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Declassified Technology notes Moon Bases UFO technology

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posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by infamouskiller
What i was trying to say was how fast of mph does it take to get one g of force? in acceleration and this question was for a astro expert such as john lear or someone in this field i never claimed to be an expert. All i know to get 9 g's of force would take a craft to travel in excess in 5000 MPH now I know the space shuttle when launched to the space station not to long ago the recent mission they reporter said this craft travels around 3500 mph to space am I wrong?

So how fast does it take to get 1g of bodely force ?

^^^^^^^^^^^I have came to the conclusion you have no understanding of how physics work.
G-force is a measurement of ACCELERATION not speed. You can be going 2,000,000mph and have no G-force because you are not ACCELERATING.

Do you even know what G-force means????

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 11:15 AM
ok for the 5th time i will revise my question. in the tech notes the only refenece to speed i have got is that the aircraft is accelerating to a unkown speed well call this x and that the pilots accelerate to nine g"s of force before many test pilots crashing. in these super fighters at what acceleration would nine g's of force be excerted on the vehicle or pilot. You guys keep referring to if a object is traveling 200000000 mph you have zero G. thats all fine and dandy but how does the object get to that speed omg it has to accelerate which has what effect in the universe Gravity force.

Please no more Brutal answers or direct assault on my IQ Because I am asking supposdly Free thinkers you sure do sound like the part of society I detest.

So my Question for the 10th time without any you moron answers please At what Speed does a Vehicle mathematically have to accelerate to in a straight line there is no reffrence to banking turns. This is a acceleration problem with G's on the craft causing pilots to Black out.

And A discern About the public crashes constantly happening with these aircraft.

So once again my question is What Speed would This take in accelration I was only asking trying to figure out what Speeds the New propulsion systems Travel at as this is clearly a Black op tech note.

If a object is at 0 mph stiill and accelrates to 17,000 MPH the Astronauts experiance no G force I think your the one who doesnt understand physics Isnt that what all the NASA training is about is G forces from the Rocket having these Forces.

But then again im an idiot remember?

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 11:22 AM
I thought I'd attempted to answer this question already?
Or was that not what you were looking for?

I was approximating, I know. And with a ridiculously tiny amount of Physics knowledge.

To avoid misunderstandings, it helps if you punctuate and use grammar properly, just a pointer. It helps avoid these problems with having to re-explain your question.

And it also helps to not berate someone for not having the same level of Physics knowledge as you. If everyone knew the same things, there'd be no need for a community. And it would be pretty dull.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 11:32 AM
you only feel G's in gravity once in space inertia takes over which is why the whole problem with going from 0 to 17,000 mph instantainiously cant happen, unless we or aliens invent somthing to dampen the effects of inertia hence star trek... inertial dampeners.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by infamouskiller

And A discern About the public crashes constantly happening with these aircraft.

If you're referring to the Jas Gripen, it has crashed five time in a time span of 18 years, which is far from constant.

I've seen them fly on multiple occassions while serving the army in Sweden. It's a fine 4.5 generation jet but not a "super fighter".

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 11:59 AM
Infamouskiller ... great post.

Here's something that might clarify it a bit for you.

Think of it this way ... the less amount of time it takes you to get to 2000 mph, the GREATER the acceleration would be. So if it took you 5 seconds to reach that speed, the g force would be ALOT greater than if it took 5 hours.

Hope that helps, and I'm gonna dig through some of this stuff today.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 12:05 PM
LOL these are JAS fighter released in 2007 for military uses the new F-14 super fighter series there not for space travel they just seem to have the engine of what is most likely in spacecraft.I never claimed these were spacecraft they are new super fighters. Perhaps you need to read my post more clearly and I offered the numerous test pilots crashing as direct evidence of the new super engines 9 g's of acceleration.Im no expert either clearly this sets of red flags in my book.And the several papers on technical notes of the cause of those crahses as being describes of 9 g's of constant force for periods of 1-3 mins.No refer to banking or other G causing forces or cypharcrical force.And They cause for so many test pilot deaths.

