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IDF arrests Palestinian boy carrying explosives

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posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 04:31 AM

IDF arrests Palestinian boy carrying explosives

A 15-year-old Palestinian boy was arrested this week in the northern Gaza Strip after he attempted to carry out an attack against soldiers operating in the area.

According to information released on Thursday by the IDF, the youth approached the soldiers of a Golani unit carrying two explosive devices.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 30-8-2007 by UM_Gazz]

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 04:31 AM
*This is my first topic I open on ATS, although I have commented on other topics I'm not yet familiar with how topic posting works so if any of you find any mistakes, please post them.*

I've just read this article on, and I had to post it here to even out the "Assassination" of the 11-year old post from a while back.
It seems that in that post people saw the headline and just went crazy with it, without actually caring about what happened.
This goes to show you, that even though the death of a 11-year old child is horrible and should not occur, there are many cases in which children are used as tools by the hands of extremists.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 04:58 AM
yeah kids are being used more and more by terrorists , 3 kids were also killed yesterday by Israel as well , apparently they were being used by terrorists to fire rockets at Israel

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 05:10 AM
Isn't it amazing how people only read and hear what they want to ?
I bet that this thread wont get as many replies as the one about the IDF killing the eleven year old kid and no claims of media biases wont cut it here after the kid wasn't carrying candy. It is pretty sick to use anyone little alone kids in such a manner which just provides another reason why terrorists have to be defeated every where.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by xpert11

I bet you're right, this thread won't even go close to the other one because you can't just reply with a "AH! Those damn Zionist-Jews-Killers are monsters, they shoot and murder kids!"
You can notice a kind of "slope" in the comments on the other thread, at the beginning of the post, the first replays were all anti-Israeli, whereas as the thread was getting longer people actually read the truth (as posted by Al-Jazeera) and realized that maybe they are just acting on biased thoughts and information.
In any case, I don't expect this post to very popular, I just had to post it because arguing with people in the other post would have no effect.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by Gramlengo

I'll reply.

Firstly Israeli soldiers are a legitmate target as an occupying force. Notice he wasn't trying to attack a soft target like civilians. Secondly mabye this boys Mother, father, brother sister, friend possibly all had been killed by an Israeli attack and wanted to pay back.

Perhaps he contacted the resistance forces in Palastine and said 'hey iv'e got nothing left to live for and i want to fight back'

I don't really see the point of your post. Are you trying to show that the Israelis are engaged in some kind of legitamte subjigation of the Palastinian people. Or that the Palastinian people are sick and send kids out willlingly to kill themselves all day every day?

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 07:07 AM
Palestinian leaders have consistently failed there people and much to my astonishment some people actually defend suicide bombings as a legit tactic as well as defending the people who would do such a thing.

You don't that the kid could have been brainwashed into blaming Israel for all his peoples problems ?
Terror groups could have also threatened his family if he didn't cooperate ?
So called Liberators are never friendly people nor do they ever have the best interests of the local population at heart. Just look at there brutal acts across the region.

Every extremist group needs an enemy the Nazis had the Jews and the Palestinian terror groups have Israelis as there enemy. Every country is entitled to security and to crack down on extremist groups. Rather then think to many people swallow the propaganda that Palestinian terror groups spew out.

If the Palestinian people got some decent people who put the people before all else which includes cracking on all terrorist organisations there would need for the presence of the IDF. No one complains about human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia or Iran instead people beat up Israel constantly. Instead Iran's leaders are some kind of heroes much like the Palestinian terror groups.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by xpert11

Oh my word!

Right yes he may or may not have been forced into it, but we have no evidence either way really do we? so let's leave that to one side.

So when you don't have an army and you are up against American supplied top of the range weaponary F-15'S F-16'S, Tanks, M-16's how else are you supposed to fight an occupying force other than blow yourself up? Answer me that?

You are actually trying to compare the Nazi's extermination of millions of people ( Not just Jews) to the Palastinians fighting Israels occupying force?? Wow you need to check yourself. They are not terror groups as they are fighting for the freedom of their people. It's not like the people of Palastine wanted Israel as their enemy, it was forced upon them.

Granted Fatah is corrupt and complicit with the Israelis in the occupation. Hamas are trying to what they can for the people even under the siege that they are under in Gaza. But after 60 years of Israeli brutality and subversion it's pretty predictable Palastine is not going to have any kind of model leadership.

Hamas hasn't sent a suicide bomber into Israel for over 2 years, they were democratically elected by the people of Palastine. Yet Israel won't talk just bomb. Why? Becasue they don't recognise Israels right to exist? Mabye Israel should recognise the Palastinians right to exist.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by Peruvianmonk

I agree that soldiers are a legitimate target in any conflict, everywhere, but some things are considered as non-conventional and outright INHUMAN.
I'll let you decide, for the argument's sake, that in fact his entire family was killed would you agree to send a 15-year-old teen to SUICIDE while KILLING more?
You have to be at least as much a monster as you depict Israel being to do such a thing, that point you brought up just goes to show how you are biased against Israel.

