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To those survivalist willing to fight the government...

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posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 03:46 PM
this is who will be coming after you to disarm you when martial law is proclaimed.

Do you think you have what it takes???

(caution: adult language and some racial slurrs may be used in video)

trying to embedd it

[edit on 1-9-2007 by infiltr8u]

(removed embed)

[edit on 9/11/08 by Jbird]

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 07:15 PM
Good thread as well as, "food for thought.' But what do you think of the theory of most Americans today, who hold the belief in their hearts, that the U.S. soldiers won't turn against their own? Do you think they will?

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 07:54 PM
um yes.
i think they will have no problem with it. if you lok at other threads here you will see videos of how easy it was or them to tackle an old lady and take her handgun right before katrina hit. another one talks about them shooting babies in cribs and innocent women in children...etc..
i dont think joe blow red neck will stand a chance against these guys in the video, you saw them smiling and joking while 8 of them took on over 100 iraquis! and they were cool enough to video tape the incident.
blackwater solder
joe blow redneck

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by infiltr8u

No further questions, I think my appetite for blood has been quenched for the evening! Over and Out!

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 08:31 PM
If they won't take on americans, why were they trained and doing drills all around the country, simulating killinb US militias? Taking guns? Invading schools?

When martial law hits, police will take the schools so the parents don't fight, if they get your childrens, will you fight?

And why would they do it? Hell, police and army nowdays are full of people with 80 IQs, illegal aliens, mercenaries, brainwashed morans, people thinking they fight americans al-qaeda... THEY'LL DO IT. So PREPARE.

[edit on 1-9-2007 by Vitchilo]

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

You have a frightening, gut-wrenching point there, my friend! Much as I hate to have to admit it. These are scary times we live in.

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

You have a frightening, gut-wrenching point there, my friend! Much as I hate to have to admit it. These are scary times we live in.

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

You have a frightening, gut-wrenching point there, my friend! Much as I hate to have to admit it. These are scary times we live in.

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by infiltr8u
um yes.
i think they will have no problem with it. if you lok at other threads here you will see videos of how easy it was or them to tackle an old lady and take her handgun right before katrina hit. another one talks about them shooting babies in cribs and innocent women in children...etc..
i dont think joe blow red neck will stand a chance against these guys in the video, you saw them smiling and joking while 8 of them took on over 100 iraquis! and they were cool enough to video tape the incident.
blackwater solder
joe blow redneck

i think you need to stop swing'n on slackwaters nu%^$%'s,i for one i think theres way too many americans in this country that would die before giving up their guns,and two what makes you think theres not people more cold blooded walking the streets now? police in areas like L.A. and Detroit are scared to even go in them places knowing the risk of getting their cap's peeled.. and you honestly think if blackwater tried to contain americans they would do it so easy as you tend to think they can?..i got news for you man... i think blackwater would get their a%^ handed to them in a hat.
hi-tec dont mean much now-a-days... as most of what they have... can be had! and them "rednecks" you talk about..... dont underestimate them or any other american willing to fight for their right's.

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by KINGOFPAIN
i for one i think theres way too many americans in this country that would die before giving up their guns,

I wish you were right but my guess is less than 1% of gun owners would use violence to protect their rights.
How many people resisted the gun confiscation in Katrina?
ONLY ONE little old lady, which a fat-ass rent-a-cop jumped on like some kind of pervert.
The dude that had the firepower was shown cuffed on the curb.
Why didnt he resist? I mean, if your gonna resist, is it only when they come for other peoples guns or is it when they come for yours?
Do you see my point?
I would say half of 1 percent is probably a better estimate.

Oh yeah, BTW, survivalists by definition dont 'fight the government', they concentrate on surviving.
Avoiding conflict is the best way to survive.

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 09:56 PM
You are talking about the worst possible scenario. I have to agree, it would probably be a massacre for the first half of the conflict. After that though, I have to believe that us red-necks would have to re-learn war. I imagine that after losing everything including family members, hate would take the place of the lack of experience. I can only imagine one thing more frightening than well trained troops doing thier jobs. It's me, the red neck when I actually realize its fight or die .
I hope it doesn't happen, and I hope we last that long.

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 09:58 PM
That's supposed to shake me?
I'm supposed to be scared by a handful of guys screamin "your aimin too high son!"


This doesn't change a thing, and until I see them overrun 300 Million Americans, 9 out of 10 with a gun, then I'm still willing to do what I have to.

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by 11Bravo
Oh yeah, BTW, survivalists by definition dont 'fight the government', they concentrate on surviving.
Avoiding conflict is the best way to survive.

excellent point
i was hoping someone would pick up on what i'm tryng to get across.!

[edit on 1-9-2007 by infiltr8u]

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 10:45 PM
Also, I would like something answered... during the first american revolution, France helped the americans forces, without this assistance, it would have taken much more time and much more lives to win, if win was possible.

If martial law is imposed tomorrow, where could the resistance gather funds and support? Seriously? Against the globalists, there will be no ally... maybe Venezuela, but aside from that, I don't see anyone else. Europeans are globalists, Japan is globalist, China is globalist.... maybe Russia... but I doubt it.

