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Plane Carrying Aviation Adventurer Steve Fossett Missing

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posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 02:35 PM
3 Blackhawks just flew over me going south around 12:19 p.s.t today. More and more military activity lately. Hopefully, somethings going down and they will find Mr. Fossett soon.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 03:20 PM

Just noticed have now posted a map of the crash sites of aircraft they have recorded and you can click on the planes to get details.

Wonder if you think there may be any significance in clusters etc 'cos you live in the area?

[edit on 14-9-2007 by TommyCrown]

[edit on 14-9-2007 by TommyCrown]

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 09:11 PM
TommyCrown said

Wonder if you think there may be any significance in clusters etc 'cos you live in the area?

There's been a couple of small airplane crashes, on the fan here. The fan being the sloping areas, near the mountains. I witnessed one. The expert to answer your question is John Lear. I can take a guess and say it has something to do with the varied winds. It can be calm higher up and gusting winds at a lower altitude.

I'll go out on a limb here and say: One time in the mid 90's I did see 6 UFO's following an airforce jet. They were extremely bright objects. The shapes could not be determined, due to their brightness. The objects appeared approximately 1/4 the size of the jet. Could these UFO's bring down the jet if *they* wanted too? I believe they could, without a problem. But they did Not, in this case. I'll always wonder, if the pilot of the jet knew he was being followed? Or was he escorting them somewhere? I don't believe like some....... that all ET's are nice and just want to help us poor earthlings.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 11:03 AM
here is my theory he was looking for a dry lake bed to do his new landspeed record shot. he found one that looked promising and tried to land on it .suprise it wasn't totally dry the plane went through a crust on surface of a mud lake and got buried in mud . next day sun up lake mud surface crusts over hiding wreck or make it seem like its been their for years

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 11:41 AM
Originally posted by proteus33

here is my theory he was looking for a dry lake bed to do his new landspeed record shot. he found one that looked promising and tried to land on it .suprise it wasn't totally dry the plane went through a crust on surface of a mud lake and got buried in mud . next day sun up lake mud surface crusts over hiding wreck or make it seem like its been their for years. duh:

Thanks for the post and theory proteus. Dry lakes in Nevada have formed over a period of thousands of years. There are none that have 'a crust' covering a mud lake. There are dry lakes that get wet after a rain and even get to be a foot deep or so but not in the past few years as it has been extremely dry here in Nevada.

So, no, Steve isn't buried in the mud of a dry lake.

Here is a picture of Groom Dry Lake in the spring of 1977. It was about 2 or 3 inches deep and only lasted a few weeks.

Thanks for the post.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 01:33 PM
I agree with you John. What really gets my goat is how did Fossett manage
to disappear without leaving a trace? Did he get vaporized site-seeing? Geez, just how many OLD BOLD PILOTS are left?

My heart goes out to his family and circle of friends. I truly know the agony of
not knowing.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 01:48 PM
My guess is that he owed the IRS money, and so he faked his own death. What better way to fake your own death then Emilia Earhart style?

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by MountainStar

The objects appeared approximately 1/4 the size of the jet. Could these UFO's bring down the jet if *they* wanted too? I believe they could, without a problem. But they did Not, in this case. I'll always wonder, if the pilot of the jet knew he was being followed? Or was he escorting them somewhere? I don't believe like some....... that all ET's are nice and just want to help us poor earthlings.

Interesting... that size might bring those bright craft into the foo category.
Unless there were parts of the craft you didn't see, other the light from the motors.
The complete engulfing of the craft in light does seem to be an occurrence in flight however.

I believe UFOs are from people who's name sort of rhymes with ETs.

The foo didn't do much against US bombers in WWII so their atmospheric
disturbance seems weak as compared to the Mantell incident.

The Mantell UFO Incident was among the most publicized early UFO reports. The incident resulted in the crash and death of 25-year-old Kentucky Air National Guard pilot, Captain Thomas F. Mantell, on 7 January 1948, while in pursuit of a UFO.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 10:23 PM

15 September 2007 - Nevada, USA - The search for Steve Fossett continues on its 12th full day with CAP aircraft from Minden, Nevada and Bishop, California, the Air National Guard from Reno, plus Army National Guard helicopters and private aircraft (8 helicopters and 5 fixed wing) based at the Flying M Ranch scouring the high desert and mountainous terrain for signs of Steve's plane or a crash site.

Quote from-

TeslaandLyne here's more to that story..............
Location: Foothills to Mount Charleston........

It was a cloudless day in September of 1995 and the sky was absolute blue. Not One cloud in the sky. At that time there was no electricity or phone lines available, in this area. We were extremely secluded from other people. Generators and solar panels were our only source of electricity. The wells generator was a 10K, due to the depth of over 450 feet.
That morning the water ran out at 9:30 a.m. so I had to go outside and pump some more up from the well. The well is about 100 feet from the house. Just as I was going to pull on the rope I heard an airforce jet and looked up. Airforce jets are certainly not unusual for this area, but what was unusual was there were six star-like objects following it. I ran to the house to get my daughter to see this strange event. I guess I just wanted someone else to verify what I was in fact seeing. Within minutes the jet, with the objects following it went out of sight. There was a distance between the objects and the jet. They were heading north, but were at too high of an altitude to be landing at Area 51. My daughter and I were baffled as to what those things were, but I proceeded to pump up the water from the well. These very well could have been the Foo's you talk about.
But what were these objects? No Earthquake activity in area........

