posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 10:30 AM
why is this in science and technology?
although you can get into altered states of consciousness through hypnosis, i don't think you could achieve mental powers through it. As you said,
"it takes some amount of time to learn any mental ability". I can do self-hypnosis and i do add this as a suggestion each time but nothing ever
comes of it.
The subconscious doesn't communicate like we do in words, it communicates through images and emotions. But in hypnosis, you still have some
consciousness which is why it works, because the conscious will translate the words automatically for the subconscious. An image is a visualisation
which is a mental picture based on memory, emotion is energy in motion i.e. E-motion. So for me to move a pencil without touching it, i would have to
visualise it moving, and also create the emotion, but it needs to be the right kind of emotion, and since i have never experienced moving something
without touching it, i don't know what the emotion feels like. Your beliefs and mental constructs will also limit your ability to do this.
I think someday science will find the answers, and we will have technology that allows us to do those kinds of things. Then we will surpass the
technology because we would have learnt how to do it, what it feels like, it will change our beliefs and we will no longer need the technology to do