Other questions should arise in a UFO research site.Like how is such a powerful engine on a small aircraft.When pilots are in Flight at Mach 4-6 they Turn and experiance G forces of 4-6 G's 7 being the black out point. For Very brief times seconds.

however in acceleration You expericance G's in Constance.Climbing as the faster you go I dont know about Space none of us can prove any space physcics don't forget it's told to us by liers,and puppeteers.

Why are most drawings of Future Vehicles show a spinning ship or space station and how it creates gravity so Inertia is something that is not fully revealed. NASA artist renderings have shown this many times.

further more one only need to look at earth has rotation speed in space.

This is a very important observation.And a link to why so many pilots crashed them.

This also begs the questions of propulsion and anti -g systems other then a suit that pressurises the organs from falling to the pelvic.

And how the oxygen molcules are effected by such great speed that the pilots can not breath.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 12:21 PM
I'm kinda confused now. Can somebody please explain to me where this thread is going. The website looks kinda cool - but the discussion has me baffled...

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 12:29 PM
I believe the equation that you're looking for is:

V = Vo + 2 * a * ∆X

Where the first "V" is equal to ending velocity (24,000 MPH)
The second "V" (listed as Vo)is initial velocity (I'd assume we'd start at 0 unless you have another value in mind)
The "a" represents acceleration
"X" is figured in over the distance traveled between initial velocity and ending velocity.

This doesn't take into account resistance and other energy robbing physical properties like friction and the like.

Is that along the right idea of what you're looking for? I think some of the elements missing to complete the equation is distance or acceleration values.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 12:30 PM
A side note and a observation of space physics ok here it is if an object is a space craft if it can produce a speed of 10k mph no force in space can stop besides a black hole or magnetic fields planets starts etc. this object will never stop in space keeping its current velocity until and opposite force is applied to slow the object down.

Newtons equal reaction law

Theses space Shuttles Travel at what publicy 17k MPH

lets so they got some super duper craft there building on the moon.

That can Travel lets say 40,000 MPh dont forget Gravity is alot less in space so if a shuttle travles at 17k MPH on earth.
What does this Craft travel in Space?

Now So we theorize That its possible space craft can achieve greater acceleration in space were using 40k mph as an example but it may just be 20k mph on earth.

The moon is 221,463 miles (356,334 kilometers) away from us.

So a Shuttle Would only Take 11 hours 2 trips a day to move minerals to the space station.

And would only need to produce one inertia force for momentum using the moons sling shot to bring em back on drop runs not stopping.

The fuel rate would be dramatically be reduced and a distinct reality.

Unfolds a deeper picture to how everything is linked to one another.

250 million miles is how far mars is away.

Which would take 1250 hours at 20k MPH

Roughly 10 weeks.

Now if We double those speeds under the assumption other space physics like if you accelrate to 17k and let inertia take over. and reaccelerate what happens is a great speed of momentum achieved?

5 weeks to Mars 4 hour trips to the moon.

Anti G isnt even really needed even by current public means to travel around our solar system.

If any of my science is of here please post your comments in a kind Manner

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 12:32 PM
hello yes very good thread good info this is where i get most informarion, but here is good treat for you

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by more_serotonin_pls

Flight test and development of a new anti-g system in JAS 39 GRIPEN
Christer Berglund,
Björn Marklund
Saab Aerospace
S-58188 Linköping
A new oxygen and anti-g system has been implemented in the Swedish forth generation
mulitrole aircraft JAS 39 GRIPEN C and D.
In the Gripen the pilot is exposed to 9G for long periods of time. Therefore the Anti-G protection
is more important than ever. Due to the implementation of OBOGS (On Board Oxygen
Generating System), the anti-g system also had to be changed.
During the first test flight with high G-loads with the new OBOGS and anti-G system in GRIPEN
test aircraft 39-800 (twin-seat) the pilots got a grey-out and after evaluation of data from the
flight it was shown that the pressure in the G-suit was below specified limits. At this time it was
suspected to be an individual problem with the G-regulators and therefore they were changed to
other units, but due to flight tests of the ECS (Environmental Control System) another problem
arose before the anti-G testing could go on. The ECS tests showed that the supply pressure
from the ECS during some flight cases was below the minimum requirement that the OBOGS
and anti-g system was qualified for. The anti-G tests had to be postponed until the supply
pressure to the anti-G system could be guaranteed to be above the minimum requirements.
Therefore a number of changes to improve the supply pressure and reduce the pressure drops
in the anti-g system were implemented.
After a new test period with testing of the modifications, which were successful, the problem
with the low pressure in the g-suit still existed even though the G-regulators had been changed.
After tests of several G-regulators it was shown that a high percentage of the G-regulators gave
a low pressure in the G-suit and quite often below minimum specified values.
After some close teamwork with the G-regulator supplier HAY, a modification of the anti-gregulator
was made in order to be able to guarantee correct pressure in the g-suit.
This paper describes the testing and the development changes made on the anti-g system and
the way forward to qualify the system up to 9 G. It also describes high G-loads, a G-LOC and
the importance of a good Anti-G protection from the pilot’s perspective.
Copyright© Christer Berglund, Björn Marklund