We went back inside and my daughter started doing the morning dishes. We'd talk about those strange lights, following the jet. I brushed it off.... as some military secret project of some kind. After doing all the mornings chores the water ran out again. It was 11:30 a.m.
Just as I opened the door to go outside *THERE THEY WERE*! Directly above my head at 12:00 o'clock high at approximately 100 feet up. There were anywhere from 150-200 of these star-like objects. I yelled to my daughter to come see this! We both went outside right underneath them. We just stood there and watched in awe.
The objects ranged from the size of a basketball to that of a tennis ball. They could maneuver up, down, sideways, and zig-zag. They were silent and even appeared to be dancing, across the sky. Moving ever-so slowly. I felt (they knew) we were watching them. The objects were not threatening and we were not afraid of them.
My daughter asked, " Mom what are those things?" Moms are supposed to have the answers right? This time I didn't have a clue and responded, I don't know???
I call them a star-like objects, because they were a brilliant white light. There's more to this story and we've seen more since that day.

'If" Steve Fossett happened to run across these things, being the adventurous person he was.....I believe he would have checked them out. Maybe he pushed his small aircraft to its limits, like Captain Thomas F. Mantell.

Great Photo John! I won't ask how you got it.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by earthman4

My freind was flying over area 51 and talking to Las Vegas Air Control. They asked him where he was. He said "I'm over area 51" they said " that airbase does not exist.
"But I can see it right under me"
" Go east just past the airbase that does not exist"
Ok, turning right past the airbase that does not exist"
I thought this was funny.

Heehe, that sounds like something out of "Catch-22"

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by MountainStar

I would call them Tesla lights..from the special air craft being a theory that
such bright motors engulf a craft might be part of a Faraday effect which
is well known that electricity stays on the surface of objects when of high cycles
and potential.

Great story... sighting... there is a picture of a fleet of lights from the UK
posted some where on the site.

UFO Fleet (pics & links) Essex UK - Aug 26th 07

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by MountainStar

Wow, finally after 4 days of silence we get an update? from Steve's website.
Firstly, I've not heard any conclusion to the specific blackhawk search that was mentioned several days ago.

Secondly, what's this about Steve working on a 'submersible project'?
So, his submersible personnel are helping with photo recognition and coordination.

That got me thinking - all those early theories about Steve going down in a lake.
Anyone been using diving 'equipment' or are they doing sonar from the surface.

Finally, here's one for John Lear.
You've mentioned earlier in this thread (page 3) regarding NUWC and on other occasions, in more depth.
Perhaps Steve was flying that area as you suggested, perhaps his submersible project had something to do with it!

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 11:20 AM
Thank-you Teslaandlyne for the link. Linda Moulton Howe showed video's of these lights in the crop circles, while they were being made.

Excellent supplementation TommyCrown! That's a great question for John Lear. What do you think John? Could Steve Fossett's Submersible Project have something to do with NUWC?

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 01:14 AM
Navigating around in a submersible is good training for flying around
in a lightning craft that you can't see out of and must use controls.

Submariner in training or Airmariner in training?

Here is a single model plane or UFO.

It does flash some lights at times, apparently in deceleration.

If it is a craft, would Steve like to try one out do you think?

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by john Lear

Thanks for the 'acceptance' of my apology in regards to hi-jacking the thread.

But... my apology was concerning the question I asked, not the response I gave to another members Post.

If you had in fact given some type of response to the question of the 'other' missing avengers that had been found... then your other arrogant remarks may have been warranted.

As far as the Steve Fossett mystery, it seems people are trying to make a conpiracy out of something that hasn't even run its course yet.

As I have read a few times.. he didn't file a flight plan.

Does anyone know for SURE where he went?

I think the answer to this would be crucial in located where he went down.IMO

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by Grailkeeper

Thanks for getting back.. any mystery in the air or Nevada seems not too
far a stretch if speculation is all we have otherwise we can take it from the
news on TV and papers and be done with it.

So yes there is Lost Squadron #1 and now #2... the one off Cape Canaveral..
( Kennedy is not exactly dead either.. just to this world...).

And according to the thread so far.. six in Nevada discovered as a result
of the search for Steve Fossett.

In fact this thread has been my source of information on the search, so
I thank all the true news contributors. news of Fossett search 9/17

[edit on 9/17/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

[edit on 9/17/2007 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 12:32 PM
Man, first Steve disapears and then Colin McRae dies.

This is one sad sad month in the world of champions.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

I've been waiting for that map. Thank you.

It appears to me that they have cut Mud Lake out of the search area. Strange. Seems like that is one area they would look, being a dry lake that has been run before, and its within the fuel/timeframe, as John and I discussed previously in the thread.

Perhaps I'm reading the map wrong?

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 12:17 AM
Maj. Ed Dames writes: "Steve Fossett's location has now been narrowed down to a roughly 1 square mile area (map below). I'm dispatching a Matrix Intelligence Agency ground search team into the area, ASAP."

See map at link below....

Ed Dames and his group will be hiking into this area.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 12:32 AM
Near Kennedy Canyon... got to be named after Lincolns' secretary.

Names don't change that quick out in the wild west.

That is a narrow down of the search.

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