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Forget Europa... what about Io and Titan?

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posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 10:51 PM
Jupiter is, in size, the leader of the Solar System's planetary contigency. Although it produces twice as much energy as our (mutually, as the solar system's planets) boss, the Sun, it is smaller and a bit colder. Just a tad, really

Though it has many fascinating moons in orbit, such as Callisto, Europa, and Ganymede, for now, the focus is upon Io. Io and Jupiter frequetly pass near each other, and as a result of the incredible gravitational influence of Jupiter, Io has become a massively volcanic world. Though it makes the ability for life to thrive a bit tough, Io gives Jupiter a discharge every now and then that is electrical. Specifically, within the 3 million ampere range.

"Io acts as an electrical generator as it moves through Jupiter's magnetic field, developing 400,000 volts across its diameter and generating an electric current of 3 million amperes that flows along the magnetic field to the planet's ionosphere."

a(n) eruption(s) captured by galileo spacecraft - color modified by NASA

Even though it is far from Jupiter, the gas giant can still absorb this energy due to its energy field that spans 7 million miles in diameter. This field is probably similar to Earth's Van Allen Belt which surrounds our planet with a coat of radiation whose function (one of many) is to keep pesky objects such as gamma rays and x-rays out of our atmosphere.

computer simulation of discharge impacting Jupiter's magnetic fields courtesy of BBC:
(it's small, don't worry about DL time)

Now, Jupiter receives this transfer from a volcano called Prometheus, which is arguably one of the most powerful active volcanos in the solar system. Personally, I am not sure if it is larger than Olympus Mons of Mars, but it just may be because of it's ability to discharge particles (commonly referred to on Earth as ejecta) 186 miles from the caldera.

Prometheus, whose statue is upon Rockefeller plaza, is the son of Zeus/Jupiter in mythological texts. In the old school, Babylon mystery chool, whatever you want to call it belief-system, this relationship may be likened to the same as Marduk and Anu(Apsu?) or perhaps Gilgamesh and Marduk.

Back to the planet and satellite, the relationship is similar to a son and his father, with the "smaller" son providing his "bigger" father with the energy to proceed and become better. Smaller and bigger are in quotes to denote context of the planets in terms of seniority within a familiar relationship. Every discharge from Io gives power to Jupiter, and in turn, Jupiter is a giant ball of radiation and gas that emits more power than the Sun, a bonafide main sequence star.

In the mythological realm, Prometheus's claim to fame was how he cast energy to the masses giving them power. This has been translated left and right as well as traverssed across many different mythologies, not limitied to the Grecian variety, and has also resulted in stories of Prometheus transferring information or fire which essentially can be likened to this theory. The volcano could not have been more appropriately named, in the Western variety of dialect, as it does just that with Jupiter.

How is this important to Jupiter or even us as a civilization? Jupiter's requirement for it is relatively obvious in terms of energy, but its practicality is mysterious. I intend to explore it in part two which also goes on to probe the links between the Great Red Spot, this energy, and a possible link to the Eye of Horus/Osiris.

The entities that may have been involved in the past as well as ancient cultures and civilizations would be directly informed as to how this kind of relationship is of any significance. I say that because the gods of mythological texts, such as Jupiter, are very likely to have been of a race or a state of civilization different than that of our own. Many of these entities are likely to still have a presence in our realm, and may be responsible for some of that alien activity we all like to clamor about. That is how I know that all of this has some kind of tie with general UFO activity and other things that are unknown in regards to the Solar System.

With all of that being said, I welcome your thoughts and input on this matter. I don't know everything, especially in regards to this kind of activity, and would appreciate to learn more from what you all have to say about this. I'll probably add more to this as this is something I have just started to look into, thus explaining why I don't have more details of the activity at this moment.

more images of the volcanic activity:
radar enhanced mapping of volcanic activity
noticeablely bright enough to give a shine to the dark side of the satellite as it rotates. this is definitely a powerful burst of energy for even a planet, though it technically isn't one. info on Prometheus, Io's volcano. hit back on that page for a summary of Io.

part two: Jupiter's Great Red Spot

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 10:53 PM
Why is this one one here too?

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 11:00 PM
why are you being so brash and aggressive with me? especially after what happened? surely your consciousness knows what I am talking about?

this isnt chit chat and horsenanny! this is stuff backed with scientifc evidence and with research could explain many different things that are currently unknown in regards to the Galaxy.

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by AlnilamOmega
why are you being so brash and aggressive with me? especially after what happened? surely your consciousness knows what I am talking about?

Ok, I started reading this thread, but half way through the first post, I got curious about what people had to say. What skeptic said wasn't brash or aggressive at all, and (s)he didn't have an "edit" after their post.

As for what you posted...

Titan and Io...Titan shows promise, but it's so damn cold! There won't be a life form we can bring home, anyway, though there could be an earth like lifeform due to it's atmosphere. One would think there were plants on there at some time to cause the O2 in the atmosphere, but we're ignorant as to all of space, so we don't know.

I don't know enough about IO except it's one of the 4 moons of Jupiter I've looked at. So I'm ging to let that little buddy go for now

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 11:23 PM
The thing about Titan is that there is a "haze" that shields conventional sensory technology from penetrating the thickly clouded atmosphere.

so the readings on the ambient temperature could be that of the haze and NOT the actual land below the atmosphere.

posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by AlnilamOmega
Although it produces twice as much energy as our (mutually, as the solar system's planets) boss, the Sun, it is smaller and a bit colder. Just a tad, really

The rest of your article may be right, but I have to be disagree with this. I assume you mean that Jupiter sends out twice as much as the sun.

First, the radius of Jupiter is 71,40*10^6 m
The radius of the Sun is 696,0*10^6 m

The sun radius is 696,0/71,40=9,748 times larger than the diameter of Jupiter.

The volume of a sphere with diameter d is:

Therefore, in volume the sun is 2499,635 times larger. In my opinion that not just a tad larger.

I think you wrote your first statement, that Jupiter produces twice as energy as the sun a bit wrong. Jupiter radiates twice as much energy as it recieves from the sun. This doesn't mean at all it produces twice as much energy.

Jupiter recieves an average 13 Wm^-2 from the sun. You can calculate the total energy recieved with this technique and with numbers from this page:
4*pi*r^2*solarenergy = 4*pi*(71.40*10^6)^2*13 = 8,328*10^17 W

If Jupiter radiates twice as much as it recieves, it radiates 1,6656*10^18 W

The sun radiates 3,90*10^26 W. Therefore the sun radiates 3,90*10^26/1,6656*10^18 = 2,3414*10^8 as much energy as Jupiter.

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