WHO WILL HELP US? Just asking
Then, how long this support will be? We all see what happens to those who support resistance against the globalists... Iran is about to be bombed to oblivion... so if anyone would support american resistance, they would probably be nuked.

[edit on 1-9-2007 by Vitchilo]

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 10:45 PM
I don't know Nuttin'bout no red necks However, in my case ( and I'm sure I'm not alone ) Being a Former Marine, I would have no qualms about shooting my 308 1500 meters at a melon sized target ( and I was NOT a sniper ) I'm fairly sure "they" would not have enough manpower to get us all at once, and once the cat is out of the bag, it will be a free for all, I don't think it would be as easy as you profess.

I do not own any illegal guns, but I've been acquainted with a more then a few that DO have them, and they would relish the opportunity to use them (it's also another reason I moved AWAY from Michigan) there are to many crazies out there that want this to happen, it will not be easy or fun....

Keep your powder dry and your sight alignment steady

[edit on 1-9-2007 by thedigirati]

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 10:53 PM
thedigirati: Good to see a great patriot like you who don't submit to government when the government tells him to do so.

From your relations in the army and from what you think of your friends in the army and the general mindset, how many (%) of the americans forces would fight for the government in case of martial law following this scenario:

- 7 cities nuked
- millions of deaths
- millions of injured
- ``Al-Qaeda did it``
- Attack of Iran
- ``Martial law will only be temporary`` (temporary yeah... sure)
- Relocation of entire neighboorhood to camps for their protection (only temporary they will say)

My guess is that most of them will follow the government, they'll fight militias and opposition, but after a couple of months, they will turn against the government, then the private contractors will enter the game.

What do you think?

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 12:00 AM
I come from an area where I hear a lot of people begin a statement with, "We don't take too kindly around here with..."
One thing those I know, with the capability, are certainly not going 'to take kindly' to having a gun pointed at them by anyone. And a lot of them, at one point or another, has already had that done to then.

I live in the foothills of the Appalachian mountain range. Now, we're on the receiving end of many sorts of prejudices and stereotypes...the red neck is certainly counted amongst the list. But some things are true, however. I know of a few militia groups, and many, many typical grand-pa's around here that have enough arms by themselves to stock a militia for a good while.
Where I live is a liberal-arts college town. And there are plenty of people quite pissed about the direction everything is heading. Not kidding, nine out of ten people I've spoken directly with about these things, especially the possible need of a militia, have avidly volunteered to fight. About a quarter of that list is comprised of professors (a few with military experience).
We're surrounded by hills that are full of springs and prime game. Wind and rain are scarce, granted, but I think that would help in the event of fallout nearby. When people say 'run to the hills!' here, they mean it quite literally.
Guerrilla warfare would be practical, if not easy.

My point is this: in this place, most people would gladly pull a trigger than be on the other side of it. My hope is we are not alone.

[edit on 2/9/07 by onenotsaved]

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 12:31 AM
Talk is cheap until you actually are in the position to pull that trigger...hehe. ]\

BTW the military doesn’t engage until they have overwhelming firepower, and so the military does not loose battles hence the hit and run tactics. Those IEDs do nothing to the tactical aspects of the war they are just for political reasons to change the will of the American people.

This scenario you are all talking about is a lot like the communist revolution in Russia. In this scenario there is no Geneva Convention or rules of engagement like we stick to in Iraq. It would a mass murder free for all to get rid of every man between the age of 16 to 70, and any women that even shows a hint of resistance. The country doesn’t need 100 million in camps when it can put 100 million in mass graves. Children can be reeducated and in only a dozen years the new society is the norm.

The good thing is unless the Whitehouse, congress, military and state governments are all in on it together we will not see it happen. 

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 01:07 AM
When they can tazer an 8 month pregnant woman, and not be held accountable it might be time to start paying close attention to the clues being laid out before you. I have noticed that the always cheerful smiling police around our small town have begun to look more serious withdrawn and suspicious. They are being controlled and prepared to separate themselves from the civilians.

I have a question, during the time of the ice storms and the 10 day power outage last winter the National Guard went to many homes in our county, they even went to my in laws road several times delivering goods and services. Funny thing is, their road was cleared and power restored after only a few hours. Now our area about 15 minutes drive away stayed in the dark and not one Guard came any where near. Is this a good thing or bad?

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 09:49 AM
Why is it that we look at one unfortunate incident and say see thats proof that the government is trying to take over. A few stupid cops with a tazer is not the government.

As for Katrina it was a case of people threating the Volunteers who were there to help them. I don't know about most people but if I'm being threatened with a gun I'm either gonna bug out or if I've traveled hundreds of miles to help somebody I'm gonna take there gun shove it up there postier and forcibly move them. If I don't move them now then I'll just have to recover there dead body latter. Get it threw your head folks it was a KILLER storm hitting the worst possible place it could hit.

It makes no sense to me that people keep using Katrina as an excuse for every thing. What happened with Katrina was crap but it is not an example of what generally happens. nor is it an example of the way the rest of the country will or does act. New Orleans was a dying city. unemployment was at record highs. now look, unemployment is at record lows.

People were desperate There life's were going no ware. So they acted like desperate people. end of story. you cant use Katrina as an example because it didn't resemble most other places.

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