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I Hate PeTA People

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posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Kacen
Perhaps you could, rather than just stepping in and mentioning your a member like a coward, elaborate and post some counter arguments? =)

Are we trying to get my attention yet again? Jeez, its like that thread on the EU putting pressure on Texas where you wouldn't leave me alone.

And maybe you could get some manners as well

Plus, I don't need someone telling me what I can and can't do either. Thank you.

I really don't want to put you on ignore, but I'm going to have to. Sorry.

(sorry to my friend djohnsto77 for having to respond in this manner in his thread.)

Now, I am open to questions about PeTA and other animal rights activities

[edit on 7-9-2007 by infinite]

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 09:31 PM
I am a vegetarian.

I believe what you do comes back to you. If you eat the flesh of another living thing, then expect to be on the menu yourself.

But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of

John 4:32

there are dead Christians who think they are in Heaven, sitting around the throne of Jehovah “eternally singing his praises,” when they’re really just his slaves and possibly his dinner as well. Now you understand the real significance of “Holy Communion.” As practiced in Heaven, there’s nothing more unholy.

Q. I have always been revolted by the symbolic cannibalism in the Eucharist ritual, and I’ve heard a lot of other people say the same thing. There’s a terrible irony to the Christians eating the body of their god during life, and then having the process reversed after death. Only it’s not funny, because in Heaven, the cannibalism is no longer symbolic. It’s real.


The way animals are slaughtered and harvested is cruel. I cannot place the videos on here as you have to be 18 years of age to watch it. Plenty of cruel youtube videos out there that show just how cruel the methods are.

If you watch these vids, could you still eat meat?

[edit on 7-9-2007 by Thurisaz]

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by Kacen

Originally posted by infinite

Is a member of PETA


Perhaps you could, rather than just stepping in and mentioning your a member like a coward, elaborate and post some counter arguments? =)

PWNT! Ahaha I love you, Kacen.

But uh yeah, PETA sucks. Period. They're such hypocrites and self-righteous bigots. Christ, why can't they just leave the rest of the world alone?

Do you know how many freaking meat factory videos I get sent all the time? And how many times my friends tell me the chicken I'm eating never got to see the light of day? It's like GTFO.

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 12:58 AM
What an incredible arrogance some members show here. I would like to use another *..gance word, but I've been warned before when I applied it on members. So let me just remind you about the main motto of ATS.

Also I would like to remind you of the character of the human teeth set. It is not a predatory one. We have teeth for grinding (grain) and cutting (vegetables). The only reason we eat meet is because we developed tools for killing.

I know the theory about animal proteins benefit brain development, but maybe if we had desisted from eating fellow creatures our brains would have developed in a less violent way.

Amazing only Umbrax stands up and points out the cruelty of this practise.

For the record, I'm no vegan, vegetarian or fanatic, but for 15 years of my life I was (maybe also a fanatic) but if not for those years of rebuilding my body I wouldn't be here today.

These days I eat what I like, but very little meat, as I simply never really liked it. Not even as a child I did. Something about the texture, chewing on fibers soaked by the hormons of fear minutes before it was killed.

Foi gras has a wonderful texture, I admit, but your awareness should be above your desire.

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 02:22 AM

Originally posted by Thurisaz

But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of

John 4:32

there are dead Christians who think they are in Heaven, sitting around the throne of Jehovah “eternally singing his praises,” when they’re really just his slaves and possibly his dinner as well. Now you understand the real significance of “Holy Communion.” As practiced in Heaven, there’s nothing more unholy.
If you watch these vids, could you still eat meat?

That's all good and dandy if you are religious and your belief fits that. I'm not religious, but I also don't eat fois gras, lamb or veal. Just don't like it. I'm with MM on this, we were meant to eat meat.
I'm all for a nice juicy steak and I got no probs when driving past a farm calling out to the animals "HI DINNER!".

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by khunmoon

Can you give a reference to human teeth not being shaped for eating meat? I hope you'll talk about the canines and the incisors.

One thought...if our ancestors had not eaten meat we may not have grown larger brains. Speculation, for sure, but worth a ponder.

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 05:46 AM
Out of all the primates, humans are the most adapted to eating meat. It is a natural significant part of our diet for us.

[edit on 9/8/2007 by djohnsto77]

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
Out of all the primates, humans are the most adapted to eating meat. It is a natural significant part of our diet for us.

My diet consists almost entirely of 'meat'. (99% seafood, though.). I think I ate a turnip last week.

What does PETA think of fish; seriously; never checked...

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by Badge01
What does PETA think of fish; seriously; never checked...

They equate fish to cats and dogs, and say to children that when dad goes fishing it's just like he's killing the family pet. (no lie)

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by djohnsto77

OK, sure.

But...when my cat eats a -he- also killing a family pet? What should the children think of that?

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 06:01 AM
Found my old link to it! (I love searches)

Read all about it here:

[edit on 9/8/2007 by djohnsto77]

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by infinite

Is a member of PETA


Ok, I'll make an exception for infinite. There's no way I could ever hate you.

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by Badge01

Well, first I had to look up what canines and the incisors are, as I'm no dentist or physician. I understand they are teeth for tearing and killing.

