posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 02:19 PM
Dear Amon Goeth
I fully appreciate what you are trying to convey and therefore I am not going to make any 'daft' comments, or make 'fun' of the subject that you
have posted, like so many seemed to have done. (I thought that this was a serious site and that the ethics were to adhere to that and not end up in
making a mockery of someone airing a serious point that credence of such, should be at least looked at. I thought everyone who subscribed to this
site had that in mind). It is all about 'Above Top Secret', isn't it? As such, why should the topic of Elvis's death be any different.
In looking at Elvis himself and his army, then, music/film career and influence - on total a total mass worldwide scale phenomenom.......... who
cannot wonder how much of this was actually controlled? What an ideal subject and experiment into how the masses could be controlled, even if it was
through 'mass hysteria'! (Let's face it, this was the unprecidented 'not normal' response to Elvis's presence). And if that is the question,
then by whom? But then let's face it, the truth is that Elvis was very much controlled by everyone around him (but at who's backing?). It began in
his his early career and then his marraige to Priscilla. I don't think that the total control was in force at this stage though. This first
marraige was to the women (but girl, really back then) who he sought, loved endlessely and 'fought to marry'. Trying to convince Elvis to not go
there was something the 'controllers' gave into but, once they were married, it was not long after that, when he then started showing 'other
personality traits, abuse, misuse and paranoia.... classic signs, that we now know relate to 'mind control abuse'. He was definately developing
into two different persons. He would abuse and be violent and then not know what he had done. And this went on and on....until too much was 'too
Years on, after ...................much later in his life, it seems to get so much so that they have to 'feed' him with whatever they think will
keep him under contol while he is struggling with his whole existence. Be it mind altering drugs, alcohol and hence his strange behaviour as a
result, it seems everything was deployed to keep him from displaying anything other than a slave to this control...... otherwise, the program would
crack. If anything, and I know this may seem extreme, but there is the very possibilty that Elvis's death was faked, not by himslef but by those
that controlled his whole existence and I am not surprised for it to be assumed that his father was a party to the whole 'control' thing.
What is an MK-Ultra or related project? That is very much a question, but one that cannot be ignored. If this is in fact the hub of a truth, then I
think Elvis was very much a victim of one of the great mind control experiments. Actually, I am so very surprised that this is not mentioned as
speculation or in fact, more commonly...... but then hey, it is not supposed to be is it. So, in conclusion I tend to agree that his death was faked,
but not as people would like to think. As such, I doubt that he only lived as long as necessary and was totally conditioned to carry out his days in
total excile, from his prior life. Whatever anyone wants to believe, God rest his soul.