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Billions in Put Options purchased betting that the market will crash (UPDATE: CALL MADE?)

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posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by Leyla
reply to post by KnowItAll

The day isn't over yet. Lets hope the market stays up not saying it will the market could plummit before or after lunch.

...yeah, and I could get lucky all are exasporating! Can't you just admit you all got it wrong again...BTW..did you happen to know that all these put options were called two weeks ago? So this is even a non-story!

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 09:37 AM
Something could happen before this closes, within minutes or even seconds wich is why it was chosen on this day, if not the purchaser is out lots....

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by KnowItAll

Could you please STOP TROLLING !!!

You add NOTHING by doing what you do. I am getting sick and tired of you coming in at the end of a time frame and harassing everyone without adding anything of substance.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by TruthWithin
reply to post by KnowItAll

Could you please STOP TROLLING !!!

You add NOTHING by doing what you do. I am getting sick and tired of you coming in at the end of a time frame and harassing everyone without adding anything of substance.

NO I will not! I think what I have to add is entirely full of substance...that is to say, I'm quite sure you don't like it when the doom and gloom that you are so eager to participate in doesn't pan out and then you're called on it.

In my book, you have no credibility...every doom and gloom scenario you post about never works out, and is generally full of out right false information. I think its quite funny that you're ID is truthwithin..because I don't find any truth in any of your post.

I'm not trolling....just stating the obvious which is very substantive..I'm sorry if you don't like that! Too bad.

I'm not responding to this dribble from you anymore.

Which of the 10 best describes you?

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 09:56 AM
@ TruthWithin, I dont remeber exactly where but I'll try to find it. I read something about a message from the so called "Al Qaeda" saying they would attack in the night, well. With the declaration of war on Pakistan and the difference in Time zones, Something could happen in Pakistan in their timezone effecting their region. Thus creating Strife....

Just a stab in the dark, but either way, with the Canadian Dollar at par with the American dollar that's sure to create a ruckus within the economy....

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by KnowItAll

You call coming in at the end of a post, saying people were all wrong and then laughing at them SUBSTANCE?!?!? It call it cowardice.

This has been, and continues to be an interesting thread and topic to discuss. So what if it didn't happen. In fact, I am GLAD it didn't happen. But that gives you no right to say what you say. Bring in articles and opinions that shoot it down, but don't sit around and say, "HAHA! You all are wrong! HAHAHA!"

Don't insult your intelligence by doing what you do. you are (hopefully) better than this.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 10:08 AM
Was that directed to me or the other guy cause I am still looking for that info.... Either way, good show old boy.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by TruthWithin

This has been shot down for sometime now. Just like the 9/14 and Barksdale/Minot scenarios. I've posed several times to this thread...I understand how no one likes to be called out....but nevertheless.......

[edit on 21-9-2007 by KnowItAll]

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by KnowItAll
reply to post by TruthWithin

This has been shot down for sometime now. Just like the 9/14 and Barksdale/Minot scenarios. I've posed several times to this thread...I understand how no one likes to be called out....but nevertheless.......

[edit on 21-9-2007 by KnowItAll]

Yes, it sorta had been explained as a box spread -- a way to place a massive amount of put options across a spectrum of strike price ranges in an effort to create an aggregate amount that would do slightly better than the current interest rate.

In the end, if the analysis is correct, the spreaders made a better than 5 1/4% return -- certainly better than what the fed is offering now that it cut rates by a 1/2 point.

So in the end, some were partially correct: This was a bet about what the Fed would do.

I just expected the Fed to do nothing with the rate, because of the risk of spuring on a money-supply inflation as our debt holders dump the dollar in favor of the Euro. Seems like that part of my prediction is coming true.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 02:32 PM
well looks like those options expired worthless since the market didn't go down today.

However if these options were currency options, and they were betting against the dollar, then these people would have made a small fortune.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 06:24 PM
Many moons ago, when I was in Jr. High, I studied detective work a bit. I learned about a thing called 'Modus Operendi', and it refers to the way a perp or a group of perps (perpetrators) is in the habit of doing their crime. It is a signature, and you can also see when they are in the process of committing a crime.
For the JFK assassination, the Feds had a fall guy, Oswald, who was actually attempting to do the deed. But did not and could not from his location at the time. OKC, another government operative was told to rent that truck and take some minor explosives, and detonate outside. But it was incapable of doing the damage. He was just the fall guy. Set up ahead of time, by Feds. WTC; the camel jockeys were actually trying to do some damage, but could not have done what occurred. You all saw, I think, the computer controlled 'squibs' of demolition charges to bring the structures down. Recently you know we had six nukes 'missing', and later 'found', all except the one that they really wanted. So they can use in a black op. It was prophesied in the Hidden Bible Code that a West Coast city would be destroyed, and later another so-called prophet said the same thing. 9/11 is the date that the astronomical evidence in the Bible places as the date of Christ's birth. So that would be a day that Lucifer would delight in making everyone associate with horror. I don't think any of the perps even vaguely suspect the birthdate. And this time, the date fell on a weekend, causing problems with casualty numbers. I think that is why nothing happened yet. Osama been Lyin' is purportedly a smart cookie, so he may be just toying with us, to make us think he will attack shortly. But the actions of the Feds seem to indicate that they are actually planning to nuke DC. The Moon God worshipers are not under the control of the Illuminati, even tho they both have the same master. But they are being steered and used by the Illuminati. My younger brother was a captain in the Air Force, running an anti-terrorism unit in L.A. He found and stopped an operation to wreck havoc at LAX. Not classified, even Bush bragged about the efforts being stopped. Something like 10 or 11 different ones. I was rather surprised when that traitor Bent Billy didn't close down the Congress, and throw away our Bill of Rights, using the Y2K scare as an excuse. He could have. It has been a law on the books since Reagan, that when a national emergency is called, the president can take over as dictator for life. But Bent Billy answers to the Illuminati, and they have other plans. Bush wants to create a new country composed of Mex, Can, and US, you know that. What you may not know is that, according to Bible prophesy, that won't happen. Russia and China WILL ally to nuke America into the history books. Something these 'perps' are not taking into account, apparently, is the 'new' internet thing. Information sharing. So we can talk about what they are doing, before they finish it. Jigs up. But internet isn't a factor in their M.O.
And Planet X will deposit an 'asteroid' in our sea, that will poison the worlds' water. It is already causing sun spots, increasing temps, and changing weather. Eventually, it will put us into an orbit with 5 fewer days, and an ice-age. There is so much I know about, that I fear I go off on tangents. So thats' it for now. ;D

