posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 08:34 AM
Who is Leo Wanta?
Although Wanta’s birth records and his Social Security number indicate his given name at birth was, "Lee Emil Wanta," he is known in intelligence
circles as, "Leo Emil Wanta." The fact that Wisconsin authorities levied charges against him under "Leo Emil Wanta" shows the charges to be
related to his position within the scope of his intelligence duties, and not as a private individual, "Lee Emil Wanta." The insinuation by the
prosecution that "Leo Emil Wanta could not have been the Ambassador to Somalia because he is not black" is further testament of a conspiracy to
discredit Wanta, while intelligence agencies and three successive presidential administrations blatantly pilfer public funds—funds that Wanta is
still intending to repatriate into the U.S. Treasury.
Subsequent to Wanta’s illegal incarceration and persecution due to the bogus charges levied against him, he received an "Illuminati" 22-year
prison sentence in Wisconsin. He was painted as a "liar" and a "con man" by the prosecution, though never actually proven by any evidence in
court. To the contrary, fabricated statements made by Wisconsin authorities and the FBI conflicted with those made by the CIA. While Wanta was
incarcerated, the CIA was raiding the various assets of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., New Republic/USA Financial Group, GES.m.b.H., Aneko Credit PTE,
Limited, Marvelous Investments, Ltd., AmeriChina and his other companies, proclaiming that he was actually "dead," even though the CIA was
well-informed of his "trial" and subsequent incarceration in an Oklahoma high-security prison. A 26-page handwritten letter to President Clinton at
the White House persuaded him to commute Wanta’s sentence to "house arrest" in Wisconsin, but the illegal raiding of the various Wanta-owned,
Title 18, Section 6 accounts then continued unabated and continues today.
After years of victimization through illegal imprisonment, torture, beatings, drugging, defamation, and assassination attempts, Ambassador Leo Emil
Wanta rose from the ashes of his "death" and began to shock the rest of the world. In 2003, Virginia District Federal Judge Gerald Bruce Lee
declared Ambassador Wanta to be the "Principal" and Trustor of the $27.5 trillion in funds obtained via the financial implosion of the Soviet Union.
Wanta was now in a position to investigate the various means by which the last of three successive presidential administrations had been
systematically embezzling the very funds he was commissioned by President Reagan to accrue to revitalize the beleaguered American economy.
Violating the public trustor
Upon his "release" from prison, Wanta remained under house arrest until May, 2005. Out of the way and powerless to intervene, Wanta watched as the
raiding of his corporate accounts continued. To fully understand the enormous deception and level of corruption, one must read the publication,
"International Currency Review." This 480-page quarterly is a masterful piece of investigative journalism which decimates the falsehoods,
deflections, inconsistencies, and conspiratorial deceptions employed by the Administration, the banks, U.S. intelligence agencies, the U.S. Treasury,
the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, and the Wisconsin State / U.S. Departments of Justice. Irrefutable evidence has been revealed in this
publication, including official documents, Wanta’s handwritten notes and communications to government officials, court transcripts, public records,
bank records and receipts.
The bank documents and illicit transactions that Wanta had documented are also supported, in some instances, by photographic evidence. On at least one
occasion, intelligence operatives filmed Senator Hillary Clinton at the Bank of Crozier, Grenada. Wanta and others have documented no less than $742
billion in theft from U.S. Treasury accounts there, where Clinton is alleged to have presented CIA documentation in order to withdraw funds in April,
2003. The evidence was submitted to Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, who has been conducting grand jury investigations into a variety of crimes
committed by career politicians and government operatives.
Add to this mountain of evidence supporting Wanta’s claims, in particular the exhaustive list of "participating banks" and elected officials "in
the know," and there can be no doubt that there is a concerted effort by the mainstream media, the government and the courts to completely coverup
this most-important crisis. Recent developments in foreign countries underscore the level of deterioration of trust and confidence in the U.S.
government due to the outrageous plot to conceal the facts of this case and its negative impact on the world economy and exponentially-escalating
levels of U.S. debt.
By December, 2005, Ambassador, Principal and Trustor Wanta had agreed to a settlement of $4.5 trillion, in order to prevent the total implosion of the
U.S. economy. This settlement would have required his silence about the remaining funds, which would have given the thieves an "out" and allowed
them to continue their pillaging. The settlement would also prevent a domino effect from occurring in other world financial markets. The embezzled
funds have since circuited the world several times over, being deposited, transferred, and then laundered through off-balance sheet derivatives and
other illegal transactions.
The numbers are staggering
It was no coincidence that the settlement funds were "signed off" to U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, former Chairman of Goldman Sachs.
Upon instructions from Federal Judge Gerald Bruce Lee, the $4.5 trillion settlement was originally deposited into a Bank of America account in
Virginia, where the case was decided in federal court by Judge Lee. The windfall tax that Ambassador Wanta intended to pay to the U.S. Treasury
amounted to $1.575 trillion. Just on the accrued interest alone, that windfall tax would have earned "$96 billion per day," according to Christopher
Story’s "ICR" accounting. Story estimated that the U.S. Treasury, through the duplicitous activities of Secretary Paulson, lost some $10.5 to $11
trillion in interest during the 7-month period following the original "due date" of the $4.5 trillion settlement.
The State (Commonwealth) of Virginia stood to gain a windfall tax payment of some $270 million from the settlement. Because Vice-President and
Treasurer Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., of the Ameritrust Groupe, Inc. conducts business in the State of Pennsylvania that state was due a similar
windfall tax payment, though the actual amount is unknown at this time.
Other disbursements promised to foreign officials and/or governments include: "$30 billion to the Russian Federation, [and] $5 billion each to the
governments of Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mexico, and Spain."
Where’s the money?
Previously, similar amounts had been promised to the governments of Israel and Palestine, though the "publicized" $15 billion dual payments to both
governments were also stolen. Remember that Yitzhak Rabin had attempted to assist in the release of Ambassador Wanta from a Swiss gulag in Lausanne in
1993. Again, the media did its job by covering up the story.
In addition to the blatant refusal of the U.S. administration and the U.S. Treasury to disburse the funds to the legal trustor, the funds were
transferred from bank to bank, moving first from the Bank of America account to Wachovia Bank in New York and onward to Goldman Sachs. Intelligence
information shows that the funds still reside at Goldman Sachs, though this is denied by the firm. In fact, a Treasury agent recently confirmed that
the funds are there, being held illegally and with the complicity of Secretary Paulson.The Idaho Observer
[edit on 31-8-2007 by CaptGizmo]