posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 01:02 AM
I think most importantly one should purchase land ASAP. And immediately develop a farm there. Also if one hopes to be able to move quickly, they
should purchase a car that is convertible to biodiesel. You can get an 85 mercedes diesel for around $2000, and convert it for around $1000. Next
issue is getting its new fuels, vegetable oils, these likely can be purchased cheaply from local restaurants or just taken from their back entryways.
Henry Kissinger quoted, "Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls
money can control the world." So we've covered the food and energy problem mostly, and in the time of X, these will be analogous to today's money
I also think it would valuable to own a large hunting dog. They could attack or warn of potential invaders, and more importantly could kill animals
for both of your food.
I believe time X, meaning a large-scale catastrophic event is inevitable. IF you've seen any of Alex Jone's documentaries () your aware of the
biological and nuclear warfare plans. Biological should hit first, and this is my most reason contemplation. What would be the best method to protect
yourself from a viral outbreak? Obviously seclusion, being that the disease couldn't travel to you, would be most rational. Next would be some type
of physical barricade to border off your home/location from incoming contaminations.
Bioweaponry is a serious concern for me now. Over the course of the last 5 years, the leading microbiological scientists have all been
suspiciously dying off. The theory goes that they have all been assassinated because they were the ones who created the vaccinations and sometimes
even the new diseases. Meaning that they were the only ones with knowledge to create a healing agent in distress. Steve Quayle covers the dead
scientists at . Theories have warned of ebola and HIV as being the future pandemic diseases. Any of you heard of other specific diseases planned to be
used by the NWO?