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Stupid conspiracy theories

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posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 07:17 PM
This is a rant to the theories that do not follow the basic patterns of logic and common sense. You are just screwing yourselves. The motto of this website is to "Deny Ignorance"

Are we really denying ignorance by discussing stupid theories like "Is there a Navel submarine base underneath the Nevada Desert?" "Were the twin towers hit by a hologramed missile?" "Did the Lizard King really give the sweeties to the Magic Fairy, whilst they were listening to Chocolate Rain?" No. Why not? That's cause I made it up. YEAH! I was hoaxing you all along, and many members are falling hook, line and sinker over such daft theories on this site. People...please use your common sense, and if the theory disagrees with it, then don't buy into it. There are enough real conspiracies to contend with.

Stop aiming for the moon. There is nothing there.

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 07:24 PM
Use your common sense you say... Hmmm there was once a time in which it was common sense that the world is flat.

As for "deny ignorance", all that gets you is to be chastised by half a dozen people ganging up on you and acting like you're an idiot.

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by MacDonagh

lol, how is a naval base under the nevada desert so far-fetched that you would need to include it in this post? why can't the pacific ocean have underwater caverns and lakes and tributaries that lead to some where near nevada?

take things with a grain of salt.. if i made a rant thread about all the conspiracies i didn't believe i would have somewhere near 5k posts

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 08:13 PM
Do you know the amount of manpower and expenditure which would be needed to construct such a thing?! I'm taking this story with a pillar of salt! It uses an old article, and with no real evidence to back it up. Not to mention the huge holes of the Thresher and the Scorpian contradicting the theory. It disagrees with my common sense as well. There may be underground caverns and all that, but I sincerely doubt the U.S. governement would construct an underground training area in the desert unless they were really bored. The logistics of transporting submarines into the underground must be baffling as well mind you. They can do their training anywhere as well. They are surrounded by ocean after all.

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 08:19 PM
Not hard at all to imagine 'near-future' boring machines which could tunnel through solid bedrock at single digit mph speeds. Even at 1 mph, that's covering ground quickly.

Rather than metal cutters, they'd use some kind of beam - high intensity, short distance controlled energy beams, from partical beams to lasers.

Remember I'm speculating about near future; but we probably don't have a good handle on the military's timeline. Supposedly the NSA is 10 years ahead of everyone else in Cryptography. (probably were in the 1980, now, dunno).

I tend to doubt the strange tales of ET help with the project, but again, it's not that far-fetched, imo.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 05:04 AM
Why would you build a naval base under nevada anyway when you can build one on the coast, which is simpler, cheaper, easier to do, and above all actually makes sense. What's next a naval base on the moon ?

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 08:17 AM
Because that's what that secret base in Hawthorne is hiding. I mean it takes more then a thousand people, to maintain directly and indirectly a submarine. A thousand people who may have family and friend reaching the number to around ten thousandish. Kind of hard to keep a secret if many many people worked there over the years, yet there is only one old passage about it by some retired bloke, who's name isn't shown, and all evidence of him existing was destroyed. Wow. Are you seeing the holes?

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by fweshcawfee
Use your common sense you say... Hmmm there was once a time in which it was common sense that the world is flat.

LOL. Until there was EVIDENCE proving otherwise. Looking at the moon for example would perhaps suggest that the world is round. Looking at moon pictures and pointing at discrepencies, and proclaim them to be mines, or plasma nucleur reactors is quite another.

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