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Grand Master Shape Shifting

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posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 02:25 AM
Foolish people, I'm done having discussions with people who can't comprehend simple statements. I'll repeat it once again for the dumber ones


Secret Societies don't reveal everything to their little minions.

I know since you exposed your left breast and rolled up your pant leg you think they have told you all the secrets of the masons. Your wrong.

But keep wearing the little apron and white gloves honey

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 02:46 AM
Whether the video is fake or not - my point in my previous post is that there are folk who can genuinely shape-shift and whether they're masons or not makes no difference. The person I mentioned was a normal man in the street. He didn't have little flickering, changing eye pupils, he went the whole hog. There must be more like him.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 04:07 AM
Yes your right, wow I would love to see it in person with my own eyes. Check out my videos on youtube of shifting. Not all these people are famous or masons like you say, watch my video of a random little girl on youtube. In all her videos she shape shifts, it is so scary because she seems like a little innocent girl.

[edit on 3-9-2007 by CanadianVandal]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 05:55 AM
Utter garbage as usual.

Can all these threads about 'shape-shifting' be renamed 'poor youtube video encoding for dummies 101, with special notice given to eyeballs'.

Why do all these supposed shape-shifters only ever "shapeshift" their pupils? If they're so hot at shapeshifting, why can't they give the audience a bit of a thrill with a shapeshifting leg or arm or something else?

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 06:10 AM
I'm sure there are thousands of videos on youtube that appear to show folk whose features change. Sometimes when I watch TV there are similar changes. I wouldn't trust it though, it means nothing to me. It could be a pixellation prob., bandwidth prob. & all that mumbo-jumbo that I know nothing about.As I mentioned already, there was a guy in Scotland who could do it FOR REAL. I didn't meet him but know lots of folk who did, and I believe them. He wasn't a spiritualist or anything. Far from it. But he could make you see things just by relaxing his mind. There are probably many others like him. Some who can do it at the drop of a hat like he did, And some who maybe only do it once in a life time if the circumstances are right, (whatever the circumstances are)..

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by CanadianVandal
Foolish people, I'm done having discussions with people who can't comprehend simple statements. I'll repeat it once again for the dumber ones

So you believe that people can "shape-shift" and that sane people are "foolish" and "dumb"?

Perhaps you should re-read the forum rules about calling people names and acting like a whiney baby.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by CanadianVandal
Foolish people, I'm done having discussions with people who can't comprehend simple statements. I'll repeat it once again for the dumber ones ... (snip) ... THERE ARE MORE LEVELS TO THE MASONS THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW.
Secret Societies don't reveal everything to their little minions.

Your little temper tantrum has been caused by your own inability to make your point effectively. That is because your point is derived from pure fantasy. Unless you can come up with something other than just repeating statements like the above ad nauseam without any further elaboration, I will continue to go with my many many years of research into the subject of freemasonry over your spurious delusions.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 10:18 AM
makes no sense this video is useless.. he might have lenses or unusual eyes. Not just cause he is "grand master" freemason or whatever lol.. you've never seen real witches, that's where you see a difference from a normal human

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by silencee
makes no sense this video is useless.. he might have lenses or unusual eyes. Not just cause he is "grand master" freemason or whatever lol.. you've never seen real witches, that's where you see a difference from a normal human

So if a person becomes a Wiccan or another type of witch, then they're no longer human?

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 12:12 PM
Just checked into his 'videos' at YouTube.

T'would seem that everybody from Larry King to Hillary Clinton to some little girl is a "confirmed reptilian" in this guy's eyes (so to speak). Take his 'evidence' for what it's worth.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 02:24 PM
I can record a video of me now and purposely make it low quality and post it on YouTube and you'd find the same things involving the eyes and the green skin.

I can take that same video in DVD quality and post it somewhere else and I bet you wouldn't find the same things.

For one, you said to watch his left eye. His left eye would be on our right side when watching the video and you kept focusing on his right eye. At one point the slit in the eye goes outside the pupil and you can see it on his eyelid. That means it's caused by pixels in the low quality video or someone who doesn't knwo how to properly use after effects..

Seriously, you can go look at ANY LOW QUALITY FOOTAGE on YouTube and elsewhere and do this.

Someone else posted a video of "reptilian girls". So just because they're tall women with long legs and pale skin that makes them reptilian? That puts 95% of the worlds female models in that category then. I guess the female modeling world holds a dark secret.

Also to the thread creator. I think you can chill out with calling people cattle and foolish. When you answer replies and you start with "foolish people" I lose any respect I could have had for you. You're so hell bent on believing the videos you've made - or mad that people can easily see fakes - that you won't listen to anyone elses opinion. If you're not going to bother reading others opinions and just say that we're all stupid cattle then just take your precious videos and go elsewhere. There's enough immature people on here who do nothing but argue and it gets old.

Before I finish here's one last thing.

You keep saying nothing's been added. So let's say you really didn't add anything then. You already have it in your mind that Masons are all reptilians right? So you go looking for videos of Masons.

You find some low quality vids on YouTube. Anyone who constantly watches videos on their PC's knows about pixel artifacts and all that. So you sit there and look for anything that looks remotely reptilian in the videos you watch.

