Oh my, this looks like a lot of work......
Your favorite, preference, or other info., etc. -
Fast food restaurant: None, I rarely go to restaurants.
Fast food item: I order pizza sometimes.
Fave other than fast-food restaurant: See above.
Prefer coffee or tea: Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon.
Fave brand/blend coffee: Tim Horton's
Fave brand/type tea: Tetley, but I also go for Earl Grey.
Smoker or non-smoker: Like a chimney.
Soda: Pepsi, but not very often.
Beer: Molson Cold Shots
Liquer: Scotch, Scotch, and more Scotch, but I will drink dark rum.
Place to shop: I prefer delivery services so I don't need to shop.
Brand gasoline: Don't drive, and I've never tasted any.
Color: I'm white of Danish/British decent.
Comedian: Some people think I'm funny.
Quote: I try to trim any quotes I use on ATS.
Style of music: Eclectic
Band: Supertramp
Song: Cathedral
Actor: Leo, Brad, etc. The cute ones.
Actress: Majel Barret Roddenberry
Movie: Big
Style of movie: Sci-fi
Sport: None
Outdoor activity: Gardening
Indoor activity: Computers & electronics
TV show(s): Anything Star Trek
Prefer desktop or Laptop: Laptop, but I have 4 desktops as well.
Websites: ATS & FARK
Political affiliation: None
U.S. Presidential candidate: The Clintons
Social status: Most people like me.
Hetero, homo or bi: Total homo, although I've been known to try anything.
I have this many kids: None that I know of, but I've raised a few.
Online game: None
Marvel character: I marvel at a lot of the characters on these boards.
Fave brand of car: AMC Pacer & exploding Pinto's
Biggest prize I ever won: $21,684.00.
Fave electronics brand: Sony & HP
Forum smiley: &
If I could choose anyone I wish to be spanked on national TV in only their underwear it would be: I'd like to spank Anderson Cooper because I think
we'd both enjoy it.......
Wow, that was intrusive.
Edit: OCD
[edit on 2/9/2007 by anxietydisorder]