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 12:41 PM
Gripen is the first new-generation multi-role/swing-role combat aircraft to enter service. It is
designed to meet the demands of current and future threat scenarios, whilst at the same time
meeting stringent requirements with regard to flight safety, availability, training efficiency and life
cycle cost.
Fully integrated digital systems give Gripen the brainpower to use its strength and the
intelligence to use its muscles to maximum effect. Its pilots can share real-time tactical
information with friendly forces while remaining undetected by the enemy.
Gripen was declared operational in the Swedish Air Force in 1997, and has there achieved
40,000 flying hours in five fully operational, multi-mission squadrons. Superior air-to-air combat
capability at beyond visual range (BVR) is achieved through a combination of aircraft
performance, modern sensor systems, the world’s most developed in-service tactical datalink
and the capability to launch advanced active-radar BVR missiles. When combined with an
inherent low-visual, low-radar and low infrared signature, this gives Gripen a decisive combat
advantage over its competitors.
At closer ranges, Gripen’s combat capability is assured through the combination of its deltacanard
configuration and relaxed stability. This gives excellent agility and high instantaneous
turn rates during combat maneuvers. In addition to the radar’s close combat modes, a helmetmounted
display (HMD) can be used by Gripen pilots to cue the seekers of the latest agile shortrange
high off borsight air-to-air missiles.
The aircraft has stores recognition, and the weapon system is continuously communicating with
the FCS to optimize performance and maintain the instability and outstanding turnrate. The Load
Limiter permits the pilot to fully concentrate on the outside close combat scenario without risking
overstressing or stalling the aircraft.
Control of the battlefield during air-to-surface operations calls for the aircraft to deal with a wide
range of targets with a great variety of weapons. Gripen carries a number of advanced weapons
that are supremely effective over land and at sea. Gripen’s weapon system includes 'smart'
precision munitions such as laser-guided bombs (LGBs) and their associated forward looking
infra-red/laser designator pod (FLIR/LDP) targeting equipment. These advanced targeting
sensors complement the dedicated air-to-surface radar modes and tactical data link to give
Gripen a flexible and effective precision attack capability. With a ground turnaround time less
then 10 minutes for Air to Air (AA) missions and 20 minutes for Air to Ground (A/G) missions, the
availability is one of a kind.
The previous oxygen system in the Gripen A/B, uses compressed oxygen stored in pressurized
bottles. For the latest version of the Gripen C (single-seat A/C) and D (twin-seat A/C). a new
oxygen and anti-g system has been implemented. Due to air to air refuelling capability and 8-10
hours missions, the former oxygen supply was insufficient and therefore the Gripen was
modified with an On Board Oxygen Generating System (OBOGS), a system that generates
oxygen to the pilot supplied from the Environmental Control System.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 12:42 PM
4.1 Factors for Anti-G resistance
When flying the high performance jets of the new generation fighters, maneuvers adds nine
times the weight of gravity to the mass of the pilot body. It causes fatigue, and may also cause
blackout, and in the worst case, death. This happens because gravity drives blood, which
transports oxygen to the heart, lungs and brain, from these organs and down to the lower parts
of the body.
Waking up from a G-LOC (Gravity caused Loss Of Consciousness), the pilot has no idea where
he is, nor what he is doing. This can take some time up to minutes and before he realizes what
he is doing. Before he gets it all back, he is unable to, for example, avoid the terrain if heading
towards the ground.
The pilots anti-g capacity consists of some contributing factors, such as; dehydration, nutritional
balance, if exposed for any infection, and also or if he has slept well. The body is also trying to
fight the rising g-loads; the brain senses the decreasing blood pressure and commands the heart
to pump faster to increase the pressure.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 12:44 PM
One other important factor is the anti-g suit, where the most significant characteristics are the
time from onset to full inflation, the maximum pressure and finally the coverage (in percent). The
anti-g suit is supposed to protect the pilot from G-LOC. The suit is filled with compressed air, and
when the loads (nz) increases, the suit squeezes the pilot lower body, preventing this from
happening, by shove body fluids upwards.
And finally the traditional M1 maneuver. This specific maneuver is done by the pilot to maintain
conscious, while accelerating and sustaining high G (nz). Before the acceleration the pilot strains
the muscles and holds his breath to maintain and raise the blood pressure in the brain. When
the high G (nz) is achieved, the pilot then tries to breathe every third or fourth second to ventilate
the lungs without letting the pressure off.
The Swedish full coverage anti-g suit is however very efficient. When achieved 9G the pilot can
relax. Start to relax in the abdominal region, then the butt and finally the legs and calves.
4.2 Low pressure in the G-suit and Low supply pressure from ECS
During the first test flight with high G-loads with the new OBOGS and anti-G system in GRIPEN
test aircraft 39-800 (twin-seat) the pilots got a grey-out. The sortie when the problem was
discovered was planned as an envelop expansion regarding the new anti-g system for the
Gripen 39 C/D version.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 12:45 PM
In Constant Forces of 9g's 7 g's and you black out in conventional jets

