posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 04:12 AM
I went to the ROYAL yes ROYAL Edinburgh gardens a week or two ago and i noticed on the floor they had a tile which read "In the year 1928 Alexander
Fleming Deicovered Penicillin"
LIARS LIARS LIARS !!!!! :bnghd::bnghd::bnghd::bnghd:
He did NOT discover Penicillin, some one discovered it along time before him, i heard on this fact on the great show, QI. I worte into that show and
they have told me that the proof i need is on page 174 'in The Book of General Ignorance',which was published by Faber and written by John Lloyd and
John Mitchinson.
So if any one has an internet link to this page or the book its self, PLEASE help me out here, we have a change to prove the ROYALS wrong, we must
stand up and do this !
Go team Vix
Take Care every one, Vix