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Navy Submarine Base Under the Nevada Desert?

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posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 04:46 AM
It is interesting how close to the highway that crop is though, I wonder? How close to the base is that?

BTW I was wondering about the connection of Lake Tahoe and Pyramid Lake, theres a theory going around that they are connected via underwater tunnel. I know it used to be connect via truckee river though lol.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by gotrox
Pressure from the explosion in population in Pahrump is rapidly depleting this resource also.

Do you suppose that's from migration? Have a lot of folks from the East Coast moved to the Southwest post 9/11? Did you think fears that resulted from 9/11 have something to do with the population explosion in your area?

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by trIckz_R_fO_kIdz
BTW I was wondering about the connection of Lake Tahoe and Pyramid Lake, theres a theory going around that they are connected via underwater tunnel.

does the theory pass the " elevation test " ?

lake tahoe : 1,897 m
lake walker : 1207m
pyramid lake : 1,155 m

no , they do not . Shame these internet theories always fail to address basic physics

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

That's a very broad brush there mister ignorant and i would ask that you either find a smaller brush or stop painting altogether.


[edit on 3-9-2007 by StellarX]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by StellarX

no Stellar , the brush is just fine .

question is , why are you more concerned about my " broad brush " than the nonsense it refuted ?

if the people behind thies theories preformed the most rudimentary resaeach they would realise for them selves that thier theory did not hold water < pun >

the ATS motto is deny ignorance

in this thread ignorance is being lauded , why is that ?

i am attepting to redress the balance , what are you doing ?

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 08:57 AM
Am I missing something, or was that a picture of a cable lash Mt. Star posted?

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 09:42 AM
Originally posted by ignorant_ape

if the people behind thies theories preformed the most rudimentary resaeach they would realise for them selves that thier theory did not hold water < pun >

the ATS motto is deny ignorance

in this thread ignorance is being lauded , why is that ?

i am attepting to redress the balance , what are you doing ?

Thanks for the post IA. Sometimes rumors have a basis in in fact but in the retelling lose some of the essential facts which make us leap to ridicule. I alway like to check deeper < pun >! Maybe Lake Tahoe, Pyramid and Walker are connected but not how you would imply in your ridicule.

I know that there was a secret Navy base at Lake Tahoe, at least there was in 1983. Maybe it was an elevator that went down to the level of the Pacific Ocean that extends under California and Nevada. Maybe there is a similar facility at Pyramid Lake. There is definately one at Walker Lake. Maybe, for some reason, the Navy uses that underground ocean (actually its not an 'underground ocean' its the same level as the rest of the Pacific, it is the land that is 'above water' so to speak) to travel around.

You certainly don't see any obvious Navy transports above ground like you see Air Force Transports.

The ignorance you feel is being lauded in this thread may be the result of your leaps in logic. Or might I say 'lacks' of logic. Thanks for the post.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 10:14 AM
Perhaps we should open a discussion on modern English. Better yet Klingon!

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 10:30 AM
Originally posted by anakin405

Perhaps we should open a discussion on modern English. Better yet Klingon!

Perhaps. Whats the Conspiracy angle? (Remember, this is a conspiracy website not a tutorial for the grammar and vocabulary challenged.) But thanks for your post anyway.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 10:40 AM
From a Klingon perspective, being my conspiratorial relative refute, you see. Shall I elaborate any further?

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 11:16 AM
``"Maybe it was an elevator that went down to the level of the Pacific Ocean that extends under California and Nevada. Maybe there is a similar facility at Pyramid Lake. There is definately one at Walker Lake. Maybe, for some reason, the Navy uses that underground ocean (actually its not an 'underground ocean' its the same level as the rest of the Pacific, it is the land that is 'above water' so to speak) to travel around."``

If you've been there then beginning with "Maybe" would not be my choice of a definitive or conclusive answer.

"You hold the fence for a friend to go through. But will your friend hold it for you. Kindness goes a long way..."

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 11:33 AM
Originally posted by anakin405

If you've been there then beginning with "Maybe" would not be my choice of a definitive or conclusive answer.

Maybe you're correct anakin405. I should said, "I believe the secret Navy Base at Lake Tahoe exists because a Navy SEAL freind of mine, who would have definately been in a position to know, told me it was there.

Thanks for the clarification nudge.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 11:33 AM
i Agree.

[edit on 3-9-2007 by anakin405]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 11:41 AM
Originally posted by anakin405

From a Klingon perspective, being my conspiratorial relative refute, you see. Shall I elaborate any further?

No thanks. Here I am trying to discuss Navy submarine bases under the Nevada Desert and you're trying to talk about aliens. Can we possibly keep this on a realistic level?

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
Originally posted by antar

Could be Tahoe has some part in it too. Weird about the guard.

WOW! Antar you just blew my mind! Yes. Many years ago a Navy friend of mine told me about a hidden Navy base in Lake Tahoe. I had completely forgotten about that. He also told me about the "tubes", the Navy underground transportation system. He told me that the techs that worked in the tubes were called "tubemoles". Thanks for the memory jog!

Lake tahoe is 1600 feet deep and it would be interesting if any sea salt could be detected in the water or any other body of water in Nav.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Xtrozero

Lake tahoe is 1600 feet deep and it would be interesting if any sea salt could be detected in the water or any other body of water in Nav.

Unlikely. Lake Tahoe is 6200 ft. above mean sea level. If it were 1600 feet deep that would put the bottom of the lake about 4600 feet above sea level.

I think that California and Nevada are on a shelf above the Pacific Ocean and that there is no connection between the waterways and lakes of Nevada and the portion of the Pacific Ocean that lays beneath it.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 02:01 PM
I wonder about the Moho discontinuity----an area below the surface that seems to deflect/bend seismic waves in a way that geologists and seismologists haven't really been able to explain. It is found throughout the vast majority of the planet. Though quite far down ( + - 70 kilometers), if it were an insulating layer ( some postulate water) and if some technology had been able to reach it, a way to traverse great distances by stealth would be feasible.
I would post links, but it is all over the place, and I find it much better to do your own searching and reach your own conclusions.
Just type "moho discontinuity" into any search engine.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 05:02 PM
The Moho discontinuity is the boundary between the crust and the mantle. All that happens there is that seismic waves accelerate due to the increased density of the rock.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by lonemaverick

Yes, but no one is quite sure what is in that layer between the lighter crust, and heavier upper mantle. Is it a lubricating substance that the plates float on? It seems to be fault independant, as faults above don't translate through to the mantle, in most cases.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 07:18 PM
If it was a liquid, it wouldn't be possible to travel through it, it would be too hot and under too much pressure. However, it isn't. In geology, a discontinuity is a boundary where seismic waves speed up or slow down, so basically an area where 2 different types of rock meet. And actually, the lithosphere, which makes up the crust and upper mantle, and includes the Moho, moves on top of the asthenosphere, part of the upper mantle that is fairly soft due to the heat.

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