posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 05:12 PM
The things I find interesting in this article is in the above quote from the American side...a firm end of year 2007 is given, but in he following
quote from the N. Korean side...
"Kim Gye Gwan, head of the North Korean delegation, said separately his country's willingness to cooperate was clear—in return for "political and
economic compensation"—but he mentioned no dates."
I really wonder if when the guys get together for talks do they do just that? one really listening to the other side?...
it seems they both come out of the same meeting having attended different meetings...or one would be lead to believe this is the case given their
individula statements.
It's always the same, the U.S. side says disarm before we get serious in the talks, and N. Korea wants concessions from western economies before they
will talk seriously.
In the end nothing happens...
(visit the link for the full news article)