:07 AM
true. I was thinking between the lines of a scifi film. sorry I am a true follower of sci-fi films. Have you ever seen the Matrix? in those films they enter the matrix using telephone lines. So they are sucked in and travel that way using the cable lines..also in films like bill and teds they use a phone booth to travel thru time. I know it makes no sense, but I wanted to give it a try anyway..I'd probably feel stupid doing it again..I just feel that microwaves could be used in another manner, other than to heat up edibles.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 08:07 AM
I don't understand in the slightest what you achieved.

You put a hotdog in a microwave and left it for 36 minutes? Right, I got that part, it's the next part which doesn't make any sense to me.

By cooking this hotdog for ages you were trying to bend space and time and make it appear in your telephone? Of course the hotdog would disappear, the bloody thing exploded! Not teleported!

Please tell me this was a joke or a drunken night in, either's fine.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 08:09 AM
Lol are you having a joke with us all?

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by jedimiller
true. I was thinking between the lines of a scifi film. sorry I am a true follower of sci-fi films. Have you ever seen the Matrix? in those films they enter the matrix using telephone lines. So they are sucked in and travel that way using the cable lines..also in films like bill and teds they use a phone booth to travel thru time.

The important part of the above was sci-fi, as in science fiction

I understand you think microwaves can be used for more than just cooking, but to think they would rip a whole in the universe is a huge stretch.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 08:23 AM
I know it's hard to comprehend. think about this if you may, and tell me if you can predict what will happen.

1. place mirrors all around the inside walls of the microwave. would it have an effect? would the waves concentrate on the center space of the microwave..has anyone else tried this? and would you see the light spectrum appear or some sort of concentrated heat wave?

2. enter the time. start with 36 minutes and see what happens. I may try this next time, but I know it could be dangerous.

3. place an object (apple in this case) and start it up. these are very dangerous experiments so I always use eye protection.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 08:24 AM
it could be very dangerous you may turn into a fly

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 08:26 AM
I think the most interesting fact in this whole experiment is that you were conducting it at work.

What kind of job do you have? If I wasted over an hour trying to make a hot dog travel through space time and warp through a telephone, I would be fired.

Sounds like you have a job you should hang on to for dear life…if the pay is good.


Now on topic…I think you accomplished nothing with this. Just because you managed to evaporate a hot dog means nothing.

It's similar to saying that the ice in my soda, when it is gone, didn't really melt. What actually happened was that it dissapeard over time into a parallel dimension, and reappeared through the receiver in my telephone.

I'm sorry…but I think this whole thing is ludicrous. Interesting experiment nonetheless though.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 08:29 AM
thanks. I know I didn't accomplish too much..I really wondered what would happen to the hot dog if I never turned off the microwave and let it run all day and all night. but I didn't want to burn down the building. I just find this whole subject microwaves ever end or do they change in the case that you always leave the item inside and never turn it off.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by jedimiller

I don't know if you succeeded in teleporting a chili dog or not, but I can say for 100% certain, this thread has put a smile on my face.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 08:36 AM
If you left a microwave on for ever a number of things could happen, it could overheat, blow a fuse or simply stop. So no, a microwave, like any electrical appliance cannot stay on forever.

But, in the spirit of this thread, let's say we did leave it on forever. This is my educated guess on what would happen:

First of all, the item you placed in the microwave would heat up until it either melted, evaporated or exploded.

Let's say it melted. Now it would evaporate and rise to the top of the microwave and form condensation on the 'ceiling'. This in turn would drip back down and then go back up again.

