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U.S. most armed country with 90 guns per 100 people

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posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by DYepes
I dont think the arrival of zombies is a laughing matter. We sure will have the means to pop them off, but how long before they spread because of emotional stress causing people to get themselves infected when they cant pull the tirgger on their wife, mother or child?

You better plan really carefully for that scenario, I got an SUV now just for that possibility. Maybe yall consider it fantasy and think I watch too many movies, but I for one will not be turned in a soldier of darkness.

I am being completely serious pertaining to the literal and metaphorical onslaught of zombies.

That's very funny.... wait..... You are joking right?... People turning into the undead and infecting others by biting them?.....

I beg your pardon but I think you have watched Dawn of the Dead or similar movies waaaay too many times.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
but nooooo... instead youd rather sit idly by and watch your nation be devestated..

you have the means, you musnt have the balls!

Or it could very well be that Americans don't want the same thing you and some others around the world want.....

Well, i should say some Americans don't want what you and some others want, because we know there are some Americans who want what you want....that still doesn't make it a mayority...and mayority rules in this country luckily...unless the liberal media, and liberal groups get involved and then they cry foul and whine because the country is not run by the minority....which still doesn't change the fact that the mayority rules in the U.S.....nomatter how much the liberal media, and liberal groups try to change it.......

[edit on 30-8-2007 by Muaddib]

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 06:14 PM
I would agree that we Americans are no longer the "most free" people on the planet - not by a longshot. Looking at the prison statistics, it becomes clear that we are by far the "most imprisoned" people on the planet - if not necessarily the "least free" (yet).

However there are certain legal barriers present in our Constitution bucking the continuing advance of authoritarianism (an authoritarianism notably being pushed by forces on both the "left" and the "right"), and the Second Amendment is one of those - hence the continual efforts to "creatively interpret" it away.

Fortunately gun ownership is one civil liberty with a large, politically powerful, and well-funded lobby still defending it. When it comes to the other 9 Amendments in the Bill Of Rights, not so much

[edit on 8/30/07 by xmotex]

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 02:11 AM
I have a friend that immigrated to the U.S. from what is now the czech Republic. When I bought my first AK guess who it was that showed me the proper procedure for taking it down and putting it back together? He said he hadn't touched one in 9 years but he first learned it as a middle schooler and they constantly taught that in their schools. Even after 8 years he dissassembled it and reassembled it pretty dang quick.

Just a perception but i too agree that those other 10 people need to get on the program and I believe if more people would teach their children we would be much better off. Look back at history, for thousands of years fathers have been teaching their sons how to hunt and defend themselves. Nothing has changed except that over the last 100 years or so we are told by those that are afraid of us that gus are "bad" and "evil". It's not the guns that are evil but those that are trying to supress our guns are the true evil.

[edit on 2-9-2007 by photobug]

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by cyberdude78
This is why America is the absolute best place on Earth to be when the zombies come.

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by photobug
I have a friend that immigrated to the U.S. from what is now the czech Republic. When I bought my first AK guess who it was that showed me the proper procedure for taking it down and putting it back together? He said he hadn't touched one in 9 years but he first learned it as a middle schooler and they constantly taught that in their schools. Even after 8 years he dissassembled it and reassembled it pretty dang quick.

Wow! We could do that here - we have a class where you run around for a half hour every other day, we have to take art, we have to take these "electives", but we can't learn about guns.

Imagine - taking over a country where kids are taught how to handle weapons through middle and high school. I'd imagine the crime rate would go down, too, due to less people being terrified of firearms and therefore not owning any (home defense, etc.).

[edit on 2-9-2007 by Johnmike]

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by photobug
I have a friend that immigrated to the U.S. from what is now the czech Republic. When I bought my first AK guess who it was that showed me the proper procedure for taking it down and putting it back together? He said he hadn't touched one in 9 years but he first learned it as a middle schooler and they constantly taught that in their schools. Even after 8 years he dissassembled it and reassembled it pretty dang quick.

Just a perception but i too agree that those other 10 people need to get on the program and I believe if more people would teach their children we would be much better off. Look back at history, for thousands of years fathers have been teaching their sons how to hunt and defend themselves. Nothing has changed except that over the last 100 years or so we are told by those that are afraid of us that gus are "bad" and "evil". It's not the guns that are evil but those that are trying to supress our guns are the true evil.

[edit on 2-9-2007 by photobug]

I agree with this, but would like to add two cavets. 100 years ago most fathers knew how to use a firearm properly and second, most boys had full time fathers.

Unfortunately, many men don't stick around to raise their children, and then many of those who do are demasculated liberals who wouldn't consider the thought of their child learning the skills of basic marksmanship and firearm care/maintenence.

My son, when onld enough will be well drilled, with the state of the world, he will need that skill.

