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This has to be the best evidence of Bombs at WTC 911

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posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 01:49 AM

Important the towers were still standing and this cloud was from the ground. It was aired nationally then pulled and never seen again. Who has any explanation for this evidence of a ground level bomb?

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 02:32 AM
WEll some would say its from the elevators crashing or debris. Me Ill go with massive explosion of sorts. Didnt the 911eywitness video have explosions being heard? across the river.

And its odd you circle "breaking and America.." and the un part of under

[edit on 26-8-2007 by mastermind77]

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 03:20 AM
That looks to be when WTC 2 has just collapsed, right?

Well then it could be the dust cloud has flowed that way, into a street. As a street is reasonably confined then the flow tries to take the shape of it's container. As the container, the street, is now narrower, it flows upwards as well as along it due to this effect and you see this.

If it's an explosion, it looks a little too grey. The fireballs from the jet fuel/explosive/mini nukes
/etc were orange going to black smoke, whereas this looks to be concrete dust. I may be wrong, but a simple explanation can be the best.

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by apex

if you watch the wtc2 collapse you will see that, having 'collapsed' from the top down, all the smoke/dust etc is located at the top end first, not the bottom. so this cannot be the wtc2 collapse.

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 03:59 AM
Dammit, was Tom Clancy seriously talking about the attacks then? I wish I had been watching. That guy's a legend in my book.

And yeah, it could just be dust from the first collapse, unless you can confirm that the first one hadn't collapesed yet.

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 11:55 AM
Why the hell of all people was Tom Clancy being interviewed? What exactly does he have to do with anything besides making fictional movies and games etc.?

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by watch_the_rocks
Dammit, was Tom Clancy seriously talking about the attacks then? I wish I had been watching. That guy's a legend in my book.

And yeah, it could just be dust from the first collapse, unless you can confirm that the first one hadn't collapesed yet.

I was watching. I saw this interview with Clancy. And I never will forget what he said...of course, I have to paraphrase, but it went like this:

Reporter asked: Could you have ever imagined a plot like this for one of your books?

Clancy answered: No, and even if I could have I probably couldn't have gotten it's too unbelievable.

P.S. Clancy was interviewed in the afternoon/evening...sometime after 1:00 p.m. CT.

[edit on 8-26-2007 by Valhall]

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by AnDroidX107

Uh.. Look at the "screen cap" again. It shows two towers standing amid the debris cloud of the fallen South Tower. Both erect towers are the North Tower. Unless, of course, there were actually three WTC towers and we've all been mind controlled into forgetting that fact.

Nice hoax image you got there, AnDroidX107. Here is some actual CNN coverage from that day:

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by apex
If it's an explosion, it looks a little too grey. The fireballs from the jet fuel/explosive/mini nukes
/etc were orange going to black smoke, whereas this looks to be concrete dust.

And how exactly in your book is all the WTC concrete turning to dust due to a gravity-driven collapse something normal?

"lol" indeed.

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 02:36 PM
I've been looking for this footage for weeks, since I first seen it, and forgot to save it. Thank you so much for posting this.

I agree with you, this is very important evidence of bombs in the sub-basements. Especially when you cooborrate(sp?) it with the latino man, and the other basement worker, who were in the sub basements and heard HUGE explosions. The one guy (latino_) even got blown back down a corridor....I forget what he said, so 30-50 feet. I remember them interviewing him. Maybe it's on this link, I should probably watch it, before posting, hehe

but this is all from my not so great memory

He also said"I think" that he saw huge steel canisters ripped appart, and another guy came running to him for help with his skin hanging off ect.

Thanks so much for this link!


OH you just have an image there. Darn this isn't what I was talking about. Lemme check the Youtube link and see if that was what I had seen. *frown*

NM edit 2 both towers are clearly still standing. That IS an interesting photo then.

**EDIT**4 So sorry for all the edits. Yes, after watching the you tube link provided, and looking at the photo, and doing that repetedly a few times, it's obvious the picture is a hoax. It's been photoshopped. It shows two of the first tower that were hit (notice the position of the holes from the planes), and it appears they photoshopped in a plume of smoke from the building that did collapse just before that.

