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Soviets Decapitate Dogs & Bring Back To Life

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posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 03:02 AM
Warning: Do not eat or drink during the viewing of this video. The contents contain some frightening images and gory scenes. Viewer discretion is advised.

Sick and twisted scientists do medieval work on animals like dogs. A deranged practice long suppressed. Where and what are they doing now?

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 04:15 AM
I can't watch this vid right now cause i'm at work,

but if this is a true story then i'm shocked.

They kill a dog, dissamble him, put him back together and re-animate him?
(i say 'him' because i think animals are just as good as we are and they should have just as much rights as we do.)

Sick #!, if they can do it with a dog then they could also do it with humans right?

Wierd!!! [FLAGGED]


posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 04:35 AM
That is absolutely fantastic footage, and to think it was achieved so long ago.

This procedure I beleive opens the doooeway to possibly allowing humans to live forever.

Even if your body is old and worn, when it dies you may have the opportunity to have you r head removed and hooked up to a similar machine and you may continue to live on. Would you still have your conciousness?

Its abit like the "Futurama" cartoons with the heads of deceased people still alive in vacumn tubes, talking to you.

It may be fantasy now, but it may be possible in the future.

Also, the possibility arrises of removing your head when old, keeping it alive and attaching it to a younger body and living on.

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 04:58 AM
Whilst it may be a gruesome film, without such medical experiments, surgery can't advance

Christiaan Barnard's pioneering heart-transplants wouldn't have been attempted on a human until his team had perfected the proceedure on an animal subject first.

Even blood-transfusion was perfected with the aid of animal subjects (the 'Rhesus' classification of blood-types is named after the monkeys used to experiment on)

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by Cubikdice

Sick and twisted scientists do medieval work on animals like dogs. A deranged practice long suppressed. Where and what are they doing now?

Oh yes it is SICK.

Very very sick, because it is Russian.

All Russians stuff have to be sick.

If it is done by American, then it is TOP DOCTOR MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGH.

Who is sick here?

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 08:15 AM
I've seen videos of Russian dog experiments in which they successfully killed dogs, drained out all their blood, left them dead for over 20 minutes or so and then pumped all their blood back in which brought them back to life. Fully recovered within a couple days or so.

I haven't seen one where the dog was actually decapitated though, gonna watch it now. Man those Russians did some crazy experiments, really interesting.

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 09:00 AM
Thats pretty cool and not really unlike CPR. I mean, with the exception of removing the blood CPR acts to encourage respiration and heartbeat by artificial means. As far as the dogs head being alive, well, pain and infection come to mind. Then there's just having an open resevoir of blood sitting there. Constant anti-coagulants and anti-biotics and narcotics would have to be pumped in to maintain any sort of life like that. But I suppose Futurama vacuum tubes would solve that as another poster suggested. Also, having no oxygen for seconds can upset brain function. Now being "dead" for 10-15 minutes has got to damage the brain if not all other organs in some way.

And Cibai, you need to get over something, I dont know what but WTF man? I've heard of crazies seeing racism everywhere but you see some sort of Russian-ism everywhere or something?

[edit on 24-8-2007 by thisguyrighthere]

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 09:59 AM
Fantastic stuff!
Actually, this is the basic principle that the cardiac bypass perfusion machine works on today.
Medical treatment has come a long way and I guess that it couldn't have without research like this.
I wonder why they used dogs though, maybe they ran out of monkeys.
It is awful to see things happen to any animal.
However this research is legitimate medical science, not disgusting forced cosmetic testing day after day on the same poor caged animals.
Many lives have been saved though the sacrifices of these little dudes.
Still, no way I could do this type of research though.
It certainly does make you wonder what they are up to now.

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 10:01 AM
I think this is utterly sick. I won't watch the video, as it would not be good for me. I think its wrong to take other life forms and perform experiments on them, and don't even want to imagine the horror, fear, and pain those animals felt..

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 11:26 AM
notch another one up for the karma of our race. what's that? we've got none left? oh well.

