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Big foot encounters involving communication

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posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 06:08 PM
Hi everyone

I begin University on the 5th, and one of my professors e-mailed us and told us to start thinking of ideas for our first cultural writing assignment.

What I decided to write about was big foot reports that involve communication between the contactee and the "big foot".

I remember watching something a few years ago shot in the mountains of China where an elderly woman claimed to have communicated with the "Yeren" dozens of times.

Any help, or names of reports, would be awesome.


posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 07:04 PM
Sounds like a pretty cool Professor. I personally believe I had an experience with a Bigfoot about 7 years ago when I was camping in the Cascade Mountains (Washington State). I remember waking up in the middle of the night to a blood curdling howl. Mind you, I know what a wolf/coyote howl sounds like, and it was far from that. To say the least, I was scared out of my wits. Bigfoot is well documented and well known here in the Pacific Northwest. There was no sleep for the rest of that night haha. I later read in a book about Bigfoot that they are known for their strangely loud yells at night while finding a "mate". I know of a pretty good site that has reports of sightings from around the country. Good luck!

Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization


posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 07:17 PM
I've spoken of my encounter with a Bigfoot many times here on ATS, but I suppose I shall give the story again.

I was driving down the highway at night, I saw what I thought was a tree by the highway, the tree turned around and walked back into the woods. It was a Bigfoot and I have no doubt of what I saw.

I've talked to other people who make the same claim, to have encountered one. Each of us has had the same feeling of a deep primal fear of this thing. I've met many people who say they would have offered it fruit or tried to get closer, but those who have actually been in that situation say they same thing, no, you would not have. The fear is just too strong.

This is something you might consider in your essay. The person approaching the Bigfoot would probably have to be suicidal.

Hope that helps,

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 07:56 PM
Thanks guys for sharing your stories, sounds scary but exciting at the same time

I vaguely remember reading a few encounters where people claimed that big foot communicated with them telepathically, which is the area I want to focus in on because it strikes me as being the most profound. Has anyone heard of anything like this, or can provide links to the entire story?

Thank you

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 10:13 AM
That's certainly an original idea.

Here's an article that discusses exactly what you're asking about, a man who claims to have had multiple bigfoot encounters and communicated via telepathy:

For what it's worth, although I believe in, to use the broadest term, Bigfoot (I include yeti, skunk apes, etc) I really think claims to communicate with the creatures telepathically amount to New Age nonsense. But, who knows.

Sounds like an interesting project all the same. Hope the link helps, and all the best.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by peabody
That's certainly an original idea.

Here's an article that discusses exactly what you're asking about, a man who claims to have had multiple bigfoot encounters and communicated via telepathy:

For what it's worth, although I believe in, to use the broadest term, Bigfoot (I include yeti, skunk apes, etc) I really think claims to communicate with the creatures telepathically amount to New Age nonsense. But, who knows.

Sounds like an interesting project all the same. Hope the link helps, and all the best.

What I want to get to in my essay is not debate whether or not I actually believe he communicated with Big foot, but the very idea that people report doing so is extremely fascinating. For whatever reason, this man thinks he talked with a giant mythical Ape telepathically, and I believe that in itself, is worthy of discussion.


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