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 01:26 PM
In a seperate thought. I see the paranoia some people have about guns, and most of that is due to misinformation. I good site I would suggest is:

2nd amendment sister is women owners of firearms's advocacy site, and has alot of education. My wife was a little squeemish about guns (she was from California so she had alot of force fed misinfo:duh
but after I taught her some firearms skills she is quite into it, and has completely reversed her positions. She checks out that site often. Great site for anyone, but especially for women interested in learning the "truth" about firearms ownership, safety, and lawsfor women (or all the emasculated men

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 02:07 PM
Now can you imagine what would happen if the gov tries to ban powers that be would be shot to pieces in days. Hell it would not even be that hard
Grab u a case of beer, some jerky, and a high hill. Ammo is the real concern. Buy all you can, the gov knows that if they can get the ammo we all just have scary sticks. Buy as much as you can.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 10:16 PM
I also help out this stat, with my one bolt action .22 and my 10 rounds of ammo.

Seriously though, the anti-gun people have minds like children. They believe mommy ( the government ) will protect them and if they close their eyes all the evil will just go away. Sigmund Freud said it best “A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity”.

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 10:23 PM
90/100? While I doubt that really means 90% of Americans have guns, I think more people should have them.

Taking the guns away will just make matters worse.

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by esdad71
2 locations to go if it hits the fan, both with water for access of the coast if needed. I would get on a boat and head as far away as possbile from a ground zero attack and find refuge.

In my mind, each home needs a shotgun for home invasion/protection. A 38 won;t do anything if you cannot shoot well, meaning you go to a range once a week at least. You need a loud boom, disorientation and fire the kill shot. It is about home defense and then get the hell out. I don;t care how many rounds you have, go to a less dense populated area.

Why do you always think you're going to be attacked by the terrorists, by the Chinese, or by your neighbour? America can't be a peaceful country with people having such things in their heads. That's very sad. Let me tell you one thing: America attacks more than it is attacked.

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by Verhasst
I also help out this stat, with my one bolt action .22 and my 10 rounds of ammo.

Seriously though, the anti-gun people have minds like children. They believe mommy ( the government ) will protect them and if they close their eyes all the evil will just go away. Sigmund Freud said it best “A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity”.

Firstly, what Freud said was for the most part wrong. Secondly, how helpful is your gun against bombs? If you're attacked by another country (that won't happen anyway), you won't have time to get your gun, you'll be dead before!

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 08:50 AM
As far as being invaded by another country or zombies for that matter, those reasons seem not to be the main issue for gun rights. I just don't see the NRA or GOA preaching to go out to buy a gun to shoot the oncoming hoards of zombies. _javascript:icon('

I carry a firearm both professionally and privately and am well acquainted with the gun laws in the lower 48 states. 90 guns for every 100 citizens seems a bit swayed in its actual presentation. I must have several citizens covered.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by northwolf
At least Finland is near the top in some surveys... 3rd in per capita statistic, and yet we have a quite low firearm crime rate...

That is why it is a good arguement that guns don't kill people, people kill people.

Now, Considering how few people I know own guns, I am wondering what this statistic actually prooves? Are they just taking the number of firearms and dividing it up per capita? If so, I am sure the military and police would take up a significant amount of that information. Is this weapons of all kind or just handguns or does this include 22s and bbguns?

You have so many states that make guns all but illegal like mine, that is there half the population who doesn't own and frightenlingly enough, a third of citizens who own like 150 pieces? Let me know who you are btw, because in the event of collapse, I am coming to your house.

I am not convinced that this statistic is accurate and thorough. It is just too vague.

I bet if it claimed, the number of civilians who own guns, that number would be A LOT lower.

posted on Sep, 5 2007 @ 01:28 AM
The Militia as defined by the Founders are ALL male citizens age 17-45

Every male citizen is to be equipped with every implement of the the soldier.

And to those who say, what use are your little guns against fighter jets and tanks, well, not much, but as I've said time and time again, a Just battle no matter the outcome is a battle worth fighting.
2A gives us the ability to fight back, our wits and minds will decide on who wins.

As far as the stat, it may be correct per capita, but most gun owners own multiple guns.

[edit on 5-9-2007 by C0le]

posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by C0le
The Militia as defined by the Founders are ALL male citizens age 17-45

Every male citizen is to be equipped with every implement of the the soldier.

And to those who say, what use are your little guns against fighter jets and tanks, well, not much, but as I've said time and time again, a Just battle no matter the outcome is a battle worth fighting.
2A gives us the ability to fight back, our wits and minds will decide on who wins.

As far as the stat, it may be correct per capita, but most gun owners own multiple guns.

[edit on 5-9-2007 by C0le]

Not to mention that the NVA and the insurgents have done a pretty good job at keeping our jet figherst and tanks at bay. Not saying that's easy just saying they have.

You know, on the first day of deer hunting season in the Midwest, West, and Central Southern US, there are something like 1 million people out, each with high powered rifles. Thats about 10x the number of troops in Iraq. Even if a quarter of that were to form a resistance group against...well name your favorite scenario, zombies/aliens/NWO/Chineese/UN/etc....that's 250,000 armed people and thats just from hunters. Throw in all the militia types/retired military/gangs/ and joe blow pissed off citizen...and that would be a force to be reckoned with. Not sure how to feed them all though

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