posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 01:55 AM
If no one minds, I will tell this in story form, although it is a true event. And one that I have had to deal with for almost four years now. If this
is in wrong place, I'll be glad for mods to move it. Didn't know where else to put it. I don't usually like airing 'my laundry' so to speak, but
if it will help me to get some answers, so be it. I can't think I'm the only person that this has ever happened to. So, here goes:
One afternoon I laid down in my room for a nap. I slept way longer than I intended, but the most horrific pain imaginable awoke me. I was screaming my
head off! I've been told that I have a very high threshold for pain, but this was relentless. My husband at the time, was outdoors, and heard my
screams. He ran inside to see what was the matter. My left arm was swollen so badly that I could barely see the rings on my fingers. To fill in the
gap here a bit, I awoke on my right side. So, I know I didn't sleep on it wrong.
To save time on waiting for an ambulance, my husband drove me in our car. Once there they had to cut the rings off my fingers. They x-rayed me and
nothing showed up as broken. So, they gave me pain pills and sent me home, telling me to follow up with regular MD if symptoms persisted. Well they
did, and I did.
I've been to countless doctors, neurologists, and chiropractors and had all kinds of tests run, and still nothing. If it was just a swollen arm, I
would just give up and say, "To heck with it!" But what I didn't notice right away, was that my whole left side was pulled out as well. I wasn't
born this way. There was purple and black bruising that stayed under my armpit for nearly a year. I had very limited mobility. And the pain has never
stopped, It has been going on for nearly four years now. and I don't know any more now than I did then.
If you look at me straight on, you can see that one shoulder is elevated higher than the other. And on my sides, the right side has a natural curve
and the left side is straight up and down. I'll say again, "I wasn't born this way." I once had an hour glass figure on both sides. I don't look
like a freak of nature or anything, but it's frustrating. And if nothing else, I'd like to be pain-free again. It feels like someone opened a place
at the upper part of my arm and started pouring scalding liquid, non-stop for 4 years. I quit the pain pills after the first script, because they did
nothing for me and I'm scared of addiction. At one point I was so overcome with the pain, that I tried to take my life. But I will not do that again.
I'd rather try to find some answers. I read somewhere on here that ATS will not allow anyone to make fun of you, so please don't do that. I am
seriously looking for some real help. I went to the usual places first. I got nowhere.