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North Korea 'to come off terror list' (Conflicting Update)

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posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 05:26 AM

North Korea 'to come off terror list'

North Korea says the United States has agreed to remove it from a list of countries that support terrorism.

The foreign ministry statement, carried by the state news agency, follows a meeting in Geneva this weekend between nuclear envoys from both nations.

Analysts had predicted the North could soon be removed from the list, but the US has so far made no mention of it.
(visit the link for the full news article)


Conflicting update:

US: Korea still on terrorism list

The United States has denied claims from Pyongyang that North Korea has been taken off the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism.

The North's official news agency had carried a report quoting a Foreign Ministry spokesman as saying the nation had been removed from the list and that sanctions would be lifted.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 3-9-2007 by UM_Gazz]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 05:26 AM
This looks like good news! Since they've pledged to disable their nuke facilities, things are looking bright all round.

Hopefully North Korea will start co-operating more with the rest of the world now, and become much less of a "threat" than they have been for the past several years.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 06:11 AM
Does anyone here really think they are just going to poof give up their nuke production facilities?

That is very naive thinking. Dictators and lunatics will say whatever it is people want to hear and then they will covertly go about the total opposite.

[edit on 3-9-2007 by ChrisF231]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 06:39 AM
Does NK use their nuclear ambitions to gain continual leverage against Countries seriously opposed to NK having access to anything WMD.
Could be wrong, but I had thought the USA does not talk or make deals with Terrorist States?

Seems to me there were no direct talks to happen between the USA and NK per Mr Bush's Policy, I suppose that has changed.
I suppose in order to circumvent that technicality, NK had to be removed from the Terrorist State list.


posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 06:59 AM
This is just plain stupid. North Korea is the worst dictatorship in the world, and if any country should have been invaded and ``liberated`` it would have been this one, not Iraq.

They still have nukes. The leadership is still batshiat crazy. The conditions for the population are worse than in africa. People are the most brainwashed on the planet (except for neo-cons
) Yeah sure, they deserve to be off the list

[edit on 3-9-2007 by Vitchilo]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 07:00 AM
Look im sure its a good thing that NK has agreed to dismantle its uranium enriching facilities and such. I'm sure they have a few nuclear weapons stored away somewhere just in case mr bush gets into any more funny business with NK.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 08:40 AM
Promising to dismantle their Nuclear Arms Program is a far cry from actually doing it. Kim is certainly not going to give in to US demands when he has to give up the only thing he has to threaten us with. You also notice that the announcement has not been verified or confirmed by the Bush administration. NK has made announcements before that turned out to be bogus.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 09:17 AM
What I would liek to have clarified is exactly what terrorists has NK been supporting? Anyone? Anyone?

Just because someone runs their country differently does not mean they support terrorists.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by lightseeker
You also notice that the announcement has not been verified or confirmed by the Bush administration. NK has made announcements before that turned out to be bogus.

Looks like you were right there, seems the US are saying that this claim of being off the terror list is false..

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

If we would've invaded NK, they obviously would've used their nukes on us. Plus China wouldn't appreciate the idea.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 03:50 PM
even if North Korea does give "proof"
that they are giving up the nuke activity,
what is their "proof". Surely all of North
Korea cant be happy about this agreement.

the rest of my opinions are self explanatory.
i think this agreement is not a good idea.
i'm not racist or anything but...
we should still keep our eyes peeled for any
illegal activity.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by DYepes
What I would liek to have clarified is exactly what terrorists has NK been supporting? Anyone? Anyone?

Just because someone runs their country differently does not mean they support terrorists.

I wouldnt use the word terrorist either, that governement is more of a big Soprano family, here read this
They're dealing everything they can make or get their hands on.
I think it will be difficult for them to make (more) nukes for the future, but i'll bet they have a few, one for Tokio, Seoul, maybe one or two for a west coast city, and probably one or two to sell to the highest bidder..
With this trick they can get even more money just by fooling here and there..Cause the big deal should include disarming all nuclear devices they've made so far..
Kim is just the biggest criminal leading the biggest criminal organisation in the world, and political? I bet he has a couple of hotkeys for Chavez and Ahmedinejad on his phone [and i'll bet ya he's calling them collect as well

[edit on 3-9-2007 by Foppezao]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 09:38 PM

If we would've invaded NK, they obviously would've used their nukes on us. Plus China wouldn't appreciate the idea.

I know. But we could have done a deal with China, promising them that they would place a pro-China leadership there if they wanted.

But invading NK is almost impossible because they would destroy Seoul in a matter of minutes with artillery barrages.

So I know what I asked was near impossible without massive casualties (more than 2 millions) but eh... it would have been the better idea if NK wouldn't have all those artillery and nukes pointed at South Korea.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 11:13 PM
I could swear that the largest criminal organizations were the Yakuza and the Triads, are you insinuating that Kim Jong is in control of these two groups?

North Korea is a country in which the people have decided something different from the rest of the world. If over millions of people are following the iron fister rule of one man, they must at least be in partial agreement to some of his policies.

Frankly, I dont think NK ever has to worry about 400 pound people who collect disability from hard working poor taxes, and jack up the health insurance rates as a result of the diabetes, heart disease, cancers, and other server obeseity related illnesses and the expensive treatments they bring in.

Frankly none of us have been there, and there have not been any public documentaries showing the reality in quite some time. the only thing we have to go on is government approved press releases, not actual independant reporting.

I dont think NK is any worse off than Mexico, but with less people and not as polluted.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by DYepes
What I would liek to have clarified is exactly what terrorists has NK been supporting? Anyone? Anyone?

