posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 10:41 PM
Just about a week and a half ago, I was in Florida with my parents, my brother and his friend. It was just after dark. We all watched this red ball
float out over the ocean, just past the shore line, about a mile away. It seemed float in one spot for a couple of minutes, then fly between two
condos, come back out over the water and start moving towards us. None of us knew what it was because of the way it seemed to move was so strange. We
kept thinking man could this really be a UFO. There were even several other people who had been walking on the beach who stopped and were watching it
intently, as well. It turned out to be none other than... a helicopter, it was spraying something out the back (probably something to kill sand fleas,
not sure).
Anyway, we figured the ocean is huge, it's hard to judge distance, it is very dark out over the water, so it really plays with your eyes and mind.
And to top it off, we never heard any noise until it was pretty much directly in front of us.
Definitely not saying what you experienced wasn't a UFO, but our little incident had us all fooled.