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Freezer
I think this is utterly sick. I won't watch the video, as it would not be good for me. I think its wrong to take other life forms and perform experiments on them, and don't even want to imagine the horror, fear, and pain those animals felt..

Hey no, wrong.

If it was American who did it, American was a hero. It should sound like American invented a new technology, medical achievement. It is GOOD to find new medical discovery to safe human in American life form.

But remember, when it is Russian who did it. You HAVE TO REMEMBER WELL and don't forget TO SHOUT horrorrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, feaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr, paiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnn, wrooooooooonggggggggggg, inhuman......................

Remember that! Ok? we have to do all dirty stuff to win over Russian the Communists, we are Christians, remember?
We must give them a bad name so we can survive, we must do dirty trick since we are losing.

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 06:16 PM
i think ive seen this video on ats before, or for sure i got it off another site.

theres a wiki log on the claimed scientist.

but its disputed to be a hoax or russian propaganda, cause there isnt much behind it but that video. but it very well could have been the first experiments leading to heard transplants an such

[edit on 24-8-2007 by DalairTheGreat]

posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 03:44 PM
American PLAN A:

If it is Russian, then it is SICK, it is inhumanity, it is pain so on and so on, it is Communism. They are not one of us, they are enemy.
We Christians are the righteous.

American PLAN B:

If Plan A failed. Then do plan B, it is Russian's HOAX, Russian has no such technology. So on and so on.

Don't you ever let Russian grow, they are Communist, they are our enemy no.1 . We have a God, we have Jesus. Russian are atheists.

DO YOUR BEST TO give them a bad name, in the name of Jesus we trust.

posted on Aug, 25 2007 @ 03:51 PM
Please Stay on Topic

I would encourage members to discuss the video and not the possible politics or propaganda of the United States or Soviet Union.

[edit on 25-8-2007 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Aug, 26 2007 @ 07:51 AM
I refuse to watch the video and really hope it is a hoax.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by dreamingawake
I refuse to watch the video and really hope it is a hoax.

Yes, a way to reanimate people would be an awful thing and an insult to the almighty one, wouldn't it?

People dying of heartattacks shouldn't be given a second chance, they had it comming, right?
How about your troops you sent out to Iraq, the ones who bled to death before they could reach medical attention, serves them right for signing up, doesn't it?

Why are alot of people so simple minded

[edit on 17-9-2007 by koenw]

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 02:39 PM
I think youll find if you dig around there are several videos showing them cutting a head off one dog and sewing it back onto the neck of another dog so the dog had 2 heads.
Its true
Ive seen them

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 03:08 PM
I just watched the part with the head that was supposedly alive, and it looks fake. The way the head twitches, I'd think, would require something for it to be anchored on for the muscles to work that way. In other words, the neck looks like it would have to be attached. Additionally, the blood needs more than oxygen for cells to function, though that could be just mislabeling on the part of the video.

The videos look more like drugged dogs, really.

Also, it states that being dead for 8 minutes had no harmful effects on the dog. That's laughable, seeing how they have, you know, a brain that requires oxygen.

[edit on 17-9-2007 by Johnmike]

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 03:21 PM
Is there a way to find out if this is real or not?

And what the hell is wrong with Cibai? lol Are you feeling ok?

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by _Phoenix_
Is there a way to find out if this is real or not?

There does appear to be some controversy with whether this is real or just propaganda. I would be inclined to disbelieve such experiments, but the film is credited to Sergei Bryukhonenko who is basically the father of modern day open heart procedure in Russia, and this lends some credence to it's possible authenticity. On top of that I have seen several pieces of evidence which suggest the decapitated heads were not able to survive any longer than a few minutes under controlled supervision. If these experiments were indeed carried out then there should be some medical papers floating around that verify the results.

Here is one critical review of the film:

...and a little about Bryukhonenko himself:

Bryukhonenko Bio

[edit on 17-9-2007 by Jazzerman]

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