[edit on 29-8-2007 by infamouskiller]

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by infamouskiller
So my Question for the 10th time without any you moron answers please At what Speed does a Vehicle mathematically have to accelerate to in a straight line there is no reffrence to banking turns. This is a acceleration problem with G's on the craft causing pilots to Black out.

And A discern About the public crashes constantly happening with these aircraft.

So once again my question is What Speed would This take in accelration I was only asking trying to figure out what Speeds the New propulsion systems Travel at as this is clearly a Black op tech note.

I understand your question, but there is no easy answer because G's are all based on variables. You have to know at what altitude this is taking place. And also how long it took to get to 17,000 MPH to figure out how many G's were felt. You can accelerate to 17,000 MPH at a rate of 1 G. It would take a long time to acheive this speed, but it's possible.

If we knew that it took only 5 seconds to accelerate to 17,000 MPH at 40,000 feet, we could apply these figures to an equation to figure out how many G's were felt.

So, to answer your question: there is no answer. We'd need more information to tell you at what speed someone was traveling who felt 9 G's.

In reference to your "banking" note. Some one traveling at 300 MPH could possibly feel 9 G's if the turn was tight enough.

EDIT: Good find! Flagged.

[edit on 29-8-2007 by tyranny22]

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 12:55 PM
Great thread, just please tone it down on the attitude, and OMG the math is giving me a headache, but hey! I'm learn something new today, so thanks!

On topic now, I have been to this site on various occations mainly looking for studies or research in anti gravity and electrogravity and what it amaze me in the load of studies and research that is this place that comes from DOD agencies or military branches.

Now my question will be for any person that is familiar on how scientific research at this level is conducted, wouldn't you need to have a solid principle of fact to start venturing into this studies, with out being subject to ridicule? I mean if they are talking about this stuff, does that means that they already got the basics? How they got them, that would be interesting to know IMO.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by pk1yen
To avoid misunderstandings, it helps if you punctuate and use grammar properly, just a pointer. It helps avoid these problems with having to re-explain your question.

I was going to post to make the point that not all of our members have that luxury due to the international scope of ATS, and further, that I was willing to bet that Infamouskiller did not have English as a first language. Then I saw in a later posting that he mentions serving in the Swedish military.

Well, Infamouskiller, seeing as your English is a whole lot better than my Swedish, I have to applaud you on your punctuation and grammer.

'Nuff said, guys?

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 01:01 PM
I guess I'll be going thru this site doday, looks to be great. Thanks...

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