You find some then post them on a forum where you POINT OUT WHAT YOU SEE. That's where you mess up. At the start of your thread you menioned everything in the video that you see. You plastered your view of the video into other peoples minds before they even see it. So obviously when it comes to them seeing the video, they know what to look for and see the same things.

Except you didn't think that there's going to be a few people who will quickly point out what it really is you're seeing. Once that was done by someone who said they've been into graphic design for 15 years you got angry very fast. That tells me you know they're right and you can't handle the fact that you're wrong. So now you've switched to immature name calling.

1.) You're definitely no video editing expert yourself so stop saying the real experts here are wrong.

2.) You already said you don't know a lot about Masons, but you keep talking about them like you're an expert. You make no sense at all

3.) If you can't respect the opinions of others here then just leave. There's people here I'm not fond of but I still respect there opinions on things.

[edit on 3-9-2007 by nightmare_david]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 03:09 PM
wigit- yes he would be far from spiritual. These reptilians don't have souls.

nightmare_david- I would love to see that video, everyone claims it is caused by the quality and youtube. For all those people out there that claim that, lets see a video! Come on if its so common and caused by youtube please let us see that video!

I love how the masons claim that gesture he flashes is the longhorn symbol, since we all know how masons flash their favorite sports team for a second while talking before pulling up their pants before sitting down.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 03:14 PM
I'm not going to waste my time making a video of myself. Others in here already mentioned you can do this with pretty much any video of a person that's on YouTube.

You're a joke and this entire thread is a joke. You've been proving wrong. Get over it and stop whining like a little baby over it. Witht he way you've been treating others on here I'm surprised you've only been warned once. You should have been banned a long time ago. All you want to do is advertise your crappy videos and argue with people who prove you wrong. Find a new hobby.

[edit on 3-9-2007 by nightmare_david]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 03:21 PM
Oh come on now

I was just extremely offend when some one claims to be an expert and says my video is edited when it is not.

Come on I would love to see some one post one of these videos that are so common and are caused by youtube. Come on people show me the video.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 03:38 PM
How hard is it to go on YouTube and pick a random video and watch how often you see things like slits in eyes and green skin caused by the low quality of the video? I just sat here and watched 2 random videos that both showed people having green skin. You can go find your own videos and see for yourself. Stop demanding that someone post video. You're just too lazy to go look yourself or you know that me and the others here are right and you know by posting a video on your own would completely ruin whatever credibility that it is you think you have. Your videos dont' show anything real and you know it.

All low quality video with a lot of pixel artifacts will do this. Give it up, seriously. Nobody thinks your vids are authentic proof that Masons are reptilian. Stop acting like an immature baby, get a new freaking hobby and get a life.

You're an insult to all Canadians and I've put you on ignore following this post. You're annoying and just trying to get more and more people to view your stupid low quality, pixel artifact videos.

[edit on 3-9-2007 by nightmare_david]

[edit on 3-9-2007 by nightmare_david]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by CanadianVandal
Alright I just made this video of a "grandmaster" Freemason. He shape shifts.



I see little more than pixelated anomalies being construed and or passed off as more than that which they actualy are ... pixelated anomalies.

As for the manner in which he draws his pants prior to sitting ... Stop The Presses.

Regardless of the inaccurate perceptions and all, the video itself seemed little more than "my latest effort" with this coolio vid prog I just torrented.

My $.02

Though, your mileage may vary.


posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by CanadianVandal

I too noticed the hand signs , I think it was purposely done to flaunt his standing in the organization and to signal other masons ! The pupils definetly were changeing . I dont think it was a play of the lighting either ! It reminds me of the video of ol' Papa bush's pupils changeing back and forth from reptilian to human ! Really trippy. I think they are doing it on purpose to subtly give us little glimpses of what "THEY"really are !.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 06:05 PM
Thank you for re opening this post. I've been reading the "Lacerta File" and I'm starting to understand how primitive we really are. Arguing, name calling, all because one is in search of the truth. I apologize for name calling also but I was extremely offend that anyone would claim to be an expert and say the video is edited when it is not.

Read the Lacerta file to learn more about these reptilians


one line that really stuck out was
"Otherwise, you humans are very sceptic (that´s good for us and for the real alien species acting secretly on this planet) so even if you had such photos, many of your kind would say that they are fraud, that I´m just a masked human woman or something like that (that would be very offensive for me.)"

Wow thats exactly what I said earlier lol

[edit on 3-9-2007 by CanadianVandal]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by Chiiru

Yeah I posted another video... But its a fake too... it was just an example of the degradation of video quality when filtered through Youtube...(specially since it was found on Youtube Downloaded edited and uploaded.)

still it is creppy in a dark room late at night


posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 07:40 PM
Unfortunately it is not fake.
lol and I asked for a video to be posted that isn't already out there.....
Like the dude that claimed he filmed his eyes and watched his eyes change but was "to lazy" to post it lol......

Just like the reptilian said in the Lacerta files:
""Otherwise, you humans are very sceptic (that´s good for us and for the real alien species acting secretly on this planet) so even if you had such photos, many of your kind would say that they are fraud, that I´m just a masked human woman or something like that (that would be very offensive for me.)"

[edit on 3-9-2007 by CanadianVandal]

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