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Most Convincing Evidence on ATS

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posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 06:48 PM
Granted, I have only been on ATS for about 6 months but so far I've only seen one Item that was 100% proved, it was staples used to hold tooth brush bristles in, it was fascinating to watch how it progressed and it was reproduce able by anyone,

Original thread

2nd thread and solution

So yes, it does happen , and funny as it sounds, I think someone said it was CGI at first, and others called it fake, but once it was figured out it was not possible to debunk...

if the result can be reproduced it helps a great deal and follows scientific standards...

I know this may seem lame but it IS an example

edit to add both threads

[edit on 2-9-2007 by thedigirati]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 02:22 AM
I have 100% proof of things that can't be debunked.

I'm a pretty good scientist, and I'm pretty sure I've made some of the greatest discoveries of this century and the last. So on the 1st of August of 2007 a made an offer to DARPA within the DOD of the USA for $50,000,000 for the following; it was turned down after three weeks deliberation. It would have opened pandoras box for all of you. You would have gone crazy learning about the technologies behind all of this stuff, and all of the discoveries all of you and the rest of the world would be finding.

Here was my offer, but it was long so I will have to make a few posts to get it all in, for those who want to see it all. Read it over carefully.

The DARPA code name was: BAA 07-21 WP-109

Here was my offer:

Defense against the Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction

Environmental warfare is the intentional modification/manipulation of the natural ecology, such as triggering seismic events (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, destruction of dams/canals, land slips, avalanches, mine cave-ins, raising/lowering of land masses, including emergence/submergence of land masses) to cause intentional physical, economic, and psycho-social, and physical destruction to an intended geophysical target or population location as part of strategic or tactical war. The related knowledge offered herein, is far superior to DARPA, the DOD, the USGS and ALL OTHERS WORLDWIDE, and has been for over a decade; it can’t be found anywhere else on Earth.

I have a friend who is a doctor, and in her work she can stimulate different areas of the brain, which causes different areas of the human anatomy to be affected. Some of these stimulations cause dramatic reflexes or tremors to occur. My private research during the past few decades has proven that the Earth can be used to do the same thing. By stimulating the Earth at specific points, earthquakes of all magnitudes can be produced either nearby or thousands of miles away. I’ve watched natural Earth activities, which all others haven’t seen or detected, and have found that specific areas near the Earths surface if modified scientifically can produce destructive earthquakes thousands of miles away in specific locations.

If you remember back to the 1950s and 1960’s the military produced thousands of earthquakes near Rocky Mountain Arsenal in Colorado, in the USA. The larger of the two 5.0+ magnitude earthquakes in 1967 at Rocky Mountain Arsenal caused over one million dollars worth of damage in Commerce City, Colorado.

What was discovered by the follow up USGS study of the earthquakes was that earthquakes could be turned on and off, and the volume of liquid injected into the earth correlated to the amount of earthquakes produced. However, they didn’t realize that by stimulating the Earth at other strategic points, earthquakes of all magnitudes could be produced either at the site or up to thousands of miles away at targeted areas. Had the military been trying to produce earthquakes scientifically using my knowledge, they would be shocked at the difference the knowledge can make.

There can be no real defense against a weapon of mass destruction that can’t be detected in advance; unless you have some knowledge of its capabilities and weaknesses, or are shielded from it in some manner. Those using my knowledge in the future can use it as a defense from others and they can also scientifically propagate long range undetectable targeted destructive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis (all weapons of mass destruction). The users of my knowledge will actually get to see how their efforts are answered by the Earth itself, and through testing they should be able to improve Natures destructive forces and be able to target those forces when modified and manipulated.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 02:35 AM
Maybe I had better stop here comrads, instead of putting down all the details of all of the other stuff, because the people who run this site might not like to see such an offer to DARPA here on this site. IF they do want to see the rest of it; and it is long, then they can contact me, and I'll put the rest on.

But, the technology behind this information, is what is great. Things can be discovered like you would not believe. Stuff can be seen that was invisible before. Seeing the stuff that is still invisible to all of you, and the DOD, is what is truly amazing. Especially since its right there in front of you, and you can't see it; only with this technology will you see such stuff hundreds of miles away in some cases. Even further, if you advance the technology some.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 03:07 AM
I think this would be pretty hard considering every conspiracy author invents his/her own theory. I mean come on I could give a picture/video/news article to 5 different hard core paranoid people on this forum and get 5 different explanations. And of course each one would claim to know exactly what was going on and how/why it happened. I think a more realistic idea would be to actually come up with one theory on each issue, ohh wait thats impossible because all these truth movement types have huge EGOs. Stop wasting your time guys, I know how comforting it is to have things all figured out, but life is not that simple.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 09:03 AM
I have posted similar threads this being my most recent one'

I am looking to identify what is to be accepted as real evidence and what is not. If you have real evidence or proof (semantics in my opinion) lets get it posted.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 11:31 AM
Leave this site alone. It's a great site with freedom of speach and thought.
If this forum is changed it will possibly cause members to stop relating events unless they have eyewittnesses, perfect images and their local police department to prove their story.

