posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 04:35 PM
You know i was thinking today about the upcomiing election next year and suddenly i came to the realization that if this were a democracy anyone could
run for office and possibly have a victory.
But instead it seems that people are hand picked for us from the same groups and these people are paraded to us in an attempt to get us to believe
that we are actually choosing who runs this country.
While its true that not everyone is meant to be a leader, it is unsettling that we have not really voted someone outside of party lines into
Another thing i dont like about our so called system is the electoral college, state population should not have anything to do with which state gets
how many slots or whatever. If its suposed to be the peoples choice shouldnt it be then whatever the majority says goes.
I dont know call me naive if you will but i really dont think we are practicing democracy in the USA and i dont blame the goverment i blame te people
born here who do not have the testicular fortitude to run for office because they dont want to get into all the red tape that the office brings along
with it.
but if we truly make this a people's republic i dont see why the average joe cant apply for that possition granted there should be some pre
qualifications just to make sure we dont have someone thats a push over.
these are just my thought on all this and sorry if this this is the wrong spot for it.