posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 08:33 AM
Hey i was just listenign to a podcast by the great Dave Rabbit and Johnny Anonymous on ATS mix, on Show 5 - John Lear Finale (part1) near the end
they are asking people who they will vote for, and why. A lady, who i am presuming is black for her comment which was.
Dave/Johnny - Who are you going to Vote for >?
Women - Obama.
Dave/Johnny - Why Obama ?
Women - He represents change.
Women - O and he is black, thats the number 1 reason.
That wasnt the right dialoge but it is pretty damn close, and it gets to the right point.
Basicly what i am saying is, are people going to vote for this guy just because he is black ? I am not a racist but voting because he is black seems a
little bit....stupid really.
Shouldnt you vote for him, if you agree for him, and agree with his policies and think he is the right guy ?
I hope you all understand my post and dont get the wrong end of the stick.
Take Care, Vix