posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 02:22 AM
I have 100% proof of things that can't be debunked.
I'm a pretty good scientist, and I'm pretty sure I've made some of the greatest discoveries of this century and the last. So on the 1st of August
of 2007 a made an offer to DARPA within the DOD of the USA for $50,000,000 for the following; it was turned down after three weeks deliberation. It
would have opened pandoras box for all of you. You would have gone crazy learning about the technologies behind all of this stuff, and all of the
discoveries all of you and the rest of the world would be finding.
Here was my offer, but it was long so I will have to make a few posts to get it all in, for those who want to see it all. Read it over carefully.
The DARPA code name was: BAA 07-21 WP-109
Here was my offer:
Defense against the Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction
Environmental warfare is the intentional modification/manipulation of the natural ecology, such as triggering seismic events (earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, tsunamis, destruction of dams/canals, land slips, avalanches, mine cave-ins, raising/lowering of land masses, including
emergence/submergence of land masses) to cause intentional physical, economic, and psycho-social, and physical destruction to an intended geophysical
target or population location as part of strategic or tactical war. The related knowledge offered herein, is far superior to DARPA, the DOD, the USGS
and ALL OTHERS WORLDWIDE, and has been for over a decade; it can’t be found anywhere else on Earth.
I have a friend who is a doctor, and in her work she can stimulate different areas of the brain, which causes different areas of the human anatomy to
be affected. Some of these stimulations cause dramatic reflexes or tremors to occur. My private research during the past few decades has proven that
the Earth can be used to do the same thing. By stimulating the Earth at specific points, earthquakes of all magnitudes can be produced either nearby
or thousands of miles away. I’ve watched natural Earth activities, which all others haven’t seen or detected, and have found that specific areas
near the Earths surface if modified scientifically can produce destructive earthquakes thousands of miles away in specific locations.
If you remember back to the 1950s and 1960’s the military produced thousands of earthquakes near Rocky Mountain Arsenal in Colorado, in the USA.
The larger of the two 5.0+ magnitude earthquakes in 1967 at Rocky Mountain Arsenal caused over one million dollars worth of damage in Commerce City,
What was discovered by the follow up USGS study of the earthquakes was that earthquakes could be turned on and off, and the volume of liquid injected
into the earth correlated to the amount of earthquakes produced. However, they didn’t realize that by stimulating the Earth at other strategic
points, earthquakes of all magnitudes could be produced either at the site or up to thousands of miles away at targeted areas. Had the military been
trying to produce earthquakes scientifically using my knowledge, they would be shocked at the difference the knowledge can make.
There can be no real defense against a weapon of mass destruction that can’t be detected in advance; unless you have some knowledge of its
capabilities and weaknesses, or are shielded from it in some manner. Those using my knowledge in the future can use it as a defense from others and
they can also scientifically propagate long range undetectable targeted destructive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis (all weapons of mass
destruction). The users of my knowledge will actually get to see how their efforts are answered by the Earth itself, and through testing they should
be able to improve Natures destructive forces and be able to target those forces when modified and manipulated.