[edit on 26-8-2007 by Nola213]

[edit on 26-8-2007 by Nola213]

[edit on 26-8-2007 by Nola213]

[edit on 26-8-2007 by Nola213]

[edit on 26-8-2007 by Nola213]

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 02:55 PM
Does anyone know of the video, and stills I am talking about?

I believe they were taken from the South of the island, and they were taken (Ibelieve it was a still taken from a short video), just after the 2 Tower had been hit.

It shows a small plume of smoak, well small from the cameras distance, but probably a good 20 or so feet, rising in between a couple building in the foreground and right at the base of the WTC complex. So the estimation was most of the explosion was condensed, and did the most of it's damage in the sub- basements of the Trade Towers.

They even went on to show the picture in different color setting ect, so you could see this smoke more clearly, because it was pretty hard to see, but it was clearly a large plume of smoke. But what I mean is that it was very small of a plume of smoke from the camera's distance which was a good 15-20 city blocks away.

I wish I had that short video, or even just the picture. Anyone have it, or know of a link to it? It would much be greatly appreciated.

Either way I'll keep looking for it, it's very revealing footage. I'm gonna look on my HD, maybe I saved a picture of it.

But does anyone know about what I'm speaking of? Just so I don't think

I'm going coo-koo and maybe haveing a false memory
No but seriously, it'd be nice to hear someone else who remembers seeing this footage.

[edit on 26-8-2007 by Nola213]

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by gottago

Originally posted by apex
If it's an explosion, it looks a little too grey. The fireballs from the jet fuel/explosive/mini nukes
/etc were orange going to black smoke, whereas this looks to be concrete dust.

And how exactly in your book is all the WTC concrete turning to dust due to a gravity-driven collapse something normal?

"lol" indeed.

I don't know, but I know that a directed nuke blast would have killed the firefighters who survived the collapse of the tower when they were still inside.

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by apex

Originally posted by gottago

Originally posted by apex
If it's an explosion, it looks a little too grey. The fireballs from the jet fuel/explosive/mini nukes
/etc were orange going to black smoke, whereas this looks to be concrete dust.

And how exactly in your book is all the WTC concrete turning to dust due to a gravity-driven collapse something normal?

"lol" indeed.

I don't know, but I know that a directed nuke blast would have killed the firefighters who survived the collapse of the tower when they were still inside.

what? are you saying that there were firefighters INSIDE of the collapsing wtc buildings that survived? i've never heard that before and, frankly, find it very hard to believe. no offense.

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 03:57 PM
ok I found the footage, although it's a slightly different video

here is also another interesting one I came across of smoke at the bottom of the towers prior to either collapsing:

They are both pretty short, the first one is just 30 seconds, and its hard to see the smoke, it become more visible just before he pans up to the beginning of the 1st collapse (at least I believe its the 1st collapse)

The second video is a bit longer, and pretty repetative, but it shows alot of smoke at ground level, before any collapses.

I really don't know what to make of these. I believe the first video to be of greater importance, because it happens just before the catostrophic failure of the entire building. Which a large explosion in the sub-basements would.

But the 2nd video could just be random fires and smoke on the street from falling debris? Is that possible?

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 04:15 PM
12 people actually survived the collapse of WTC 1

PICCIOTTO: I knew the B stairwell was open. I found that out a few minutes earlier. And I just started taking the firemen that were there that we were evacuating, and took them, take the ambulatory people first, the helpless, and then we started taking the nonambulatory people, the people in wheelchairs, walkers, crutches and started moving them to the B stairwell and going down.

KAGAN: And so you were able to get so many people out, but you weren't able to get yourself and so many people out before the north tower collapsed. How do you think it is? Was it just a freak the way that it collapsed, that you managed to survive and you weren't crushed?

PICCIOTTO: Without a doubt. Out of both towers, there is only one little area that remained in tact, and It really wasn't remained in tact but a void was created that myself, 11 other firemen, 12 firemen all together.

KAGAN: And a couple civilians.

PICCIOTTO: And one Port Authority police officer and one civilian, an African-American woman named Josephine, we were banged around, but we were alive in this area. We were covered with debris and had the wreckage all around us. Actually, we thought we were in a cave. It was a cave-like area, but we were alive and calling for help.

