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Chinese soldiers shooting at Tibetan pilgrims

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posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 04:39 PM
Chinese soldiers shooting Tibetans, nothing more to say.
The Olympics mean nothing, the ones competing will do so in a "green zone" of China and that is all the TV cameras will show

posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 04:42 PM
Sorry my friend first I don't agree with people shooting at anyone however we in the west have been shooting at anything that moves for hundreds of years as have most soldiers. Its a bit hypocritical I guess - thats all.

Shame for the tibetans but thats life in this nice happy world of ours.

posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Munro_DreadGod
Sorry my friend first I don't agree with people shooting at anyone however we in the west have been shooting at anything that moves for hundreds of years as have most soldiers. Its a bit hypocritical I guess - thats all.

Shame for the tibetans but thats life in this nice happy world of ours.

Hypocritical?? No. We don't shoot people on their way to church here.

I think it's awful. I have many opinions on China and their government. This is just one more reason to dislike that country.

I am so disappointed that the Olympics will be held there. This has got to be one of the worst places on the planet. With any luck, the Olympics will bring to light some of China's horrible policies.


posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 05:29 PM
I doubt they will let the world see things like that .... there was a point where any foreigner visiting China was assigned a "minder" who's job was to prevent them from taking pictures of/seeing incidents like this. I am not sure if they still do this but they did in the past.

posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 07:31 PM
PAI MEI, Thankyou for this video. Words fail me to describe how my heart sinks with the shooting of the victims.
In America we are if nothing else privileged to be able to love and pray freely.
For centuries this kind of action against individuals rights and freedom have been the curse of our planets agony. WE are one planet and one people.
We are all humans and soon as the shifts and the new paradigm begin to unfold these types of action will no longer exist.
Many beautiful Llamas and devotees have lost their lives and been imprisoned for their spiritual beliefs. You cannot change what has happened but you can change yourself and in doing so create change for the whole.
Blessings and once again thankyou for your compassion and empathy.

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 09:51 PM
Amazing how flying zombie crumpets from mars gets hundreds of hits and numerous flags... and an important piece like this is too much for people to even comment. This is the global desensitization that I talk about from time to time round here. It is not that people don't care, they just cannot think of the right comment to make I would hope. Again thanks for this thread and may the victims R.I.P.

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 10:06 PM
In America if some Cop or any idiot with a gun shoots you for no crime of your own, you have the hope that you will get justice, no matter if it is a senator or the military and it is very highly likely that you will get justice. Persecution of people who do not "conform" to the ideals of the majority is not state policy here. America has never taken over a sovereign nation to enslave its people and destroy its inherent culture in a quest of purile imperialism.

In the great plastic factory of the world that is called the Peoples Republic of China ( what a laugh! peoples republic! - more like Commie Thugs republic!) they actually captured the country that was once called Tibet and actively destroyed its culture. Even today Lhasa ( it has been given some Chinese name with a lot of X's and i's that nobody can pronounce) one can see the remains of destroyed monasteries, the signs of persecutions everywhere - in the peoples faces, in the surrounding city, everywhere. Giant communist symbols garishly mock the Tibetan people everyday and any mention of Tibetan identity is put down violently.
The Commies in china bought the Olympic by bidding for it, it wasnt some great merit to their nation or a recognition of a free society that prompted the Olympic committee to award them the privilege of hosting the games. It was pure economics!

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by antar
Amazing how flying zombie crumpets from mars gets hundreds of hits and numerous flags... and an important piece like this is too much for people to even comment. This is the global desensitization that I talk about from time to time round here. It is not that people don't care, they just cannot think of the right comment to make I would hope. Again thanks for this thread and may the victims R.I.P.