What if, one of those soldiers lives in Sderot (I do hope you know that place and what is going on there, if not I'll sum it up for you - For the past 7-8 years, Sderot, a city INSIDE Israel, not a settlement is being constantly bombarded with Qassam rockets and Mortar rounds, many people have been injured, many have died and many homes have been destroyed.) and his entire family was killed by a Qassam rocket, by your rational he is entitled to kill others? By strapping a bomb to himself? While being SUPPORTED by his leadership?!

To conclude, my point is that both sides commit act of crimes, but the majority of the community here on ATS are so biased against Israel that even the sight of a thread gets everyone angry without even knowing the REAL story and the background of it.
Go to that thread about the "assassination" of a child by the IDF and look at the comments there, pure uninformed hatred.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Peruvianmonk
Right yes he may or may not have been forced into it, but we have no evidence either way really do we? so let's leave that to one side.


So when you don't have an army and you are up against American supplied top of the range weaponary F-15'S F-16'S, Tanks, M-16's how else are you supposed to fight an occupying force other than blow yourself up? Answer me that?

Umm well that so called occupational force wouldn't be needed if there wasn't a security threat to start with.

ally trying to compare the Nazi's extermination of millions of people ( Not just Jews) to the Palastinians fighting Israels occupying force?? Wow you need to check yourself.

You missed my point all extremists need an enemy to justifie there actions so it was a valid comparison.

They are not terror groups as they are fighting for the freedom of their people.

Your kidding right ?

if those kinds of people gave a dam about the local population they wouldn't kidnap aid workers from time to time.

Granted Fatah is corrupt and complicit with the Israelis in the occupation. Hamas are trying to what they can for the people even under the siege that they are under in Gaza.

When it comes to political leaders the Palestinian people pretty much get screwed over no matter which way they turn.

But after 60 years of Israeli brutality and subversion it's pretty predictable Palastine is not going to have any kind of model leadership.

Hamas hasn't sent a suicide bomber into Israel for over 2 years, they were democratically elected by the people of Palastine. Yet Israel won't talk just bomb.

Would you trust anyone who had been connected to suicide bombings in the past ?
I sure as wouldn't. Remember that every suicide bombing that took place played into the hands of those in Israel who oppose a diplomatic solution to the problem at hand.

All the other issues aside both sides should acknowledge that each other has the right to a peaceful co existentances.

You can find my fix for much of the ME regions problems here .

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 08:05 AM
There wouldn't be a security threat to Israel if a 2 party state had been set up in the 1st place. But you can't change the past and i continue to support the Palastinans legitiamte resistance to occupation.

You didn't answer my question on what you would do against tanks, m-16's. It may not be pretty but suicidal missions show how desperate and warped these people have been made to be.

I think you missed the point that the 'extremists' weren't born that way, they became that through what they experienced they didn't go looking for the enemy it found them. How would you behave if your country the (U.S?) Had been invaded occupied time after time resulting in the deaths of loved ones. Come on this website and chat about it?

Oh i suppose every member of these 'terror groups' doesn't give a # about their own people containing their wives, sons, daughthers, mothers,fathers, and are all just murderers? Get real.

Trust? Well trust has to start somewhere and i think Hamas has come along way. What has Israel done in return more bombings more incursions not less. So how can the Palastinians trust Israel.

I read 'your' ideas on change in the ME, i agree that is what should happen, but do you really think Israel is going to give these territories up without a fight? And i notcie the right for exiled Palastinians to return is sidestepped.

I gurantee there would be to a large extent peace, if this vision outlined was fulfilled. There would still be extremists on both sides but they would be the minority. The problem is Israel never agrees to do anything concillitary but expects all it's enemies to abide by exactly what it tells them to do.

[edit on 30-8-2007 by Peruvianmonk]

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by Peruvianmonk
Trust? Well trust has to start somewhere and i think Hamas has come along way. What has Israel done in return more bombings more incursions not less. So how can the Palastinians trust Israel.

[edit on 30-8-2007 by Peruvianmonk]

Funny, you seem to forget the withdrawal Israel did from the so called "Illegal" settlements around the Gaza strip in the summer of 2005.
Thousands of families were forced out of their homes by Israel, but you seem to see only one side of the story all the time.
Isn't that an act of trust? That's what the Palestinians wanted, didn't they? But you can't satisfy the hunger of someone who is always hungry for more, or better yet - For EVERYTHING.

I wont even bother replying to any of your one-sided comments any more since you seem to be fixated already.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 08:23 AM
No one has the right to be a suicide bomber period but it looks like were just going have to agree to disagree on that point.
To answer your question other then the fact I would never consider being a suicide bomber I am sure of that much. BTW I don't live in the US I live in New Zealand. The people of the western world have a differnt cultural mentality to that of many of the people of ME region or put another way western civilization is relatively more stable so your question about NZ being occupied is flawed to start with.

It is true that people aren't born extremists but they are brainwashed into being so form the get go.
Your telling me to get real ?
Please explain how kidnapping aid workers has anything to do with caring about the local population ?
It is true that trust has to start somewhere but I don't think that it is going to start with the current generation of Palastinan leaders. The problem is that Israel is naturally going to be untrusting and there still isnt much around to change this mindset.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by xpert11

It's not really about whether you have the right to be a suicide bomber, that is irrelavent. People do things when forced into situations

I was just suggesting if you did live in a occupied country how you would react i don't see what's flawed about that?