KAGAN: And did you lose hope in that moment, because it took time to get out of there?

PICCIOTTO: Never lost hope. I didn't think the odds were too good that we were going to get out. Always held on to that sliver of hope. But I really didn't think we were going to get out.


He wrote a book as well actually, which is how I found this, by googling his name.

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by teresius
what? are you saying that there were firefighters INSIDE of the collapsing wtc buildings that survived? i've never heard that before and, frankly, find it very hard to believe. no offense.

'tis true, teresius. Here's a pretty famous event, and one of the few uplifting stories that came out of the events of that morning.

Carrying 100 pounds of gear, the group started climbing the stairs in the north tower to help.

When they reached the 28th floor, the building shook, and Jonas ordered his men to evacuate.

On the 19th floor, they came across an older woman, Josephine Harris, who had walked down from the 73rd floor. She was exhausted, and not sure she could continue.

Bill Butler, now a lieutenant, the strongest man in the unit, put his arm around her and guided her.

But Harris was slow, and when they reached the fourth floor, she stopped, protesting she couldn't go on.

Capt. Jonas feared for his men, but they would never leave Harris behind.

Then the rumbling started, and the north tower collapsed all around them. Miraculously, the area of the stairway they were in, Stairway B, remained intact.

Hours later, with Mayday calls and major efforts from their fellow firefighters, the group was found and rescued.

[edit on 26-8-2007 by Tuning Spork]

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Tuning Spork

Originally posted by teresius
what? are you saying that there were firefighters INSIDE of the collapsing wtc buildings that survived? i've never heard that before and, frankly, find it very hard to believe. no offense.

'tis true, teresius. Here's a pretty famous event, and one of the few uplifting stories that came out of the events of that morning.

Carrying 100 pounds of gear, the group started climbing the stairs in the north tower to help.

When they reached the 28th floor, the building shook, and Jonas ordered his men to evacuate.

On the 19th floor, they came across an older woman, Josephine Harris, who had walked down from the 73rd floor. She was exhausted, and not sure she could continue.

Bill Butler, now a lieutenant, the strongest man in the unit, put his arm around her and guided her.

But Harris was slow, and when they reached the fourth floor, she stopped, protesting she couldn't go on.

Capt. Jonas feared for his men, but they would never leave Harris behind.

Then the rumbling started, and the north tower collapsed all around them. Miraculously, the area of the stairway they were in, Stairway B, remained intact.

Hours later, with Mayday calls and major efforts from their fellow firefighters, the group was found and rescued.

[edit on 26-8-2007 by Tuning Spork]

wow. i stand corrected. that is an amazing story. thanks.

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by apex

Originally posted by gottago

Originally posted by apex
If it's an explosion, it looks a little too grey. The fireballs from the jet fuel/explosive/mini nukes
/etc were orange going to black smoke, whereas this looks to be concrete dust.

And how exactly in your book is all the WTC concrete turning to dust due to a gravity-driven collapse something normal?

"lol" indeed.

I don't know, but I know that a directed nuke blast would have killed the firefighters who survived the collapse of the tower when they were still inside.

back to this point:
it could have been a very small nuke and not killed them, but i believe it would still leave measurable radioactivity.

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 05:21 PM

what? are you saying that there were firefighters INSIDE of the collapsing wtc buildings that survived? i've never heard that before and, frankly, find it very hard to believe. no offense.

yep. heres 2 of them.

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by Valhall[/I]

I was watching. I saw this interview with Clancy. And I never will forget what he said...of course, I have to paraphrase, but it went like this:

Reporter asked: Could you have ever imagined a plot like this in one of your books?

Clancy answered: No, and even if I could have I probably couldn't have gotten it's too unbelievable.

P.S. Clancy was interviewed in the afternoon/evening...sometime after 1:00 p.m. CT.

[edit on 8-26-2007 by Valhall] [/I]
I don't believe you're correct about the content of Clancy's interview. Why? Clancy published a book in 1994 called "Debt of Honor" in which a 747 crashes into the Capital Building, killing most of the government. That's why they were interviewing him, because of the similarities between his book and the events of 9/11.

[edit on 26-8-2007 by nataylor]

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