Your point is absolutely Valid and one of the reasons I'm not here that often. It is called "intellectual poverty" . If they dont comment, it means they dont notice or even if they notice, they dont give a damn. Its much less taxing on the brain to say something here than talk about some alien monkey's or a flying cow because anything that is said in THOSE threads is accepted. Be it simply banging the keyboard with you head or anything. Well I guess, each to their own huh .

posted on Aug, 28 2007 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by IAF101

. If they dont comment, it means they dont notice or even if they notice, they dont give a damn.

Wrong on both accounts.

I did notice this thread, and I do give a damn. However, I don't respond to every thread I notice, nor does it mean I don't give a damn.

If I responded to every thread that contains something I give a damn about, much less every thread I notice, all my time would be taken up with replying.

As for what's going on in China, yea, it's horrible. However, it's not going to change until a majority of the people of China want it to change, and are willing to die to see it happen.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 12:20 AM
You and how many other people ??

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by IAF101
In the great plastic factory of the world that is called the Peoples Republic of China ( what a laugh! peoples republic! - more like Commie Thugs republic!) they actually captured the country that was once called Tibet and actively destroyed its culture. Even today Lhasa ( it has been given some Chinese name with a lot of X's and i's that nobody can pronounce) one can see the remains of destroyed monasteries, the signs of persecutions everywhere - in the peoples faces, in the surrounding city, everywhere. Giant communist symbols garishly mock the Tibetan people everyday and any mention of Tibetan identity is put down violently.
The Commies in china bought the Olympic by bidding for it, it wasnt some great merit to their nation or a recognition of a free society that prompted the Olympic committee to award them the privilege of hosting the games. It was pure economics!

Have you ever been to Tibet?
where have you seen "destroyed culture" or "the remains of
destroyed monasteries" or "the signs of persecutions"?
Show me pictures,

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by IAF101
In the great plastic factory of the world that is called the Peoples Republic of China ( what a laugh! peoples republic! - more like Commie Thugs republic!) they actually captured the country that was once called Tibet and actively destroyed its culture. Even today Lhasa ( it has been given some Chinese name with a lot of X's and i's that nobody can pronounce) one can see the remains of destroyed monasteries, the signs of persecutions everywhere - in the peoples faces, in the surrounding city, everywhere. Giant communist symbols garishly mock the Tibetan people everyday and any mention of Tibetan identity is put down violently.
The Commies in china bought the Olympic by bidding for it, it wasnt some great merit to their nation or a recognition of a free society that prompted the Olympic committee to award them the privilege of hosting the games. It was pure economics!

Have you ever been to Tibet?
where have you seen "destroyed culture" or "the remains of
destroyed monasteries" or "the signs of persecutions"?
Show me pictures,

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 09:48 AM
Yeah I've been to Dharmshala and met many Tibetan monks who live in a free society today where they are not persecuted and their culture not threatened to extinction. I've also seen pictures, spoken to people who actually crossed over with their families and relatives against persecution. I've not gone to Lhasa because I dont expect to find any Tibetans there in "occupied" Tibet.

I can show you pictures here of Chinese persecution but they are so offensive that they would get pulled down immediately. I dont think ATS would like pictures of executions and dead Tibetans in ditches on their websites. Just go to youtube or try google and there are tonnes of pictures of chinese "Thugs liberation army" shooting tibetan monks, destroyed monestaries and religious leaders who are in Chinese Gulags.

The question is not about proof, everybody has seen the proof and this is taken as fact in the western world and in free society everywhere. The question is what are people going to do about it. Are you yet another mind controlled Chinese Agents from China's "Thugs Party" come to deny yet another atrocity ?? Wise up!

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by IAF101
Yeah I've been to Dharmshala

So, no.

I have, and contrary to your post above, Lhasa is still called Lhasa. Without an X. If you did go, you`d meet quite a few Tibetans, contrary to what you seem to believe. Quite nice. Significantly safer than Kathmandu, and not nearly as tourist ridden as "the Scotland Of India" - Dharmshala.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 10:40 AM
IF you did go to say Dharamshala and speak to any of the monks or even local tibetans would know real tibetan culture and why they came to Dharamshala. And No, Lhasa under Chinese rule is not called Tibet, they have a Chinese name for Tibet, you would know that if you had actually been there. Locals are relocated and their culture is threatened. Just find out how many religious leaders of the Tibetans are jailed. How many monesteries destroyed?

