posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 01:25 PM
I got this pic from besides the cloud being utterly amazing i noticed these things. they are all dark colored, 2 appear to be circular
and one appears to be in an odd shape, the best way i could describe the shape would be that of a flying humanoid. now granted i am not sure if they
are indeed that or just something the wind picked up? or maybe just part of the cloud. i have not made any changes to the image other than circling
the three objects. I dont believe that crystalinks made any changes either.
so i'm interesting in hearing what you think. like i said i got these pics from crystalinks and they dont mention these objects, they just comment on
the wonder of the cloud itself. i had these pics for a while and just noticed these things after i posted some cloud pics on another thread.
*crystalinks notes that the cloud pic was taken in alberta canada.
I circled the area where the anomaly is located.
here's the pic:
[edit on 9/2/2007 by agent violet]