posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 02:22 PM
Originally posted by Oneshot1
....TruthWithin>>>>By chasing around a boogeyman, you give the supply to the demand. Thats what this admin is really great at. Creating a PERCEIVED
problem and then PERCEIVABLY having the solution.....The problem was here way before Bush...and I guess those friends that jumped, were crushed, were
KILLED in some " PERCEIVED" event...PFFFTTTT...Shame!!!!
There are ways to quote things so it looks cool and is easy to read...check it out.
While your stance feels very macho
, it is very irresponsible. By reducing the ME to a pile of dust might sound great to you, the BILLION
innocent people that would die might not share your sentiment. Islam, is by and large, a peaceful civilization. America has a long way to go before
you can jump on your moral high ground and scream others faults. We still don't treat women equally, we still don't understand one another to make
those around us equals and we certainly have our share of extremists in the religion front.
Don't be so quick to judge (bomb others).
I am not suggesting that 911 was perceived, far from it. It was very real. I was here in NYC when it happened, so I kind of understand the gravity
of it, so let's just clear your little assumption about what I was talking about right away. So "SHAME" on you for assuming what I was talking
This administration has used 911, regardless of who caused it, to spread a culture of fear across America that has slowly allowed them to strip rights
away from AMERICANS, the rights that are represented by your jingoistic rhetoric. That is where you need to be looking.