Just because someone runs their country differently does not mean they support terrorists.

Ya, the word terrorist is used too much. NK is just an enemy from an unfinished war.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by DYepes

North Korea is a country in which the people have decided something different from the rest of the world. If over millions of people are following the iron fister rule of one man, they must at least be in partial agreement to some of his policies.

I dont think NK is any worse off than Mexico, but with less people and not as polluted.

I think you say that out of ignorance. The NK people are slaves to a dictator/military ruled society I think is more like some of the countries in Africa with their total lack of human rights and massive famine issues.

The amount of food aid required is a good indicator of their issues. Kim feeds his army first and then throws the remaining scraps to the people who are starving in the millions.

[edit on 3-9-2007 by Xtrozero]

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 12:17 AM
i think your comment about "throws the remaining scraps" is part of the propoganda. How do you know they are not getting just as much as they need?

People who starve at the hands of dictators in Africa or others places also do not usually have a nuclear energy or weapons program. Or a strong missle development program, including that they feed their army first and feed the scraps to the slaves.

So if NK's people are truly starving to death the way other third world counties do, why do they have subs, nukes, long range missles, and other such equipment? It takes an educated peoples to produce those things, and usually educated people who are starving do not produce for slave-drivers, because they know better.

Neither of us know because the only info we got is from press releases, and their government will not allow people in. To be honest, this is my theory on NK, and well it will definetly sound cooky.

I believe there is some thing of a more valuable nature than anything publicly known to the free world that exists within their borders. I believe that having this thing is what has given NK the right to keep their country almost completely free from foreign influence and to keep their society rather secretive in nature. Can you show me any other country on Earth which shares a unique social and foreign influence status as North Korea? The people to me that most closely resemble them are the natives who live in places in the amazon. We know a little, but not enough to be sure.

I think through super secret agreements and backdoor policies Nk has exported and sold this thing to the real big shots and players of Earth in order to maintain their society the way it is. I cannot begin to imagine what this resource, or "other" could be, but is is valuable enough to allow them the security and isolation they are comfortable with.

Cuba was made an "enemy of the world" not long after NK, and yet we know everything there is about that place, our cultures interact on a daily basis, and most of the people of the world (outside of the US) can travel there freely. not to mention the style of rule is quite similar, as far as most people are concerned.

In any case, I sincerely believe that NK will keep anything it has produced, and will probably continue to do so secretly as it did before it went public, because of the fact they seem to have the right to stay secret as they wish.

Call me insane, but this is just how I percieve the Nk situation. Obviously I have a different perspective on it, but I do believe I am freely entitled to that perspective.

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by DYepes

I agree. Terrorist is the new Communist. This McCarthy-esque propaganda seems to never stop. North Korea has counterfeit the U.S. Dollar. Whoopty squat. If this labels them as a member of the Axis of Evil, I'm not so sure I want to be an ally. If Allies stand for nothing but serving the Capitalist agenda, you can count me out.

Japan gets all upset about NK testing ICBMs, but I haven't seen an act of aggression out of NK in decades. NK has reacted just as any other nation that's felt threatened throughout history. Look at Iran currently. They're arming up because they're surrounded by the U.S. and it's allies on all sides. What do they do? Develope nuclear technology in hopes of thwarting an invasion or at least an aggressive attack. NK is surrounded by S. Korea, Japan and China. All of which can be considered an ally of America and developing a capitalist society.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to make NK out as a Saint or anything. And Kim Jong-il is just crazy. But, labeling any enemy of the state as a terrorist is just getting out of control. Even some of the legislation passed recently enables full-blooded Americans who disagree with current agendas to be labeled as domestic threats.

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 10:03 AM
This is a tatic to isolate IRAN. A nucelar North Korea is not as much of a threat as a nuclear IRAN dominating the middle east supporting religious extremists. It's in the US best interest to patch things up with North korea fast and possibly work with them.

More than Iran, I could see NK working with the west and becoming something more like china one day. An economic partner to the west and developed asian nations. stabalizing things with them is the smartest thing the US can do right now.

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by DYepes
I could swear that the largest criminal organizations were the Yakuza and the Triads, are you insinuating that Kim Jong is in control of these two groups?

North Korea is a country in which the people have decided something different from the rest of the world. If over millions of people are following the iron fister rule of one man, they must at least be in partial agreement to some of his policies.

Frankly, I dont think NK ever has to worry about 400 pound people who collect disability from hard working poor taxes, and jack up the health insurance rates as a result of the diabetes, heart disease, cancers, and other server obeseity related illnesses and the expensive treatments they bring in.

Frankly none of us have been there, and there have not been any public documentaries showing the reality in quite some time. the only thing we have to go on is government approved press releases, not actual independant reporting.

I dont think NK is any worse off than Mexico, but with less people and not as polluted.

When the goodies get shiped from the big ones to the smaller ones on international waters, groups like the triads take over the bussiness. So indirectly Kim does bussiness with these two as well, i dont know whose bigger.
If i where a mexican, i'd be very insulted by that last sentence, i cant recall World food program, Red cross or Unicef mentioned anything about starvation in Mexico, they did in fact mentioned that lots of times about NK.
And no they dont have deseases like diabetes[a lot] but when you get pretty hungry over time lots of body functions will get disrupted, blindness, deafness, you wont be much more of a happy camper then the overweight people over here..Not to mention the totalitarian state intervening in your everyday life..
The fact that their military is pretty advanced and so sophisitcated people working on that, is the result of NK having an Elite as well as in the rest of the world, the difference is, NK does not have [big broad] middle class

BTW latest word..US denies NK got off the list

[edit on 4-9-2007 by Foppezao]

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