posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by time4chg07
You have made a good point of learning about other cultures and other societies but what you have failed to address is who is going to educate the
kids about other cultures and other societies. A fundamentalist Arab could come and preach about his "version" of Islam and while doing so seek to
fire up radicalism in the Arab kids already attending that class. This would lead to Arab gangs and then the rest is history. We dont want the
situation to come to a stage where we have situations like the "Your Black Muslim Bakery" gangs running around enforcing their fundamnetalism on
others all because some fundamentalist Arab in school introduced them to the 'glory' that is "radical islam". Kids are very impressionable and
introducing any new culture should only be allowed after the people who teach this new culture and the contents of this are clearly understood and
filtered to take out any and all objectionable material that conflicts with our values and systems. Because it is more important that kids realize
what is OUR norm before they are introduced and allowed to debate the validity of our values.
We cant have Arab girls coming to school in black head covers and turn the school into some venue for religious exhibitionism. Schooling should only
introduce them to a new culture not pit our culture against theirs. That is not its place and not its function.