Mr. Marrs...
First let me say that I very much enjoyed your book,
The Terror Conspiracy: Deception, 9/11 and the Loss of Liberty," and feel it's measure by which all other 9/11-conspiracy books and
videos should be compared.
That being said, I'm sure your keeping up with events among the various splinters of the "9/11 Truth Movement" and I have one rather broad question
regarding the evolution of this self-proclaimed "Truth Movement."
Here we stand, on the eve of the month of the six-year anniversary of the event that defines our era, and the rather lofty selfless goals of those
early "Truth Movement" dreamers are fragmented into a confusing mess of competing groups with disparate messages that promote contrasting, even
contradictory, theories.
We have twenty-somethings seeking to construct personality cult status.
We have overbearing bull-horn bearing my-way or the high-way super stars.
We have angry spittle spewing black shirted activists scaring the tourists in NYC.
We have grainy over-compressed digital videos presented as "evidence" for nothing.
We have a mash-up of plane huggers, no planners, TV fakery, pod people, MIHOP, LIHOP, exotic weaponry, holographic, Stockholm syndrome, alien cult,
nose out, squibb shooting, nuke blowing, remote control, actors, fakers, and effects bakers. And now, it seems we have the rise of the 9/11 Conspiracy
Super Stars.
What do you think of the evolution of this movement?
1) Do you consider it possible that the current divisive atmosphere is a desired outcome of a focused conter-intelligence and misinformation
2) Or perhaps we're just seeing the effect of Internet discussion board "one-upmanship" as applied to a wildly popular conspiracy theory.
3) Or, do you see some other catalyst that has brought us to this counter-productive point?
And in all the madness that is "9/11 Truth," it seems the one clear angle that points to "inside job" is being completely ignored -- we still
haven't caught the guy we fingered. Perhaps that topic just isn't as sexy as every video of the event having been faked.