You wouldn't have bent time and space, but you would have created a miniature weather system in your humble microwave.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 08:48 AM
Now this is makin' me do some thinkin'! So I says to myself, Self? What would make that hot dog jump into a phone line......... Hmmmmmmmmmm........
You know, I just thought of somethin' and stuff. The other night my phone was ringin' and stuff. So I pick up that phone and say "Hello......hello....hello.....Is anyone there?"
Hmmmmmmm, there was no answer on that phone.
Wait! When I hung up that phone, I noticed that I had yellow mustard on the side of my face where I was holdin' that phone and stuff! And there was roll crumbs under my phone! You might be onto somethin'! Man - maybe if you put that hod dog in the microwave for 2 hours it would work.
Wait! I just did some more thinkin'! Maybe if you put a cell phone in the microwave with that hotdog while you're cookin' it and stuff that hot dog would like jump into that cell phone and go flyin' through the air as radio waves and stuff! Yeah! Man, that's some good stuff!
Hold on! Maybe if you put that hot dog in some water before putting it the microwave, and like micro-boil that hot dog - yeah! And like you could use a nice fancy metal container. And it would be like all boilin', and sparkin', and makin' like miniature lightnin' and stuff in that microwave. Yeah! That hot dog wouldn't stand a chance!

I think I'm gonna go try it with a piece of pizza! Yeah! That would be so cool! You call up Domino's and the next thing you know, that pizzas flyin' through the phone right into your mouth and stuff! Yeah!

On a serious note, a mind which thinks outside of the box is a potentially GREAT mind. I admire you for pondering something most wouldn't even think of. Most great inventions have come about in this fashion. But PLEASE - be careful when playing around with a microwave in that fashion. I can't imagine what the microwave was like after 36 minutes. No one would like to see you get hurt.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by jedimiller
1. place mirrors all around the inside walls of the microwave. would it have an effect? would the waves concentrate on the center space of the microwave..has anyone else tried this? and would you see the light spectrum appear or some sort of concentrated heat wave?

I doubt the waves would concentrate or reflect into the center.

Mirrors are just glass and reflective foil And if you know anything about microwaves, metal and a microwave is not the greatest idea. I imagine what would happen would be similar to what happens if you nuke cds. THe foil would act as a conductor, youd see some pretty colours "spider-vein" their way across the foil until it was toast, you might even shatter the glass.

But rip time apart? I doubt it.

Edit to add: I cant search for it right now because im at work, but go to youtube or google video and just search for microwaving cds, or something close to that. Its a neat video, despite teh fact that time still remains intact.

[edit on 5-9-2007 by InSpiteOf]

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 09:27 AM

You wouldn't have bent time and space, but you would have created a miniature weather system in your humble microwave.

the image of a lava lamp microwave came to mind with that one. =)

hypothetically if the hot dog managed to phase out of our dimension or whatever, what mechanism would direct it into the phone line? would the phone line exist in another dimension? why 36 minutes? seems a little arbitrary - kinda like 88 mph on the DeLorean (although there was a reason they picked 88 and it adds a little humor)

i agree that if you work in an enviroment conducive to experimenting on exploding hot dogs then you should never leave. ever.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by jedimiller
true. I was thinking between the lines of a scifi film. sorry I am a true follower of sci-fi films. Have you ever seen the Matrix? in those films they enter the matrix using telephone lines. So they are sucked in and travel that way using the cable lines..also in films like bill and teds they use a phone booth to travel thru time. I know it makes no sense, but I wanted to give it a try anyway..I'd probably feel stupid doing it again..I just feel that microwaves could be used in another manner, other than to heat up edibles.

While the matrix is an excellent movie (i have the trilogy) it has no fact basis what-so-ever... when I was 12 I tried to find anything related to an alternative universe.

Bill and Teds adventure 1989 knock off of Doctor Who.

Microwaves are good for weapons. Watch Batman Begins. Sorry its just that I like my hotdogs and microwaves and dont like them being put to bad use.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 09:32 AM
I think the OP is doing a prank or something.. How can you put a hot-dog in another dimension just by putting it in the microwave, i mean has it ever worked for you the other 10,000+ times you've used the microwave to make chicken-noodle soup? Still, if you're actually serious in your venture, good luck. Just don't try to send any cats through until you get the hot dog first

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