William One Sac,
You got it exactly right, and I was happy to see you found this thought interesting. As I described it, I initially talked about putting only links on
the page I guess, but there might also be actual content (like what I also mentioned about for example putting a list of chores on the page). Whatever
might be of use to those who work on improving tinWiki could be on the page, of course not just piling it on but in some way which is simple and user
friendly and so on. I assume the page could be changed according to what is seen as best. The specific content ideas I suggested for the page were
just some initial thoughts, mostly to have something to mention like a sketch or such.
As far as how the Community portal link itself is made, I went to the
manual for MediaWiki wikis and
was at least able to find out the name of the
standard page where the settings are made. But it
seems tinWiki uses another page than the standard one for writing the content of what is appearantly called the Sidebar. I wasn't able to locate the
actual page which tinWiki uses for its Sidebar, at least not right now.
But you may not have been talking about the Community portal link and how to change it.
Since it's very limited what I know about how MediaWiki wikis function and so on, I haven't even been able to actually find the page which that
Community portal link links to -- the case is it seems it doesn't actually link directly here to the forum but instead goes via a page called
So, one would think that one way of creating a new page which would be a Community portal page would be to make a new page and change the link to
point to the new page (if the Sidebar page could be found). Or, then, another way could be to work directly on TinWiki.org:Community_portal which is
the page the link points to now (and which I btw. assume is an automatic redirect page as it is now).
However, it seems I wasn't able to find either page for the moment. If one of them are found, though, it could be possible to make a page that would
be a new step between tinWiki and this forum, but that would also allow adding some extra, handy functions, next to the forum, to present in one page
to those who want to work to improve tinWiki. At least that is what I am picturing a community portal would most likely be about.
P.S. I remember that spammer who created the page that I first thought was the target page of the Community portal link, but when I think about it now
I am thinking that the spammer uses a "trick" of creating pages with almost the same title as legitimate pages so people won't think there may be
something suspicious about the page.
[edit on 29-8-2007 by Optimist]