As far as I understand some of our teeth still bear that label, but if you look at them, you see they are far degenerated compared to the same teeth in carnaviors. To me that's a clear indication that we are not meant to eat meat (anymore). At a point in our development we most likely were (look at the same pair of teeth in baboons).

And it might have developed our brain, yes.

Though I tend to see the brain theory as a conspiracy to excuse unrestrained meat eating, I would like anyone who have proof for it to please come forward.

Let me once more state, I do eat (very little) meat myself. If you can catch it and kill it with your hands, i.e. seafood, some birds, it is ok.

As for what this thread is about, PETA, I'd never heard about them before (I'm a European), so I've looked them up as well, and understand its an organisation (militant?) basing their ideology on sentimental values.

I try to base mine on spiritual ones.

Accidently I have tasted dog meat here in Thailand - and I'm a great lover of dogs as pets. It was some of the most delicoius meat I've ever tasted.

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
Ok, I'll make an exception for infinite. There's no way I could ever hate you.

Yay *dances*

djohnsto77, I love you

Like to point out, that PeTA Europe activities are MUCH different from those in the States.

The protest are less "in your face"..

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 02:50 AM
Personally i find PETA and their practices to be rather offensive, for the most part a bunch of selfrightous zealots who have more concern for animals than their fellow human beings. Personally i dont really care if a little lamb or calf died to make my meal im sorry it isnt like they are in danger of going extinct or anything, also i choose to pay a little bit more to get free range product anyway ( basically because i dont want to eat all the garbage they put in most livestock these days). It should also be noted that yes we have teeth for eating meat and just because they are not gianormous doesnt really mean a whole lot as they are perfectly sized and aligned with the rest of our teeth, not to mention the fact that we are not carnivores the species is an omnivore, in other words are teeth are suited to eating whatever we can get our grubby little hands on.

[edit on 18-9-2007 by Jovi1]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 09:04 AM
I've been vegan for almost a year, vegetarian for 6 and even I don't necessarily believe in the way PETA goes about things. "Wow, yeah, we're so pissed, man, yeah! F*** Fur, F*** meat, You're getting this on TV, right? Okay, yeah, F*** this restaurant! News here yet?" Their actions are kind of ignorant but as many people condemning them for their actions there are some people saying "You know what? That makes a lot of sense." It's all theater when it comes to an organization that big. Also for people who want to look into something relating to vegetarianism or veganism, Peta is an obvious place.

The consuming of meat, wearing of leather, and the religious and natural arguments justifying so are all regressive and indefensible positions. "God put animals on this earth for me to kill, skin, put on fire and eat." Or even better, "It's what we do. It's ingrained in our behavior." Neither of these points hold any water in a real discussion. As for the religious aspect, you'd have to prove that god was real, religion in its entirety is truth, and that god's intentions for the "cattle" he put on this earth is for human consumption. The behavioral argument is more valid but still counter-productive because we're higher functioning beings now. We're no longer hunting nor gathering. With the struggle of "kill or be killed" becoming entirely metaphorical, it doesn't make sense not to make more environmentally sound decisions with our social structure and behavior, including diet.

But, you know? To each their own...................

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by DeadFlagBlues

The behavioral argument is more valid but still counter-productive because we're higher functioning beings now. We're no longer hunting nor gathering. With the struggle of "kill or be killed" becoming entirely metaphorical, it doesn't make sense not to make more environmentally sound decisions with our social structure and behavior, including diet.

But, you know? To each their own...................

Umm maybe you should take a good look at daytime tv and then decide if we are higher functioning beings first of all. secondly just because it doesnt have eyes to look back at you with doesnt mean that plant your eating is any less alive. And now im actually glad that all those pigs cows chickens and turkeys sheep and everythign else is packed into a factory like that... hey it is bound to be better for the enviroment that way they wont be eating all that endangered grass.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 11:11 AM
People for Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Is it not ethical to kill a cow if you're going to use the whole thing for either food or leather. That sounds ethical to me. Now, if I just walked out into a field and carved out a Porterhouse and left the rest for the buzzards, that would be unethical.


posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 12:28 PM
With most people involved in the lifestyle the argument is less about how to ethically kill an animal and more about the ethical reasoning behind killing the animals, you know?

And Jovi1... There is a considerable amount of difference between plant and human life in regards to consuming them. The mammals we consume are conscious beings where as plants are not. The conditions in which the animals are kept and process envoke fear in the animal and pain depending on how it is processed as where a plant feels nothing. Once an animals life is taken, that's that, where as a plant can regrow and create another in it's place until the ends of it's lifecycle. Your comparison was kind of a joke but I thought I'd clarify.

Louis CK sums up why he eats meat at 4:40. I think it's the secret general consensus when it comes to eating animals. Without all the BS justification everyone tries to throw at it.
Brutal Honesty

Here's another link to an interesting article with both sides of the discussion.

Seattle Times- Do animals have emotions?

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77

I'm sorry but I believe God put tasty animals on this Earth for us to eat. Yes, we should be as nice to them as we can while they're alive, but still in the end we eat their gorged liver or any other part we want.

Originally posted by Dr Love
People for Ethical Treatment of Animals.

Is it not ethical to kill a cow if you're going to use the whole thing for either food or leather. That sounds ethical to me.

Agreed and agreed

And khunmoon, people are omnivores not carnivores.

Sigh.. PETA needs another angle. Militant vegans are not good recruits.

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