Why do they have to be brainwashed by terror groups and to become extremists, i think the bombing of your house is brainwashing enough.

Ok some aid workers have been kidnapped i'm not disputing that, but it's not all the time every time. Some of the groups in Palastine are just criminal gangs but that has nothing to do with groups wagin legitimate resistance.

If you look at the case of Alan Johnston the BBC journalist recently, Hamas worked to free him from one of these criminal gangs. hamas has worked to get people back in work and bring law to Gaza something Fatah were not interested in. They are trying.

I think Hamas as do many people within governments around the world have done enough to be spoken to directly by the Isralies. Instead of being ignored and laid under siege. Instead the Israiles deal with the well documented puppet regime of Fatah who will not push for any real soloution just curtail and take the bribes offered.

Israel has no interest in settiling this issue in my opinion, they are making millions of dollars of this occupation in contracts. Why would they want to ruin that?

Gramlengo- Yeah i am one-sided on this issue. BOO WHHOOO some Israels were forced out of their illegal settlements and there not so called, they are illegal. Am i supposed to feel any sympathy for them? They shouldn't of been there in the first place.

And yeah that's all the Palastinians wanted, a basically hollow act to show the world 'Look look what we are giving to the Palastinians' when illegal settlements are still being built in other parts of the west bank and others still standing.

That was also over 2 years ago and since then Israel formented a coup against the democratically elected government of Hamas, and sealed Gaza from the outside world. Congratulations on earning the undying trust of the Palastinian people.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Peruvianmonk
Or that the Palastinian people are sick and send kids out willlingly to kill themselves all day every day?

I'll reply to that. Many of them are and many of them do. You think these kids are pulled out of the womb knowing how to be suicide bombers? Sorry, they aren't. These children are brainwashed from very young ages and are taught in schools to hate Israelis. They are also taught (and brainwashed) how to use these bombs, for if they do, they will become great martyrs.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 02:45 PM
What other options does these sick people have? Older males are too suspicious, so they send their kids because they have no way to fight this war.
Unfortunately USA is not equipping both sides for a fair fight. They are only equipping Israel, which is abusing it's powers. I feel sorry for all the innocent
civilians whether they are Israeli, or Palestinian. Death to innocent lives is a great tragedy, but it will continue to happen unless Israel and Palestine reach
an understanding.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by Peruvianmonk
So when you don't have an army and you are up against American supplied top of the range weaponary F-15'S F-16'S, Tanks, M-16's how else are you supposed to fight an occupying force other than blow yourself up? Answer me that?

Humm, let's see....what option do you have except to send a kid strapped with bombs to kill himself and soldiers and civilians alike?...

Dunno, maybe be a man/woman and instead of strapping children with bombs asking for Palestinian terrorists to actually do their own fighting without resorting to terrorist attacks on civilians?.....

Perhaps if the Palestinian terrorists stopped bombing Israeli cities might help to stop Israeli forces from having to retake those parts of the west bank, some parts that Israel gave back to the Palestinian authorities, which Palestinian terrorists use as bases to bomb Israeli cities?....

BTW, Palestinian terrorist bombings have killed civilians many times, and many times the targets have been restaurants full of Israeli civilians, Israeli civilian buses, Israeli clubs, etc, so don't come claiming Palestinian terrorists only target the israeli military....

[edit on 30-8-2007 by Muaddib]

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 07:23 PM
The question is flawed because there is no body of water to seperate the two peoples. So its not so much an occupation as it is someone policing there own neighbourhood because two peoples cant seem to co exist peacefully.

Why do people have to be brainwashed before they become an extremist ?
No one would be an extremist by natural choice. This thread is a case in point. Well Hamas should have been a responsible political body to start with. If my neighbours had a history of terrorism I would find it hard to argue against them being isolated.

So you think that it is OK for someone to take there own life and the life of others but you think it is wrong to kidnap people. Thats just wrong on so many levels.

Anyway there is never going to be any middle ground on this issues . IMO this is one of those times when it would be morally bankrupt to even flinching an inch towards terrorism.

posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 05:45 PM
Plain & Simple.

Why would a 15 year old kid want to hurt the soldiers?

For many reasons:

They have no real defense system
They are oppressed daily
There oppressive atrocities hardly get media coverage
They are trapped in their homes and tormented by jewsish settlers who are backed by the IDF
His parents were murdered by IDF missiles.
His sister lost both legs to a mine
They are stripped of any real freedom

Just because they react doesn't make them the bad guy. Out yourself in the hypothetical environment I just painted & tell me what you would do?


posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 01:38 AM
There are rules of engagement in any war, you see a person (kid, women, or animal) with a weapon you shoot them, they don’t have weapons you carefully investigate, and if they do have something of danger, then you arrest them as POW. That people are going to get kill in war yes, that is why is called war. If Israel really wants to stop this war, I would advice to kill every Muslim there is and eliminate them from the face of the earth.

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