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by Gregarious

interesting notes

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by TruthWithin

Listen, I told all from day one what this was all about. You refused to investigate further and learn how the markets work and continued to act like the end of the world as we know it was coming. Isn't the point of this site to deny ignorance? It sure seems like many people chose not to deny ignorance because it fit in nicely with their doom and gloom outlook. And it keeps on.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 07:05 PM
I know nothing about the stock market really but, any connection here?

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by C0le

Most likely not. However a foreign Arab entity owning a piece of one the worlds largest stock exchanges should give one pause. To what extent will they be given access to insider knowledge of how the exchange is structured and it's vulnerabilities? To what extent will they be able to influence the exchange to favor their proposals? I personally don't like it.

I sure am glad that the 50% stock market collapse did not pan out as these traders had hoped. Now lets see if we can make it through Oct. 12, the end of Ramadan.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by worldwatcher


The options did not expire worthless. It was not an all or nothing bet. A bet that the markets would drop in half in less than 30 days could have been made with very, very little capital. So even if that was the bet, which it wasn't, noone would have lost much money. Another poster said that it was called in, it could have been, but I'm not sure.

Let me explain a call option, so people here can finally understand. I am going to use a $10 stock(XYZ) to illustrate the point. The indexes have much higher prices but the idea is the same.

So lets say XYZ is at $10. I buy a $5 call for next month's expiration(always third friday of the month). This gives me the right to buy the stock for $5 basically anytime until expiration. Since the stock is at $10, the guy selling me that right is going to want the $5 difference plus a "premium" to account for the time value of money and the volatility of the stock. So I would probably have to give him,l et's say, $5.30.

So the expiration date comes and the stock is at lets say $8. The options I bought will then be worth $3. A loss of $2.30($5.,30-$3). I can sell them for the $3, or I can give the seller $5 per option and they have to give me the shares of stock.

If the stock was $12 at expiration. then the option would be worth $7. So you would make $1.70 per option($7-$5.30). So i can sell the option for $7 or I could give him $5 per option and he has to give me the shares. In this case I would have bought shares worth $12 for a total of $10.30.

You can also buy and sell "puts", which gives the buyer the right make someone buy their stock at a certian price.

People use options to speculate, gain leverage, and to protect positions they already own. For instance if you own a stock, you can sell someone the right to buy it from you at a higher price, and they will give you money for that right. How much depending on how much higher that price is then the current price, the time frame until expiration, and the expected volatility of the stock. If the stock is lower than price on expiration you keep their money. If it higher you give them the stock for the agreed upon price. You can always buy or sell it in between as well.

[edit on 21-9-2007 by disgustedbyhumanity]

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by Divinorumus

Um, you need to check your facts. The 'media' likes to talk about the 'trade deficit' but that just ain't so. If you look at the stats, it is only in manufactured goods. After WWII, the rest of the developed world was in ruins, and we stepped in to provide their manufactured and farmed, and mined, goods. Well, now thats a changin'. Now, we make a HUGE amount more than any other country, by creating, inventing, managing, and promoting. Thought export. And it is a real problem now that our education has fallen so. But all that stinkin money we make, we spend it where? On the goods put out by the rest of the world! So they can afford to buy our stuff! Next time you hear it, just laugh.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by disgustedbyhumanity

I think you should clarify; the option costs .30, and the price of the stock is 5. so if the price rises, you don't use it so you only lose the .30 not 5.30 and if you do exercise it, it costs you 5.30 total. So if the stock only dipped, say 2%, you could exercise it and profit. The really massive profits come when the stock plummets. And in the past, these perps are buying options against the companies they are acting against. That is why the belief something may have been going down. Like I said, they may be toying with us, because I THINK they are aware we are following their trading. Much, MUCH of the stock market movement is based on popular belief of where it will go, not on economic fact. In fact, the economy was going quite strong until the oil companies started gouging us, and blaming it on the A-rabs. And a bunch of refineries just 'happened' to necessitate shutting down for 'repairs'. A whole other ball game is the lie about us going to war over the oil. We have enough oil in the US to last us 1,000 years at current consumption. From the Strategic Oil Reserve, newly learned ability to drill in the ocean, and newly learned ability to pump out the 2/3rds of oil still in abandoned oil wells. High quality oil, recovered in new ways. AND, our auto tech has greatly improved to give us better millage and less emissions. Soon, you will be seeing a pre-ignition catalytic converter that will more than double your gas mileage. Corn is for eating, not driving.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 01:06 PM

Billions of Put options!!!

Markets Surge world over!! Fed Drops the rate and Bernake shows that he has the cajones to do the right thing!

The finance tin-foil conspiracy theorists are so lame~!!

[edit on 22-9-2007 by IAF101]

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 01:23 PM
The markets, will not crash. And the NWO is not real.

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