posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 05:38 PM
I just found this story and watched the video.. Here are my thoughts on the story.. Mind you I am still new to this, so this is my first take..
The little boy who Cried Wolf!!
Story goes.. This guy loves UFO's and always did pictures trying to find UFO events, and document them.. Frustrated by not finding anything, and
being half broke poor, average "guy".
He wanted to proove a point.. That many people will see a UFO pic, get all this attention, and turn out to be not what it seems..
He takes a picture of a hoax UFO shoot, makes the video and posts it as the real deal...
Many people become envolved.. And he jumped into something way bigger than him! He wanted to prove to people that he could make a pic, put it out
there and say its real, and tons of people will buy it.
Well he loved the attention, and just didnt have the heart at the time to say no its fake.. He went with this for some time. Hurt alot of feelings,
and hurt what we do here. So he turns himself in, and mans up to what hes done.. Death treats, people following him.. He got in way over his head
IMO. Let this be a good lesson to any would be hoaxer.
Your not telling us something we dont already know!~
WE know there is life out there okay.. Its just we dont have any proof that they are Annunaki , greys, insectoids.. Yet we have a ton of people who
go off history records, eye wittness acounts, you name it, its out there..
Some of this gets me so preplex I just want to stay away from the subject all together.. But I cant! Its like that old lady of mine that you just
cant leave. A passion if you will..
This guy messed up, and is trying to tell everyone that he wants to say sorry and give a little message to any would be hoaxer out there, its not
kewl man. and people take offense.. Its easy to get sucked in..
You must be prepared to do this kinda stuff... You have to have something solid to stay around in this group of folks..
Most true to life UFO researchers Ive talked to in my life are great people, and honest down to earth folk who are more like you and I than what the
world might make you think.. Its just when people Cry wolf.. It hurt the people who are doing a good job at their craft..
[edit on 3-9-2007 by zysin5]