You wont find any tourists in the present Lhasa because most of the Tibetans monks and high priests have moved to Dharamshala where all the customs and practices are followed without persecution. Thats why there are more tourists there. I dont think many people are interested in seeing how local Han Chinese faking tibetans or having a designated tour guide follow you around while they give you the "party's " interpretation of Tibet. Tourists want to see authentic stuff, thats why they go to Dharamshala.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by antar
Amazing how flying zombie crumpets from mars gets hundreds of hits and numerous flags... and an important piece like this is too much for people to even comment.

I understand what you are saying and you raise a very noble and morally sound point, but.... This is a conspiracy website more so than a humanitarian rights site, to in defense of the other members I had to point that out. On the other other hand this could be some peoples first introduction to this type of reality, so lets be patient. Each persons journey has its own pace.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by IAF101
I can show you pictures here of Chinese persecution but they are so offensive that they would get pulled down immediately. I dont think ATS would like pictures of executions and dead Tibetans in ditches on their websites. Just go to youtube or try google and there are tonnes of pictures of chinese "Thugs liberation army" shooting tibetan monks, destroyed monestaries and religious leaders who are in Chinese Gulags.

OK, you don't need to show "executions and dead Tibetans" pictures
Just show pictures about "destroyed culture" or "the remains of
destroyed monasteries" or "the signs of persecutions"?
that will not "get pulled down" by ATS,
Showing those pictures will help your propaganda greatly.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 09:48 PM
As they say you can only take a horse to the water....... so all I will do is provide you with a link.

here is a persons blog and you can clearly see how most of the monesteries are destroyed.

you'll find all the photos you want there. Some of the monasteries have been rebuit partially by the Tibetans despite Communist oppression but still without adequate funds and Commie repression they havent been able to rebuild things to their former state.

You'd also want to look at these:

Damn those
. Damn commies will burn in hell!

[edit on 30-8-2007 by IAF101]

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 10:41 PM
I shall post here what I have posted under my pyrotechnocracy youtube account on this videos page :

To reinterate :

"Have heart. The next incarnation of these peaceful people shall be tenfold in beauty, peace and serenity. Hard for a western heart and mind to handle, but sadly - the path of so many caught up in this political nightmare."

(...and material world.)

I'm lighting a candle in remembrance of these fallen friends.

Please - if you truely respect the plight of the Tibetian peoples, let's not dishonor their memories, their path, or their faiths.

Let us rise above violence in all it's forms by not defaming those posters who are showing their grief through silence and peaceful noninvolvement.

If the Chinese military want this world so badly, let them have it.

There is a much brighter future where these fallen pilgrams are headed.


posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 10:50 AM
It is a shame that this sort of thing is going on, the shooting of the pilgrims. It is a shame that the people who rallied for democracy in Tienanmin Square were murdered by the People's Army. It is a shame that Taiwan has it's society and independance threatened by China. It's a shame that so many Chinese themselves died in the Cultural Revolution and as a result of Mao's ill founded ideas of industrial and agricultural reform. It is a shame that family planning wasn't practised many generations ago in China. It is a shame that China, like India and Pakistan and many poorer countries feel they have to spend so much money on things like nuclear arms when other budget items like infrastructure and education would probably be more appropriate. There is no end of shame and no end of folly when power is collected into the hands of ruthless deluded egotists.

I look at my own country, Canada, and I see elements of that same stupid folly here. It doesn't dominate the political scene but it is a disturbing presence. There is an Adolf Hitler or a Mao in every pub or workplace. Take some time and listen to the people around you. You will find them everywhere. I try to guard against them and try to guard against the Hitler and the Mao in me.

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