I sincerely hope that together we can sift through all the postings and find the elusive truth to our many questions.

If we members believe ourselves to be intellegent then we must know the ET's are far more advanced than us. The conspirators have the money, intellegent thinkers and and the media to fool most of the people most of the time. Sad but true.

This forum is working. Don't fix it if it ain't broke.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by TheGreySwordsman
We are always looking to Deny Ignorance. What would be more representative of that motto, than an easily accessible archive of real evidence uncovered by our members?


There is, although it is not for lack of evidence that conspiracies is the fact that the truth is fearful to most.

Yet what you ask for will be delivered. Is being delivered. Has been delivered.

The right paw of the sphinx, essentially.
The tomb of the Greatest Queen of Egypt....

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 12:54 PM
It depends, I try convincing people in my personal life about subjects discussed, and using some of the evidences presented here, and they still want proof, but not the internet because, like tv, the net is just lies to them. And ive become sadly, a nutbag..but i dont care, and i luagh at them for such ignorance.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by mastermind77
It depends, I try convincing people in my personal life about subjects discussed, and using some of the evidences presented here, and they still want proof, but not the internet because, like tv, the net is just lies to them. And ive become sadly, a nutbag..but i dont care, and i luagh at them for such ignorance.

That's right.

Because what we seek, we find.
And what we see in ourselves is what we see in everyone/everything else.

Most people live in a world of personal denial which directly manifests as suspicion and the inability to discern truth from that which covers it.

We lie to ourselves and we find only lies.
We see ourselves in truth and then we find truth in everything.
Underneath the skin, that is.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
Stuff can be seen that was invisible before. Seeing the stuff that is still invisible to all of you, and the DOD, is what is truly amazing. Especially since its right there in front of you, and you can't see it; only with this technology will you see such stuff hundreds of miles away in some cases. Even further, if you advance the technology some.

The true technology is MIND. With one's mind, one CAN control the 'forces.'

Mankind's current idea of electronic/mechanical technology is the LONG way around the bush....just cut right through the flames and there you are!

Spirit rules matter.
Matter does not rule spirit.

That's why you will never get rich digging a ditch!

The world worships the forces rather than the power behind the forces. That is the root error.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by Zenagain

Originally posted by Zenagain
Why not invite the membership to vote in polls on specific pieces of evidence, those getting a majority in the "real" category being added to.....a Hall of Fame type deal?

I think the results would have much more validity to the outside world if it were judged by an independent outside panel. No CT'ers. Otherwise, there would be a predilection to choose at least one, more like several, pieces of evidence as "real".

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 06:38 PM
I hear what the OP is saying. It seems like when someone posts something it's sensationalized, that's ok it makes things fun. Everyone says "great post", "yeah, awesome find", etc.

But then what happens is when you start to ask questions, because you just want to understand more about the event that was posted, you get some negativity. It seems like most people are more concerned with perpetuating their beliefs than getting to the bottom (and asking questions) of all of these events being posted.

When I first started posting on this site I thought that was the objective, to question what's being presented.

Most posts I read where the OP is presenting eye witness accounts or 3rd party dialog eventually end going nowhere. Nothing resolved. And no one seems to care that nothing was resloved or questions answered, or even questions addressed.

Then there are some fakes, people making stuff up, or people just wanting to believe in something and ignoring or discouraging skepticism, like little kids who don't want to hear you telling them there is no Santa Claus.

It a very fun site and I guess it can't be perfect, but sometimes frustrating.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 11:20 PM
I didn't read all responses.

But, if such a webpage was developed from the admins of ATS, I would think that the person supplying the evidence contact ATS PERSONALLY by voice and or by Person to show validity on what they are giving.. Like some say, anyone can twist words around and make it look like hard evidence.. but if they let people with actual evidence come forward, let them talk to ATS personally, then that would be a must for this webpage.

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 09:12 AM
However they would decide to do the archive would be up to them. I just offered my favorite concept for it in my description. Whether they use my idea or something entirely different doesn't really matter. I still think an archive would be worth doing.

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 09:12 AM
However they would decide to do the archive would be up to them. I just offered my favorite concept for it in my description. Whether they use my idea or something entirely different doesn't really matter. I still think an archive would be worth doing.

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by JellyBeanGirl
No. It has been proven time and time again that everybody who posts on an internet forum are crackpots.

Who you callin crackpot, crackpot

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 09:51 AM

I think the obvious prize in the field of Cryptozoology,
goes to:

o Tsunemi Kubodera - Tokyo National Science Museum,
o Yasuhiro Koyama - Japan Broadcasting Corporation, and
o Kyoichi Mori - Ogasawara Whale Watching Association

...for capturing on video the first example of a live
Mesonychoteuthis hamiltonii - [2005]

In Feb 2007 the largest specimen was captured (10m).
(possibly the first live specimen seen.)
From N.G. News:

The Colossal Squid is now securely off the Cryptids list.

[edit on 4-9-2007 by Badge01]

posted on Sep, 7 2007 @ 03:37 PM
sorry, just bumping this for the sake of everyone else who thought this would be a good idea.

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